RD 99/2011, of 28 January 2011 (BOE 10-2-2011), establishes a time limit for PhD studies, depending on whether they are full-time (three years) or, exceptionally, part-time (five years).
The Complutense University of Madrid approved in the Governing Council of 26 October 2016 (BOUC of 2-12-2016), the Regulations of the permanence in PhD studies. Amendment to the point 5 of the continuity in PhD programs
Depending on how the PhD student carries out their studies (full time or part time), their continuity in the programme is shown in the following table.
Guidelines to consider for calculating the continuity on the programme
- PhD students enrolled in the third year full-time (FT) and in the fifth year part-time (PT) who do not plan to deposit their thesis before the end date of their stay, must request an extension from the Academic Committee of the programme.
- In the event that the thesis is not deposited during the first extension, PhD students may request an extraordinary extension of one more academic year from the Academic Committee of the programme.
- Extensions may be requested in the four months prior to the end of the stay, preferably before the renewal of the academic supervision (enrolment period) of the corresponding academic year.
Temporary leave for special reasons
- Temporary leave for special reasons (one academic year) may be requested from the Academic Committee of the programme as long as a positive evaluation has been obtained in the first academic year.
- The application will be made during the enrolment period and, exceptionally, until 30 November of the academic year for which the application is made (this will imply the cancellation of the enrolment if it has already been made). It will last for one academic year, starting on 15 October.
- Temporary leave for special reasons may not be requested during the academic year corresponding to the extraordinary extension.
Changes in dedication
- The change from one mode of dedication to another can only be made annually, per academic year, and always prior to the renewal of the academic supervision of the corresponding academic year (enrolment period).
- In any case, a change of dedication may not be requested after the deadline for renewal of academic supervision (enrolment period) of the third full-time year, and of the fifth part-time year.
- The change of dedication may not be requested during extensions.