Fernando Ramos Arenas
Dr. Fernando Ramos Arenas is Associate Professor (tenured) at the Department of Art History at Complutense University in Madrid.
He has a strong international background: from 2010 to 2017 he was assistant professor at Leipzig University, Germany, where he earned his Ph.D. in 2010 and directed the project Cinephilia under the dictatorship. He has been Marie Curie fellow and in 2017-18 he was Visiting Researcher at Georgetown University, Washington DC. He has published two monographs on film authorship and on European film cultures (2011 and 2021), edited three volumes and written more than fifty chapters in books and articles in leading research journals such as Screen, The Historical Journal of Film Radio and Television, Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, Media History, Hispanic Research Journal and the Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, mainly on the topic of film culture, media theory and history.
Since 2022 he is the director of the Journal Anales de Historia del Arte.
Current Projects as IP:
REBOOT, an Horizon 2020 project (IP Complutense Fernando Ramos Arenas, 2023-2026)
Film Culture in Transition (IP Fernando Ramos Arenas, 2018-2022)
Ingmar Bergman out of focus: translations, receptions & interpretations (IPs: Fernando Ramos Arenas, junto con Jono van Belle Universidad de Örebro, Suecia, y María Paz Peirano, Universidad de Chile) (2021-2023) Project funded by the Riksbanken Jubileumsfond for the Adavencement of the Humanities and Social Sciences.
Recent publications (last five years)
- 2023. Cinephiles without films: Culture, censorship and alternative forms of film consumption in Spain and the GDR around 1960. In: Daniela Treveri Gennari, Lies Van de Vijver, Pierluigi Ercole (ed.): The Palgrave Handbook of Comparative New Cinema Histories. Londres: Palgrave.
- 2023 (PEER REVIEWED) Entre la migración forzosa y la transición poscinematográfica. Cine, museo y arqueología de los medios. Arte, Individuo y Sociedad, Vol. 35, núm. 3 (pp. 843-857) (SCOPUS, Q1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts) https://dx.doi.org/10.5209/aris.84943.
- 2022. Recepción cinematográfica durante el primer franquismo. In: Antonio Pantoja, Beatriz de las Heras y Magí Crusells (coord.): El cine del Primer Franquismo. Síntesis: Madrid. pp. 97-116.
- 2022 Imágenes de un mito fundacional. La Guerra Civil española en las películas de la DEFA. En: J. M. Faraldo y C. Sanz (ed.): La otra Alemania. Granada: Comares (pp. 171-188).
2021 Cinephilie unter der Dikatur. Berlin: Springer.
- 2021 (EDITED VOLUME) Una cultura cinematográfica en transición. España 1970-1986. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch. Ranked: Q1, top 10 Communication, SPI, Scholarly Publishers Indicators in Humanities and Social Sciences.
2021 (PEER REVIEWED) “Cinefilia transicional: Crítica y cultura cinematográfica en la revista española Casablanca (1981–1985)” In: Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, 22 (3). (JCR, SCOPUS, Q1 History and Cultural Studies)
2021 (PEER REVIEWED) “A Dispositif of Wonder. Cinema spectatorship, pedagogy and avant-garde in 1930s Spain” In: Screen, issue 62/1 (Spring 2021) pp. 1-19 (JCR, SCOPUS, Q1 2019 Visual Arts and Performing Arts, H Index 25)
2021 (PEER REVIEWED) “Rethinking cinema from its margins. Cinephilic moments and relocation in the work of Víctor Erice in the 21st century”: In: FOTOCINEMA, nº 23, pp. 137-157.
2020 Cifras, espacios y prestigio. El cine español y su público. In: José Luis Sánchez Noriega (ed.): Cine español en la era digital: emergencias y encrucijadas los años noventa. Barcelona: Laertes, pp. 97-109.
2020 Kino im Kollektiv. Filmrezeption und politische Kontrolle in der DDR der 1950er Jahre. In: Patrick Merziger, Christian Schwarzenegger and Thomas Birkner (ed.): Medieneffekte, Rezeptionen, Anschlusskommunikationen. Konzepte, Methoden und Quellen einer historischen Medienwirkungsforschung. Herbert von Halem Verlag: Köln, pp. 273-293.
2020 (PEER REVIEWED) Un canon en transición. In: Archivos de la filmoteca, 78, abril, pp. 95-108.
2020 (PEER REVIEWED) (together with Virginia Martín Jiménez): Framing Political Change
A comparative analysis of the role played by media in the political transitions of Spain (1981) and the German Democratic Republic (1989). In: Media History, 26 (2), pp. 215-229 (SCOPUS, Q1 History and Cultural Studies)
2019 Ideología, entretenimiento y guerra fría: una aproximación a la televisión de la RDA. In: Virginia Martín Jiménez and Julio Montero Díaz (ed.): La Televisión en Europa: la Historia de sus Orígenes. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch. Pp. 27-50. Ranked: Q1, top 10 Communication, SPI, Scholarly Publishers Indicators in Humanities and Social Sciences.
2019 Abstracción, reforma y síntesis. Los cines de la Bauhaus. Boletín del Colegio de Licenciados, 286. Pp. 34-37.
2019 (PEER REVIEWED) From Stalinism to Cinephilia. The Emergence of East German Film Culture in the 1950s. In: The Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 39 (2), pp. 271-289. Online: https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/Nzips3ICKXbwbHPfTGZG/full?target=10.1080/01439685.2018.1527066 (SCOPUS, Q1 History and Visual Arts, End 2018)
2019 ¿Qué es el cine español de calidad? Sobre la transformación de las culturas cinematográficas nacionales a finales del siglo XX. [What is a Spanish cinema of quality? On the transformation of national film cultures in the late XXth Century]. In: José Luis Sánchez Noriega (ed.): Imaginarios y figuras del cine de la Postransición. Barcelona: Laertes, pp. 33-52.
2019 Entre la expresión y comunicabilidad. Mito, narración y realismo en el cine de Manuel Gutiérrez Aragón [Between expression and communicability. Myth, narration and realism in the cinema of Manuel Gutiérrez Aragón]. In: Marion Le Corre-Carrasco, Emmanuel Marigno, Philippe Merlo-Morat, José Luis Sánchez Noriega (ed.): Manuel GUTIÉRREZ ARAGÓN Mitos, religiones y héroes en la obra de Manuel Gutiérrez Aragón. Lyon: LE GRIMH, pp. 121-134.
2018 Zur Filmkultur in der DDR um 1960. Eine filmsoziologische Annäherung [Film culture in the GDR around 1960. A film-sociological approach]. In: Geimer, Alexander; Heinze, Carsten und Winter, Rainer (ed.): Die Herausforderungen des Films: Soziologische Antworten. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag. pp. 339-356.
2017 (PEER REVIEWED) Un cine leído. Cultura cinematográfica, censura y especulaciones en la España de la década de los sesenta [Read cinema. Film culture, censorship and speculations in Spain during the 1960s]. In: Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies 18 (3), pp. 239-253. (JCR, SCOPUS, Q1 History and Cultural Studies)
2017 (PEER REVIEWED) La llegada de los canales privados y la transformación de la televisión en la República Federal Alemana. In: Comunicación y Medios. (Vol. 35, Special Issue Programación y Programas en Cadenas Públicas y Privadas de Televisión. Experiencias Nacionales, July 2017), pp. 22-35.
2017 Die Illusion einer anderen Realität. Cinéphiler Kulturtransfer in der DDR und in Spanien um 1960 [The illusion of another reality. Cinephilian cultural transfer in the GDR and Spain around 1960]. In: Hüser, Dietmar (ed.): Populärkultur transnational. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 115-139.
2017 (PEER REVIEWED): Film Clubs and the Politics of Film Culture in Spain and the GDR around 1960. In: Communication & Society 30(1), pp. 1-15. (SCOPUS, Q2 Communication)
2017 (PEER REVIEWED) (together with Rubén Justo Álvarez): Una “tradición de calidad” española. Consideraciones industriales, temáticas y estéticas en torno a las películas de Interés Nacional (1944-1964) [A Spanish “tradition of quality”. Industrial, thematic and aesthetic considerations on the Films of National Interest]. In: Hispanic Research Journal (Volume 18, Issue 1, Screen Arts V) pp. 15-29. (SCOPUS, Q1 Visual Arts and Literature)