- Alzheimer’s and Eating/Drinking
- Nutrición y Demencia, 2014
- The Benefits of Cooking with Alzheimer’s: A Caregiver’s Guide
Densidad de energía
- Ver también Energía
- Dietary energy density: Applying behavioural science to weight management, 2017
- Dietary Energy Density and Body Weight: A Review of the Evidence, Nutrition Evidence Library (NEL), USDA, 2012 | Más
- Low-Energy-Dense Foods and Weight Management: Cutting Calories While Controlling Hunger, CDC
- Second Expert Report: Food, Nutrition, Physical activity and the Prevention of Cancer: a Global Perspective, WCRF-AICR, 2007, ver página 324, Box 8.1
- What is energy density, BNF, 2009
Densidad de nutrientes
- A nutrient profiling system for the (re)formulation of a global food and beverage portfolio, 2017
- A Theoretical Approach Using Nutrient Density to Plan Diets for Groups, NAP, 2003
- Choose Nutrient-dense Foods, NIH Senior Heath
- Defining Powerhouse Fruits and Vegetables: A Nutrient Density Approach, 2014
- Diet diversity and nutrient intake, 1985
- Expression of nutrient allowances per 1,000 kilocalories, 1980
- General Aspects on Recommended Dietary Allowances, Wretlind, 1977
- Go Further with Food: Nutrient Density, Foodinsight
- Nutrient density, ILSI Europe, 2018
- Nutrient density, Choose my plate, USDA
- Nutrient density: principles and evaluation tools, 2014
- Nutrient density score, 2005
- Practice Paper: Nutrient Density - Selecting Nutrient-Dense Foods for Good Health, AND, 2016
- Priority micronutrient density in foods, 2021, en pdf
- Proceedings of a roundtable event ‘Is communicating the concept of nutrient density important?’, BNF, 2020
- The Pros and Cons of Nutrient Density, Tufts University
- Standards for nutritional adequacy of the diet: European and WHO/FAO viewpoints, Wretlind, 1982
- Ver también Actividad física
- American College of Sports Medicine, Position Stands
- Nutrición, actividad física y deporte, 2012 - cap. 15
- Nutrition and athletic performance. Evidence-based analysis. Position of the American Dietetic Association, Dietitians of Canada, and the American College of Sports Medicine (March 2016) | Más | Más
- Nutrition and Hydration Guidelines for Athletes, ILSI, India, 2009
- Nutrición para deportistas, 2012
- Nutritional ergogenic aids and exercise performance, 1999 | Supplements and Ergogenic Aids for Athletes, eatRight.gov, 2014 | Ergogenic aids, USDA | Más |
- ¡A desayunar! 1999
- A three-component Breakfast Quality Score (BQS) to evaluate the nutrient density of breakfast meals, 2023
- El desayuno en España, FEN, 2018
- El desayuno saludable, 2003 | En pdf
- El desayuno en los hábitos alimentarios de estudiantes de diversas edades de Madrid. 1984
- European breakfast cereal association
- Ideas actuales sobre el papel del desayuno en la alimentación, 1998
- MS Breakfast calculator, developed by the International Breakfast Research Initiative (IBRI) - A three-component Breakfast Quality Score (BQS) to evaluate the nutrient density of breakfast meals, 2023
Ir arriba
- Ver Hidratación
- Ver Malnutrición
Despilfarro de alimentos
- Ver también Dieta sostenible
- Ver también Sostenibilidad
- Agencia Catalana de Seguridad Alimentaria, Despilfarro de alimentos
- Data and Research to Improve the U.S. Food Availability System and Estimates of Food Loss:
A Workshop Report, IOM, 2015 | Read Online
- Día Internacional de Concienciación sobre la Pérdida y el Desperdicio de Alimentos, FAO, 29 de septiembre
- EUROSTAT, Environmental data centre on waste
- FAO, Food Loss and Food Waste | Sustainability Pathways | Food Wastage Footprint | Food waste harms climate, water, land and biodiversity | Food wastage footprint, video, 3:16 min | Food wastage footprint 2, video, 3:39 min | Double Pyramide: healthy food for people, sustainable food for the planet, 2010 | Safe food: Global initiative on food lossess and waste reduction, 2011 / en pdf | What governments, farmers, food businesses – and you – can do about food waste | Recomendaciones para reducir los desperdicios de comida | Sustainability Pathways
- FAO, Food Wastage Footprint & Climate Change, 2015
- Los espigadores y la espigadora (Les glaneurs et la glaneuse), Documental de Agnés Varda, 2000 (1 h 18 min) | Ficha
- Manual para la revalorización de descartes, BCulinaryLAB, 2018
- Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, Guía, Cómo reducir el desperdicio alimentario | Más alimento, menos desperdicio | Campaña "Buen aprovecho" | 10 consejos prácticos pra aprovechar y no desperdiciar | Más información
- Nordic Council of Ministries, Prevention of food waste in restaurants, hotels, canteens and catering, 2012
- Think Eat Save, Reduce your foodprint | Student Challenge | Toolkit |
- UE, Stop food waste
- Unilever, Guía práctica para reducir los desperdicios alimentarios, 2013 | Abre los ojos ante los desperdicios, con nuestra Guía de mermas
- UNEP, United Nations Environment Programme
- USDA, Infografía: soluciones creativas para poner fin al desperdicio de alimentos en las escuelas
DHA, Ácido docosahexaenoico
- Ver también Ácidos grasos
- DHA, Beneficios en el ciclo vital, ILSI, 2015 | Parte 1 | Parte 2
- Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of a health claim related to DHA and contribution to normal brain development, EFSA, 2014
- Ver también Índice glucémico
- ADA, American Diabetes Association, en español | Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes—2015: Summary of Revisions | Clinical Practice Recommendations, 2014 | Evidencia científica | Clinical Practice Recommendations | Slide library | Nutrition Therapy Recommendations for the Management of Adults With Diabetes | Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Nutrition Practice Guideline for Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes in Adults: Systematic Review of Evidence for Medical Nutrition Therapy Effectiveness and Recommendations for Integration into the Nutrition Care Process, 2017
- ADA, Physical Activity/Exercise and Diabetes: A Position Statement of the American Diabetes Association, 2016
- Azúcar y diabetes, recomendaciones internacionales, 2013
- Consejos de nutrición para la diabetes, Academia Española de Nutrición y Dietética
- Diabetes Home, CDC | Eat well!
- Diabetes Mellitus gestacional, Junta de Andalucía, 2017
- Diabetes Mellitus gestacional, 2016
- Diabetes.org.uk, Diabetes UK's position statements about policy and campaigning issues, recommendations about the delivery of diabetes care, and other reports and statistics | Food, Nutrition & Lifestyle | Evidence-based nutrition guidelines for the prevention and management of diabetes, 2011 | En pdf
- Diabetes UK evidence-based nutrition guidelines for the prevention and management of diabetes, 2018
- Diet, nutrition and the prevention of type 2 diabetes, 2004
- Dietary and nutritional approaches for prevention and management of type 2 diabetes, BMJ, 2018
- Does the Mediterranean diet prevent diabetes?, Summaries for patients, Ann Intern Med, 2014
- Educador terapéutico en diabetes, 2006, Manual orientado a la formación de educadores en diabetes. Patrocinado por DiaBalance, Consejo General de Enfermería y Escuela Internacional de Ciencias de la Salud
- EFAD, Diabetes | EFAD Infographics for World Diabetes Day 2018
- ESC Guidelines on diabetes, pre-diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases developed in collaboration with the EASD. The Task Force on diabetes, pre-diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and developed in collaboration with the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), 2013
- Estrategia en Diabetes del Sistema Nacional de Salud, Ministerio de Sanidad, 2012
- Estudio PREDIMERC: Prevalencia de Diabetes Mellitus y factores de riesgo cardiovascular en la población adulta de la Comunidad de Madrid, 2007 | Protocolo del estudio PREDIMERC | Resumen del informe PREDIMERC | MÁS
- Global report on diabetes, WHO, 2016 | En pdf | Más
- Guía clínica de la Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2, Fisterra, 2011
- Guía de Práctica Clínica sobre la Diabetes Mellitus tipo 1, SNS, 2012
- Guía de Práctica Clínica sobre Diabetes tipo 2, SNS, 2009
- International Diabetes Federation (IDF) | IDF Atlas
- Management of diabetes, SIGN, 2011
- Manual: Educador terapéutico en diabetes, Consejo General de Enfermería
- Manual para prevenir Diabetes tipo 2 en Europa, 2013
- Prevention and management of type 2 diabetes: dietary components and nutritional strategies, 2014
- Recent Advances in the Pathogenesis, Prevention and Management of Type 2 Diabetes and its Complications, 2011 | Cap. 21. Nutritional Therapy in Diabetes: Mediterranean Diet
- The Role of Medical Nutrition Therapy and Registered Dietitian Nutritionists in the Prevention and Treatment of Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes, Position Paper AND 2018
Ir arriba
- Ver Dietas de adelgazamiento
- Ver Dieta equilibrada
- Ver Dietoterapia / Dietas hospitalarias
- FISTERRA, Dietas
Dieta Atlántica
- Consumo de alimentos en Galicia, Dieta Atlántica, 2004
- Dieta Atlántica, FEN, 2006
Dieta cetogénica
- Manual para la práctica de la Dieta Cetogénica, SENPE, 2016
Dieta equilibrada/saludable/prudente
- Ver Dieta Mediterránea
- BDA, Nutrition and Hydration Digest: Improving Outcomes through Food and Beverage Services, 2012 | En pdf
- Can We Say What Diet Is Best for Health? Katz DL, Meller S. Annual Review of Public Health 2014;35:83-103
- FSA, Eat Well
- ILSI, Healthy Lifestyles: Diet, Physical Activity and Health, ILSI, 2012 | 1998
- NAOS, Nutrición y Alimentación Saludable
- SEDCA, Guía de la Dieta Equilibrada, 2007
- SENC y semFYC, Guía de la alimentación saludable, España, 2007 (ver página 11) | SENC, 2004, ver anexo 1.1
- USDA, Healthy Eating on a Budget
- WHO, Healthy diet, 2014 | Sistemas alimentarios para una mejor salud: resumen ejecutivo, 2021 |
Dieta Mediterránea
- A Mediterranean Journal of Economics, Agriculture and Environment, NEW MEDIT, an OPEN ACCESS review
- Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca sulle Culture Alimentari Mediterranee, Publicaciones
- CIHEAM (International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies)
- Diccionario de la Dieta Mediterránea, 2019 | En pdf
- Dieta Mediterránea, SEDCA, 2014 | En pdf
- Dieta Mediterránea, colección de vídeos de RTVE
- Dieta mediterránea. Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la humanidad, Unesco
- EFSA Scientific opinion on Mediterranean diet, 2245/2011
- El gran ensayo de campo nutricional PREDIMED, 2017
- ¿Es posible la dieta mediterránea en el siglo XXI?, 2011
- Estudio PREDIMED (Efectos de la dieta mediterránea en la prevención primaria de la enfermedad cardiovascular) | Media report | Protocolos | ¿Tienes una dieta mediterránea? | Presentación en pdf
- Forum on Mediterranean Food Cultures
- Istituto di Istruzione Superiore “Ancel Keys”
- Istituto Nazionale per la Dieta Mediterranea e la Nutrigenomica
- La Dieta Mediterranea en el mundo, pasado, pesente y futuro, Real Academia de Gastronomía, 2012
- MediTERRA | The mediterranean diet for sustainable regional development, 2012 | 2014 | 2016
- Mediterranean diet, a sustainable food consumption pattern (MediTERRA, 2016)
- Mediterranean diet pyramid today. Science and cultural updates, 2011
- On the waves of the Seven Countries Study: a public health perspective on cholesterol, Kromhout, 1999
- Pirámide Mediterránea | Fundación Dieta Mediterránea
- Pirámide mediterránea de Oldways
- Proceedings of the VIIIth Barcelona International Congress on the Mediterranean Diet, 2011
- The Mediterranean Diet and Nutritional Adequacy: A Review, 2014
- The seven countries study | The Seven Countries Study, Kromhout y col., 1993 | Ancel Keys and the Seven Countries Study: An Evidence-based Response to Revisionist Histories. White Paper, Commissioned by The True Health Initiative, 2017
- What national and subnational interventions and policies based on Mediterranean and Nordic diets are recommended or implemented in the WHO European Region, and is there evidence of effectiveness in reducing noncommunicable diseases? WHO, Health Evidence Network synthesis report, 2018 | En pdf
Dieta Nórdica /Nueva Dieta Nórdica
- Cost-Effectiveness of a New Nordic Diet as a Strategy for Health Promotion, 2015
- Dietary composition and nutrient content of the New Nordic Diet, 2013 | Texto
- Guidelines for the New Nordic Diet, 2012 | Texto
- The association between adherence to the New Nordic Diet and diet quality, 2016
- The Nordic diet: Healthy eating with an eco-friendly bent, Harvard Medical School, 2015
- What is the Nordic Diet?, IFIC, 2018
- What national and subnational interventions and policies based on Mediterranean and Nordic diets are recommended or implemented in the WHO European Region, and is there evidence of effectiveness in reducing noncommunicable diseases? WHO, Health Evidence Network synthesis report, 2018 | En pdf
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Dieta sostenible
- Ver también Despilfarro de alimentos
- Ver también Sostenibilidad
- Double pyramid, 2016 | Más
- Environmental Impacts of Diet Changes in the EU, 2009
- FAO, Sustainable Diets and Biodiversity, 2012 | Sustainable food consumption and production, En PDF | Plates, pyramids and planets, 2016 | Proceedings of the FAO/WHO International Symposium on sustainable food systems for healthy diets and improved nutrition, 2018
- Food Climate Research Network, FCRN | What is a sustainable healthy diet?, 2014 | Changing what we eat, 2014
- Food waste: causes, impacts and proposals, 2012
- Healthy, sustainable diets, BNF
- Healthy and Sustainable Diets for European Countries, EUPHA 2017
- Hunger and environmental nutrition, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics | Documentos | Teaching Food Systems and Sustainability in Nutrition Education and Dietetic Training: Lessons for Educators, 2013
- LifeWell for Life, Project funded through the EU’s LIFE Programme for the Environment and will be implemented over three years (2011-2014) by WWF | Adopción de una dieta saludable y sostenible: oportunidades y obstáculos clave. Informe, 2013 | On our plate today: healthy, sustainable food choices, 2014 | Sustainable diets resources
- MediTERRA, The mediterranean diet for sustainable regional development, 2012 | CIHEAM | En Español | Magrama
- Nitrogen on the table, 2015 | En pdf | PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency
- Nutrición y biodiversidad, INFOODS
- Retos medioambientales de la industria alimentaria, 2012
- Sustainable Diets: Food for Healthy People and a Healthy Planet, IOM, 2014 | En pdf
- Sustainable Food, European Comission
- Sustainable healthy diets - guiding principles, FAO/WHO, 2019
- Sustainability, Harvard School of Public Health
- What is a sustainable healthy diet?, FCRN
Dieta vegetariana
- Ver Vegetarianismo
Dietary reference intakes / Dietary reference values
- Ver Ingestas recomendadas / Ingestas dietéticas de referencia
Dietas detox
- Literature review finds no evidence to support detox diets for weight loss or detoxification, 2015
- The dubious practice of detox, Harvard Medical School
Dietas de adelgazamiento
- Ver también Obesidad y Dietas milagro
- Consumer Diet and Lifestyle Book Reviews, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
- Best And Worst Diets, U.S. News, 2013 | Más | Mediterranean diet | DASH diet
- Dietas de adelgazamiento. Video de la conferencia "Verdad y mentira en las dietas de adelgazamiento" de Marta Garaulet. Explicación muy didáctica basada en conocimientos científicos actuales sobre la verdad, controversias y/o errores de las principales dietas de adelgazamiento
- Eat more, lose weight, BNF, 2010
- Fasting – the ultimate diet?, 2007
Dietas milagro/mágicas
- Dietas milagro. Ventajas e inconvenientes
- Evidencia para descartar mitos sobre dietas de adelgazamiento: Recomendaciones nutricionales basadas en la evidencia para la prevención y el tratamiento del sobrepeso y la obesidad en adultos (Consenso FESNAD-SEEDO), Rev. Esp. Obes. 2011; Vol 10, Supl.1
- FEN, Dietas mágicas, 1999 | en pdf
- FEN, INUTCAM Dietas y productos mágicos, 2009 | En pdf | Más
Ir arriba
- Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Definition of Terms List, 2016
- Dietetic practice: the past, present and future, 2004
- Dietética (bioética y deontología en nutrición humana y dietética, 2007
- Improvement of education and Competences in dietetics (IMPECD), 2016
- The rise and fall of dietetics and of nutrition science, 4000 BCE–2000 CE, 2005
- Legislación, AESAN
- Alimentos para grupos especiales
- Control de Peso
- General
- Lactantes y Niños
- Usos Médicos Especiales
- Personas con Intolerancia al Gluten
- Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Definition of Terms List, 2017
- EFAD The Voice of European Dietitian
- ENDietS, The European Network of Dietetic Students
- ICDA, International Confederation of Dietetic Association
- La profesión de dietista en España, Pilar Cervera, 1997
- Perfil de las competencias del titulado universitario en nutrición humana y dietética, Consenso 2003
Dietoterapia / Dietas hospitalarias
- Consenso sobre la nomenclatura de las dietas hospitalarias, Codinucat, 2021 | Más
- Clinical Diet Manual. A Handbook for Medical Nutrition Therapy, 2018
- Diet Manual, 2010
- Dietoterapia, Junta de Andalucía
- Idaho Diet Manual, 2020
- Manual de dietoterapía, 2001
- Manual of clinical nutrition management, 2013
- Therapeutic Diet Manual, 2018
- Guía de nutrición para personas con disfagía, INSERSO, 2013 | En pdf | Edición de 2017 | En pdf
- Manual for feeding and swallowing management in long-term care facilities, 2010
- Ver también Enfermedad cardiovascular
- Guía clínica de Dislipemias, Fisterra, 2013
- Guía de la ESC/EAS sobre el manejo de las dislipemias, 2011
- European Society of Cardiology, Dyslipidaemias (Management of), 2011
Doble carga de la desnutrición
- Doble carga de la desnutrición, 2014 | En pdf
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