Documentary films: current trends in Europe. From dissemination to awareness.

Prof. in charge María Antonia PAZ
Typology Seminar


This is a course in which undergraduate students not only learn about European documentary  heritage but also develop an awareness of European values. We will additionally deal with European content on VOD platforms as well as public funding and promotion of it



  1. MEDIA programme grants for the creation of audiovisual content. International co-production assistance funds. Market access and film festivals.
  2. Narrative and creative offerings of the winners of the European Film Award for Best Documentary (EFA) -
  3. Viewing and analysing the values contained in a selection of European non-fiction productions. Themes, frame and social-awareness strategies.
  4. Group production of a short documentary on relevant priority issues in the European Union



This seminar will be offered to students who are in the fourth year of the Audiovisual Communication degree and are taking the optional course on Documentary Film History. The objective is to familiarize students with the production of documentaries in Europe, the possibilities for subsidies and priority themes arising from social challenges that are currently demanding audiovisual attention.


Participants will make a short documentary about a particular issue related to “Europe in a changing world: Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies”. Each year there will be an average of twenty short films.


A gala will be held at the Faculty of Information Sciences, in which the ten best audiovisual works will be exhibited. An audience discussion of the stories addressed and the solutions provided will also be part of the gala. A first prize will be awarded to the best short film produced.