Program of English Linguistics of UCM
Welcome to UCM's Doctoral Programme in English Linguistics. If you are thinking about studying with us, keep the following in mind:
1. Linguistics referring to the English language in particular is an area of research that is developing QUICKLY. The English language generates interest not only by itself, as any other natural language, but as a lingua franca for international communications and especially as an essential FIELD OF TESTS OF THEORICAL MODELS AND NEW APPLICATIONS.
2. The latter is evident not only from tradition, but also from the number of SPEAKERS AFFECTED in an infinitely VARIATED SOCIOCULTURAL situations and the distribution of FUNDS dedicated to such research.
3. The presence of this language is altering in a TRANSVERSAL WAY the own local cultures substantially; it is something that affects patterns of thought and reasoning; the composition of scientific or other texts; the modification of the concepts of native language and mother tongue; advertising and translation trends (audio-visual translation, etc.). Therefore, research in English Linguistics is INNOVATIVE AND PIONEER.
4. The UCM PhD programme in English Linguistics aims to explore and to disseminate specific areas of knowledge that specifically place THE 21st CENTURY ENGLISH LANGUAGE IN THE SOCIAL SPHERE, outside the disciplinary barriers of traditional philologies. Research in English Linguistics is required by the demand of DESIGN ACTION policies to address the dynamics and effects of globalization on society (in our case, Spanish), to give new solutions to real problems in our most immediate environment. Considering that this language is linked to the main interests, concerns, PRIORITIES and aspirations of the country.
Data of interest
1. EXCELLENCE AWARD: PhD-EngLin-UCM has consistently maintained an Excellence Distinction from the first call by the Ministry of Education in 2004 (Resolution of June 22, 2004; Resolution of October 31, 2005; Resolution BOE of October 20, 2011). Likewise, PhD-EngLin-UCM, in its previous outline, was selected among the best PhD Innovation Projects.
2. English, nowadays a consolidated academic and research area throughout Spain, was launched in the UCM almost sixty years ago. Thanks to this RESEARCH AND TEACHING TRADITION (among other factors), faculty
members have contributed to the development of the discipline with internationally recognized publications in the most varied areas, as their personal CVs, projects and groups of research demonstrate. PhD-EngLinUCM offers a distillation of this broad scientific background of its faculty members through a course of INNOVATIVE CONTENT that adequately fits the interests of the academic community and the professional profiles required by society in general.
3. PhD-EngLin-UCM is an integral part and contributes to the development of the research STRATEGY (I+D+i) of Complutense University. Some of its research groups are integrated in the so-called EXCELLENCE CAMPUS, within the cluster of Heritage.
4. Singularly, the Academic Committee of PhD-EngLin-UCM enjoys the support of two EXTERNAL CONSULTANTS assessing on quality criteria.
On 25/10/2024 the Programme has succesfully received the Renewal of the Accreditation of the Study Plan by the Council of Universities.
On 16/09/2021 the Programme obtained a FAVORABLE report by the Assessing and Accrediting SICAN Committee (Fundación para el Conocimiento Madrid+d).
Modifications Training Plan (students from year 23-24)
Students Seminar 2024-2025
New modifications in RD 576/2023
English Linguistics PhD Programme Basic Guide
Other info: Adenda COVID-19 2020, Joint evaluation schedule
Programme's email:
COVID-19: Measures and procedures concerning Covid-19 have now expired and been stored in the Campus Moodle system for reference.