Quality Committee
The Quality Committee meets twice a year on an ordinary basis, usually after pre-registration, in October, and in April-May. The Commission meets whenever specific problems or complaints have to be resolved. Meetings can be face-to-face or virtual; they are convened by the President of the Commission and deal with the items on the agenda. Subsequently, the Secretary draws up minutes of the meetings.
The Quality Committee of the Programme always works in coordination and communication with the Quality Committee of the Faculty of Philology, of which it is a member. This Quality Committee is chaired by the dean or by the person to whom the dean delegates.
Name and Surname | Category or Group |
Paloma Tejada Caller (Jorge Braga Riera: substitute) |
Full Professor. President |
Emma Dafouz Milne |
Full Professor. Faculty Representative (PhDENGLing) |
Blanca Fernández Soriano (María Gkoutziomitrou: substitute) |
PhD Candidate. Student Representative |
Álvaro Alonso Gárgoles |
Administration and Services Staff Representative |
JoAnne Neff van Aertselar |
Emeritus Professor. External Adviser |
Francisco Ruiz de Mendoza |
Full Professor, Universidad de La Rioja. External Adviser |