European Law regarding the Heritage of Audiovisual Works

Prof. in charge Loreto CORREDOIRA
Typology Seminar


Teaching Unit 1.   Heritage and the Audiovisual

Topic 1. Legal concept of Heritage and “audiovisual works"   

  1. Legal position of Heritage

1.1. Historical, documentary and bibliographical heritage/ Intangible and Digital / National Heritage

1.2. European Law regarding Audiovisual Works (AVMS Directive, Copyright Directive, Cross-border content Regulation, Music Licenses Management Directive) 

  1. Photography, television and cinema in Spanish law.
  2. “Audiovisual works" in the Cinema Law and the Law of Intellectual Property
  3. Legislation applicable to other “audiovisual” media. Theatre, musical performances, etc. .


Teaching Unit 2: Intellectual Ownership and right of access to works

Topic 2: Intellectual Ownership of audiovisual works

Topic 3. Rights of Access to Works and exceptions

Topic 4. The challenge of digitalization of audiovisual works

Challenges of conservation/preservation in the management of rights.


Impact A key course for Master and PhD students working on the field of Audiovisual Heritage. The course is taught mainly by professor Corredoira, but we also invite to come at least 3 or 4 guests from the Institutions in charge of the Copyright Management. We have had and we plan to keep doing it, visits and conversations with people in charge of  Video Archives and/or  Films  to enrich the practical application of the Laws (RTVE for example). We also visit annually the Spanish Parliament or the EU Parliament to talk with Public representatives about new Directives or Regulations ahead.  This amplifies also the impact of this Chair having conversations with policymakers and lobbyists.

Didactic materials


Analizaremos en clase distintos fragmentos de películas que afrontan la cuestión de cómo se protege el "patrimonio audiovisual europeo" en concreto sobre varias obras de directores, pintores o músicos europeos,  desde distintos puntos de vista.  

En concreto los siguientes títulos muestran diversos aspectos de gestión y legislación :

1) Pavarotti, 2019 (Dir. Ron Howard). 

Cómo se elabora un biopic a partir de elementos de video caseros, de televisión, testimonios etc.  cómo se gestionan sus derechos, cómo se identifican los materiales).  

Documental Pavarotti 2019



2) Cómo se heredan o qué valor tienen (biografia de Chaplin,  1992, dirigida por R. Attenborough)  El valor de la película como un "bien" 


3) La restitución de bienes culturales.  Cómo se consigue recuperar obras expropiadas (en La dama de oro, 2015, de Simon Curtis) sobre el caso real de recuperación de un cuadro de Klimt  

Maria Altman, heredera del cuadro
