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Academic Commission

Academic Commission

Coordinator: Sonia Gómez-Jordana Ferary

Attached to the coordination: Carmen Quintero Álvarez de Eulate


Academic Commission 

Coordinator: Sonia Gómez-Jordana Ferary

Members of the Commission:

Lourdes Carriedo López

Anne-Marie Reboul

Maria Luisa Guerrero Alonso

Sonia Gómez-Jordana Ferary

Laurence Rouanne

Marta Saiz Sánchez



The Regulation approved on November 13, 2020:

Regulatio Code of the Academic Commission



Quality Commission

President: Amelia del Rosario Sanz Cabrerizo

Members of the Commission:

Julia Sevilla Muñoz

Marco Carmello

Sergio Marcelo Rodríguez  (doctorant)

Carmen Quintero (doctorante; remplaçante)

Antonio Fernando Solís Lozano (PAS)

La vierge de la Garde et le Vieux-Port de Marseille 
(by Anne-Marie Reboul)

 The formidable castle of Saint-Nicolas reminds us of the importance that once had the old port of Marseille, crossroads of the Mediterranean world since 600 BC., which is reflected in the unique architectural heritage and multicultural character of this city.