Másteres oficiales

Information for collaborating entities

The Master's Degree in Digital Letters at UCM collaborates with important entities in the business, cultural and academic world in order to offer its students curricular and extracurricular internships that allow them to have formative experiences and approach the working world in the most appropriate contexts.

Curricular internships are a compulsory subject and a fundamental stage in the development of the Master's program. The student's dedication is 300 hours and corresponds to a total of 12 credits (10% of the hours are normally reserved for the preparation of the final report). The curricular internship is a training activity and the entities are free to decide whether to offer remuneration (study grant) or not.

Extracurricular internships are an optional activity resulting from an agreement between the student and the entity. Extracurricular internships are always paid.

Entities interested in hosting students must first register with our practicum platform called GIPE (https://gipe.ucm.es/empresas/authempresas.php) and sign an agreement with UCM by filling out a form with their data that will be used by the University to prepare an Educational Cooperation Agreement. The agreement must be signed first by the company and then by UCM. It is important that in the form the company indicates whether or not it wants to assume the cost of Social Security. If the company decides not to assume this cost, it must make it explicit, since UCM will assume this cost only if it is explicitly indicated in the agreement.

Once the agreement has been signed, the entity can publish its internship offers in GIPE. The offer must include the internship tutor in the company (name and surname, telephone, e-mail), the training plan (tasks to be performed), the start and end dates of the internship and the student's weekly dedication.

When submitting an offer, the entity can indicate the name of a pre-selected student (in case it has had previous contact with a student) or submit a public offer so that interested students can apply and the company makes the selection (based on the documents uploaded to the GIPE platform and/or after an interview with the interested parties).

A complete guide on how to sign an agreement with UCM and how to submit an offer can be found at the following link:


International entities can contact the master's coordinator, María Goicoechea de Jorge (mgoico@filol.ucm.es), and she will translate the necessary documents and assist the entities with the process.