News - European Audiovisual Heritage in times of Transformation

Kick off del Proyecto HORIZON en Viena del 6-8 marzo 2023

Fernando Ramos, IP de la Complutense en el Consorcio REBOOT que dirige la Dra. Katherine Sarikakis

9 mar 2023 - 12:26 CET

Los profesores de esta Cátedra, Fernando Ramos  y Loreto Corredoira, conforman el grupo español del Proyecto REBOOT que ha concedido la Comisión Europea al consorcio liderado por la Dra. Katherine Sarikakis de la Universidad de Viena.  

El acrónicmo REBOOT responde a Reviving, Boosting,Optimising and Transforming European Film Competitiveness.  Entre los objetivos y tareas del proyecto para los años 2023-2026  destacan los siguientes. La UCM es responsable del WP 2. 

  • To explore the long-standing strengths and pervasive gaps in European competitiveness and policies for competitiveness
  • To place attention to the active preparation for the future in the area of audiences by exploring audience preferences and their generation, as well as modes of film content production. 


The combination of 5 dimensions;

1. Increasing support for young people’s engagement with European film

2. Strengthening the place of the EU in the global audio-visual economy, particularly in light of the rise of video on demand

3. Supporting cultural diversity in the EU film industry 

4. Addressing the need for a different understanding of competitiveness and relevant indicators in this context

5. Recognising and supporting the importance for the EU of film and, more broadly, of the cultural and creative sector as a geopolitical asset

Kick off del Proyecto HORIZON en Viena del 6-8 marzo 2023 - 1

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