• Español

3rd Complutense PhDay

The Doctoral School of the Complutense University (EDUCM), in collaboration with the Vice-rectorate of Students, announces the third Complutense PhDay.

The aim is to offer support to centres and PhD programs to extend the training of PhD students and to strengthen the relationship between them, especially between those who work on a common field of knowledge.

Faculties wishing to participate in this third Complutense PhDay may call it on the date they deem appropriate, provided it is held before 7 November. Each Faculty will also determine how to develop it and the distribution of the awards.

The centres that have confirmed their participation are:

Centre Dates Result
Fine Arts 6 november (See result)
Biological Sciences 29 october (See result)
Documentation Sciences 16 october (See result)
Information Sciences 30-31 october (See result)
Economics and Business Administration 14 october (See result)
Physical science 28-oct to 4-nov (See result)
Geological Science 5 november (See result)
Mathematical Sciences 2 july (See result)
Political Science and Sociology 31 october (See result)
Chemical Sciences 3 october (See result)
Law 27-28 may (See result)
Education – Teacher Training Centre 29 may (See result)
Nursing, Physiotherapy and Podiatry 10 june (See result)
Statistical Studies 13 june (See result)
Pharmacy 5 november (See result)
Philology 4 november (See result)
Philosophy 14 october (See result)
Geography and History 28-29 october  
Computer Science 21 october (See result)
Medicine 12 september (See result)
Optics and Optometry 7 november (See result)
Psychology 25 october (See result)
Social Work 25 october (See result)
Veterinary 27 june (See result)