Caracterización del telescopio LST-1 para astronomía gamma y de MAGIC para observaciones ópticas / Characterization of the LST-1 telescope for gamma ray astronomy and MAGIC for optical observations
Orlando Andrés Baquero Larriva
La relación Litio-Edad: calibración con cúmulos abiertos y asociaciones / The lithium-age relation: Calibration with open clusters and associations
Marta Lúthien Gutiérrez Albarrán
- The Gaia-ESO Survey: Calibrating the lithium-age relation with open clusters and associations. I. Cluster age range and initial membership selections
Gutiérrez Albarrán, M. L., Montes, D., et al., 2020 A&A, 643, A71, 2020A&A...643A..71G
- The Gaia-ESO Survey: Galactic evolution of lithium from iDR6
Romano, D., Magrini, L., Randich, S., et al. (including Gutiérrez Albarrán, M. L.), 2021, A&A, 653, A72, 2021A&A...653A..72R
- The Gaia-ESO Survey: Membership probabilities for stars in 63 open and 7 globular clusters from 3D kinematics
Jackson, R. J., Jeffries, R. D., Wright, N. J, et al. (including Gutiérrez Albarrán, M. L.), 2022, MNRAS, 509, 1664-1680, 2022MNRAS.509.1664J
- The Gaia-ESO Survey: the role of magnetic activity and starspots on pre-main sequence lithium evolution
Franciosini, E., Tognelli, S., Degl’Innocenti, et al. (including Gutiérrez Albarrán, M.L.), 2021, A&A, 659, A85, 2022A&A...659A..85F
- The Gaia-ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey: motivation, implementation, GIRAFFE data processing, analysis, final data products
Gilmore, G., Randich, S., et al. (including Gutiérrez Albarrán, M. L.), 2022, A&A, 2022arXiv220602901R
- The Gaia-ESO Survey: The Gaia-ESO Survey: Survey implementation, data products, open cluster survey, and legacy
Randich, S., Gilmore, G., et al. (including Gutiérrez Albarrán, M. L.), 2022, A&A, submitted
Spatially-resolved stellar kinematics and radial molecular gas flows in the nuclear regions of Luminous Infrared Galaxies / Cinemática estelar resuelta espacialmente y flujos radiales de gas molecular en las zonas nucleares de galaxias luminosas en el inrarrojo
Alejandro Crespo Gómez
Las relaciones de la formación estelar en galaxias luminosas en el infrarrojo
María Sánchez García
“Duality in spatially resolved star formation relations in local LIRGs” Sánchez-García, M.; Pereira-Santaella,
M.; García-Burillo, S.; Colina, L.; Alonso-Herrero, A.; Villar-Matín,M.; Díaz-Santos, T.; Piqueras-López, J.;
Arribas, S.; Bellocchi, E.; Cazzoli,S. and Labiano, A. A&A 659, A102 (2022)
“Spatially resolved Star Formation relations of dense molecular gas in NGC 1068” Sánchez-García, M.; García-
Burillo, S.; Pereira-Santaella, M.; Colina, L.; Usero, A; Querejeta, M; Alonso-Herrero, A.; Fuente, 2022A&A...660A..83S
“Vibrationally excited HC3N emission in NGC 1068: tracing the recent star formation in the starburst ring”
Rico-Villas, F.; Martín-Pintado, J.; González-Alfonso, E.; Martín, S.; Rivilla, V. M.; Jiménez-Serra, I.; García-
Burillo, S.; Sánchez-García, M., 2021MNRAS.502.3021R
“Local Luminous InfraRed Galaxies as the most compact sources observed at sub-kpc scale with ALMA” Bellocchi.
E., Pereira-Santaella, M., Colina, L., Labiano, A., Sánchez-García, M., Alonso-Herrero, A., Arribas,S.,
García-Burillo, S., Villar-Martín,M., Rigopoulou, D., Díaz-Santo, T., Cazzoli, S., Usero, A. (enviado a A&A)
“Characterizing Shocks in NGC 1068” Huang, K.Y; Viti, S.; Holdship, J.; García-Burillo, S.; Kohno, K.; Taniguchi,
A.; Fuente, A. ; Usero, A.; Sánchez-García, M. (enviado a A&A)
Estudio de las primeras fases de formación de los supercumulos estelares / Study of the early stages in the formation of super star cluster
Fernando Rico Villas
- Super Hot Cores in NGC 253: witnessing the formation and early evolution of super star clusters, Rico-Villas, F.; Martín-Pintado, J.; González-Alfonso, E. et al., 2020MNRAS.491.4573R
- Vibrationally excited HC3N emission in NGC 1068: tracing the recent star formation in the starburst ring, Rico-Villas, F.; Martín-Pintado, J.; González-Alfonso, E., et al., 2021MNRAS.502.3021R
Espectroscopía de estrellas FGKM para la explotación científica de la búsqueda de exoplanetas con CARMENES / Spectroscopy of FGKM-type stars for the scientific exploitation of the CARMENES exoplanet search
Emilio Gómez Marfil

- StePar: an automatic code to infer stellar atmospheric parameters, Tabernero, H. M., Marfil, E., Montes, D., and González Hernández, J. I., 2019, A&A, 628, A131, 2019A&A...628A.131T
- Stellar atmospheric parameters of FGK-type stars from high-resolution optical and nearinfrared CARMENES spectra
Marfil, E., Tabernero, H. M., Montes, D., et al. 2020, MNRAS, 492, 4 pp. 5470–5507, 2020MNRAS.492.5470M
- The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Stellar atmospheric parameters of target stars with SteParSyn
Marfil, E., Tabernero, H. M., Montes, D., et al. 2021, A&A, 656, A162, 2021A&A...656A.162M
Estudio del acoplamiento entre dinámica y química en la formación de una estrella de masa solar /
Study of the chemo-dynamical coupling in the formation of solar-like stars
David Navarro Almaida

Gas phase Elemental abundances in
Molecular cloudS (GEMS). II. On the quest for the sulphur reservoir in molecular clouds:
the H2S case, Navarro-Almaida, D., Le Gal, R., Fuente, A. et al., 2020, A&A, 637, A39.
Evolutionary view through the
starless cores in Taurus: Deuteration in TMC 1-C and TMC 1-CP, Navarro-Almaida, D., Fuente, A., Majumdar, L., et al., 2021, A&A, 653, A15.
Gas phase Elemental abundances in
Molecular cloudS (GEMS). I. The prototypical dark cloud TMC 1, Fuente, A., Navarro-Almaida, D., Caselli, P., et al., 2019, A&A, 624, A105.
"Interacción entre estrellas evolucionadas de alta masa y su medio circunestelar: una visión (sub) milimétrica de la pérdida de masa en variables luminosas azules /
Interplay between evolved massive stars and their circumstellar medium: a (sub) millimetre view of luminous blue variable mass loss"
Cristóbal Bordiú Fernández
- “A slowly expanding torus associated with the candidate LBV MGE 042.0787+00.5084” , Bordiu, C., Rizzo, J. R., and Ritacco, A., Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 482, Issue 2, pp. 1651-1663 (2019), 2019MNRAS.482.1651B
- “NIKA 2 observations around LBV stars: emission from stars and circumstellar material”, Rizzo, J. R., Ritacco, A., and Bordiu, C., European Physical Journal Web of Conferences, Vol. 2028, 00023 (2020), 2020EPJWC.22800023R
- “The peculiar chemistry of the inner ejecta of Eta Car”, Bordiu, C., Rizzo, J. R., Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 490, Issue 2, pp. 1570-1580 (2019), 2019MNRAS.490.1570B
- “A warm molecular ring around AG Car: completing the mass-loss puzzle", Bordiu, C., Bufano, F., Cerrigone, L., Umana, G., Rizzo, J. R., Buemi, C. S., Leto, P., Cavallaro, F., Ingallinera, A., Loru, S., Trigilio, C., and Riggi, S. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 500, Issue 4, pp. 5500-5514 (2021), 2021MNRAS.500.5500B
"Galaxy clustering with the Dark Energy Survey: measurement and systematics mitigation /
Agrupamiento de galaxias con el Dark Energy Survey: medida y mitigación de sistemáticos"
Martín Rodríguez Monroy
- Dark Energy Survey Year 3 Results: Galaxy clustering and systematics treatment for lens galaxy samples, M. Rodríguez-Monroy et al. [DES Collaboration], 2022MNRAS.511.2665R
- Dark Energy Survey Year 3 Results: Galaxy Sample for BAO Measurement, A. Carnero Rosell, M. Rodríguez-Monroy et al. [DES Collaboration], 2022MNRAS.509..778C
- Dark Energy Survey Year 3 Results: Cosmological Constraints from Galaxy Clustering and Galaxy-Galaxy Lensing using the MagLim Lens Sample, A. Porredon et al. [DES Collaboration], 2021arXiv210513546P
- Dark Energy Survey Year 3 Results: Constraints on cosmological parameters and galaxy bias models from galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing using the redMaGiC sample, S. Pandey et al. [DES Collaboration], 2021arXiv210513545P
- Dark Energy Survey Year 3 Results: Cosmological Constraints from Galaxy Clustering and Weak Lensing, T. M. C. Abbott et al. [DES Collaboration], 2022PhRvD.105b3520A
"Estudio de la Evolución de la Contaminación Lumínica de Madrid Mediante Medidas del Brillo y del Color del Cielo Nocturno /
The Evolution of Light Pollution Using Measurements of Night Sky Brightness And Color In Madrid"
José Leonardo Robles Rodríguez
- Evolution of Brightness and Color of the Night Sky in Madrid, Robles, José ; Zamorano, Jaime; Pascual, Sergio; et al. Remote Sensing, 2021, Vol. 13, No. 8, id. 1511, 2021RemS...13.1511R
Evolution of interstellar dust grains in molecular cloud envelopes. Observational imprints and theoretical expectations / Evolución del polvo interestelar en las envolturas de las nubes moleculares. Traza observacional y predicciones teóricas
Leire Beitia Antero

- Dust Growth in Molecular Cloud Envelopes: A Numerical Approach, The Astrophysical Journal, DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/abe45f
- Formation of Dust Filaments in the Diffuse Envelopes of Molecular Clouds, The Astrophysical Journal, DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/abcda1
La búsqueda de hielo de agua en Cometas y Asteroides /
The Search for water ice on Comets and Asteroids
Lauren O¨Rourke

- The Philae lander reveals low strength primitive ice inside cometary boulder, O’Rourke, L., Heinisch, P., Blum, J., et al. 2020a, Nature, 586, 7831, 1-17
- Low Water outgassing from (24) Themis and (65) Cybele – 3.1 µm NIR spectra implications, O’Rourke, L., Müller, T.G., Biver, N., et al. 2020b, ApJL, 898, 2, L45
- The search campaign to identify and image the Philae Lander on the surface of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, O’Rourke, L., Tubiana, C., Güttler, C., et al. 2019, Acta Astronautica, 157, 199-214
The JEM-EUSO infrared camera: Prototype and Simulation /
Prototipo y Simulación de la cámara infrarroja de JEM-EUSO
José Alberto Morales de los Ríos Pappa
- The Infrared Camera onboard JEM-EUSO instrument,A. Morales de los Ríos, M. D. Rodriguez Frías and the JEM-EUSO Collaboration, 2015, Experimental Astronomy, Volumen: 40 Paginas: 61-89 DOI 10.1007/s10686-014-9402-5
- The Atmospheric Monitoring System of the JEM-EUSO instrument, Toscano, J. A. Morales de los Ríos, A. Neronov, M. D. Rodriguez Frías and S. Wada for the JEM-EUSO Collaboration, 2015 Experimental Astronomy, DOI 10.1007/s10686-014-9378-1
- The Infrared Camera Prototype Characterization for the JEM-EUSO Space Mission, A. Morales de los Ríos, E. Joven, L. del Peral, M. Reyes, J. Licandro and M. D. Rodríguez Frías. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research NIMA ISSN 0168-9002. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2014.02.005
Cataclysmic Variables in Wide Field Surveys
Javier Abril Ibáñez
- Disentangling cataclysmic variables in Gaia’s HR diagram, Javier Abril, Linda Schmidtobreick, Alessandro Ederoclite, Carlos López-Sanjuan, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, Volume 492, Issue 1, February 2020, Pages L40–L44, https://doi.org/10.1093/mnrasl/slz181
Estudio de emisiones periódicas en núcleos activos galácticos usando rayos gamma
Pablo Peñil del Campo

- Systematic search for gamma-ray periodicity in active galactic nuclei detected by the FermiLarge Area Telescope.
Peñil, P. et al. Astrophysical Journal, 2020, Volumen 896, Number 2, 134.
- Quasi-periodic behaviour in the optical and gamma-ray light curves of blazars 3C 66A and B2 1633+38.
Otero-Santos, J. A. Acosta-Pulido, J. Becerra González, C. M. Raiteri, V. M. Larionov, P. Peñil et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2020, Volume 492, Issue 4, .
- A Trigger Interface Board to manage trigger and timing signals in CTA Large-Sized Telescope and Medium-Sized Telescope cameras.
P. Peñil, L. A. Tejedor, J. A. Barrio, M. López for the CTA consortium. In Proceedings of the 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2017), Busan, Korea.
"Observaciones de longitud de onda múltiple de estrellas de neutrones y agujeros negros con los telescopios MAGIC /
Multiwavelength observations of neutron stars and black holes with the MAGIC Telescopes"
Kim Dihn Hoang
- Hoang, J., Will, M., Inoue, S. et al. [2019]. Searching for optical and VHE counterparts of fast radio bursts with MAGIC, 36th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2019),Vol. 36 of International Cosmic Ray Conference, p. 697. https://pos.sissa.it/358/696/pdf
- Hoang, J., Molina, E., Lopez, M., et al. [2019]. Multiwavelength observation of MAXIJ1820+070 with MAGIC, VERITAS and E.S.S.,36th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2019), Vol. 36 of International Cosmic Ray Conference, p. 696 https://pos.sissa.it/358/697/pdf
- Hoang, J., T. Hassan., L. A. Tejedor., et al. [2020]. MAGIC-II's Central Pixel System for simultaneous optical and gamma-ray observation, submitted to JATIS
"The first massive galaxies formed in the Universe: selection and characterization of optically faint, infrared-bright galaxies in the first 2 Gyr of the Universe."
Belén Alcalde Pampliega

"A Far-Infrared Study of Low and Intermediate Mass Evolved Stars Using Herschel PACS and SPIRE Spectroscopy”
Jesús Ramos Medina
- Warm CO in evolved stars from the THROES catalogue. II. Herschel/PACS spectroscopy of C-rich envelopes, J. M. da Silva Santos, J. Ramos-Medina, C. Sánchez Contreras, P. García-Lario A&A 622, A123 (2019)
- Warm CO in evolved stars from the THROES catalogue. I. Herschel-PACS spectroscopy of O-rich envelopes (Corrigendum),J. Ramos-Medina1, C. Sánchez Contreras1, P. García-Lario2 and J. M. da Silva Santos1,3 A&A 619, November 2018
- THROES PACS Spectroscopy Catalogue
- THROES: a caTalogue of HeRschel Observations of Evolved Stars: I. PACS range spectroscopy, J. Ramos-Medina1, C. Sánchez Contreras1, P. García-Lario2, C. Rodrigo1, J. da Silva Santos1 and E. Solano. A&A 611, A41(2018)
“Determinación de períodos de rotación en estrellas enanas de tipo espectral M y búsqueda y caracterización de sistemas planetarios con técnicas fotométricas"
Enrique Díez Alonso

- CARMENES input catalogue of M dwarfs IV. New rotation periods from photometric time series, Díez Alonso, E.; Caballero, J. A.; Montes, D.; de Cos Juez, F. J., et al., 2019A&A...621A.126D
- A system of three super-Earths in a cool dwarf star, Díez Alonso, E.; Suárez Gómez, S. L.; González Hernández, J. I., et al. 2018MNRAS.476L..50D
- Two planetary systems with transiting Earth-size and super-Earth planets orbiting late-type dwarf stars, Díez Alonso, E.; González Hernández, J. I.; Suárez Gómez, S. L., et al. 2018MNRAS.480L...1D
- A transiting super-Earth close to the inner edge of the habitable zone of an M0 dwarf star, Díez Alonso, E.; González Hernández, J. I.; Toledo-Padrón, B., et al., 2019MNRAS.489.5928D
"Lyman-alpha emitters in cosmological volumnes / Emisores de Lyman-alpha en volúmenes cosmológicos"
Siddhartha Gurung López

- Lyα emitters in a cosmological volume – I. The impact of radiative transfer. Siddhartha Gurung-López, Álvaro A. Orsi, Silvia Bonoli, Carlton M. Baugh, Cedric G. Lacey (Jun 29, 2018) Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc. 486 (2019) 2, 1882-1906
- Determining the systemic redshift of Lyman-α emitters with neural networks and improving the measured large-scale clustering Siddhartha Gurung-López, Shun Saito, Carlton M. Baugh, Silvia Bonoli, Cedric G. Lacey, Álvaro A. Orsi MNRAS, 2020
- Lyman-alpha emitters in a cosmological volume II: the impact of the intergalactic medium S. Gurung-Lopez, Alvaro A. Orsi, Silvia Bonoli, Nelson Padilla, Cedric G. Lacey, Carlton M. Baugh MNRAS, 491, , January 2020, Pages 3266–3289
“Procesamiento de la señal ultravioleta para el estudio del medio interestelar (de GALEX a WSO-UV)"
Marcelo Armengot
Numerical simulations of protostellar jets: on the origin of the high-energy emission" /
Simulaciones numéricas de jets protoestelares: sobre el origen de la emisión en altas energías
Sabina Ustamujic

- 2018A&A...615A.124U, Ustamujic, S.; Orlando, S.; Bonito, R.; Miceli, M.; Gómez de Castro, A. I.
- 2016A&A...596A..99U, Ustamujic, S.; Orlando, S.; Bonito, R.; Miceli, M.; Gómez de Castro, A. I.; López-Santiago, J.
- 2017hsa9.conf..475U, Ustamujic, S.; Orlando, S.; Bonito, R.; Miceli, M.; Gómez de Castro, A. I.; López-Santiago, J.
- 2016cosp...41E1966U,
“Observaciones de la emisión en muy altas energías de blazars a distancias cosmológicas” / Observations of VHE emission from Blazars at Cosmological Distances
Mirella Nievas Rosillo

Sistemas astronómicos de gran campo y su aplicación al estudio de meteoroides en la atmósfera terrestre"
Francisco Ángel Espartero Briceño

- Autonomous spectrographic system to analyse the main elements of fireballs and meteors Espartero, Francisco Ángel; Martínez, Germán; Frías, Marta; Montes Moya,;Francisco Simón; Castro-Tirado, Alberto Javier, Earth, Planets and Space, Volume 70
- Autonomous Mini Observatory for Meteor Spectrography Espartero, Francisco Ángel, Frías, Marta; Martínez, Germán; Castro-Tirado, Alberto Javier, Revista Mexicana de Astronomía y Astrofísica (Serie de Conferencias) Vol. 51, pp. 131-134 (2019)
Formación estelar en el UV en discos de galaxias de la exploración S4G: Estrangulamiento y emisión UV extensa" /
"UV tracing of the recent star formation activity in galaxy disks within the S4G survey: From strangulation to XUV emission"
Alexandre Y. K. Bouquin
- Bouquin, Alexandre Y. K.; Gil de Paz, Armando; Boissier, Samuel, et al. 2015, ApJL, 800, 19 DOI: 10.1088/2041-8205/800/1/L19
- Bouquin, Alexandre Y. K.; Gil de Paz, Armando; Muñoz-Mateos, Juan Carlos, et al. 2018, ApJS, 234, 18 DOI: 10.3847/1538-4365/aaa384
- Zaritsky, Dennis; Gil de Paz, Armando; Bouquin, Alexandre Y. K. 2014, ApJL, 780, 1 DOI: 10.1088/2041-8205/780/1/L1
- Ref: Zaritsky, Dennis; Gil de Paz, Armando; Bouquin, Alexandre Y. K. 2015, MNRAS, 446, 2030
- Muñoz-Mateos, Juan Carlos; Sheth, Kartik; Regan, Michael, et al. 2015, ApJS, 219, 3,
DOI: 10.1088/0067-0049/219/1/3
- Bouquin, Alexandre Y. K.; Gil de Paz, Armando 2017, IAU Symposium, 321, 257, DOI: 10.1017/S174392131600898X
- Bouquin, A. Y. K.; Gil de Paz, A.; Boissier, S.; Muñoz-Mateos, J. C. 2014, ASP Conference Series, 480, 221, ISBN: 978-1-58381-844-2
Modelado meteorológico mesoescalar de los entornos de misiones a Marte” /
Mesoscale meteorological modeling of Mars mission environments
Jorge Plá -García

- Comparing MSL Curiosity rover TLS-SAM methane measurements with Mars Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (MRAMS) atmospheric transport experiments. PLA-GARCIA J.; Rafkin S.; Karatekin O.; Gloesener E. -ACCEPTED-. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. Wiley Online Library, 2019.
- Background levels of methane in Mars' atmosphere show strong seasonal variations. Webster C.; Mahaffy P.; Atreya S.; Moores J.; Flesch G.; Malespin C.; McKay C.; Martinez G.; Smith C.; Martin-Torres J.; Gomez-Elvira J.; Zorzano M.; Wong M.; Trainer M.; Steele A.; Archer D.; Sutter B.; Coll P.; Freissinet C.; Meslin P.; Gough R.; House C.; Pavlov A.; Eigenbrode J.; Glavin D.; Pearson J.; Keymeulen D.; Christensen L.; Schwenzer S.; Navarro-Gonzalez R.; PLA-GARCIA J.; Rafkin S.; Vicente-Retortillo Á.; Kahanpää H.; Viudez-Moreiras D.; Smith M.; Harri A.; Genzer M.; Hassler D.; Lemmon M.; Crisp J.; Sander S.; Zurek R.; Vasavada A. Science. 360, pp. 1093-1096. 2018. ISSN 00368075. DOI: 10.1126/science.aaq0131
- La composición química de la atmósfera primitiva del planeta Tierra. PLA-GARCIA J.; Menor-Salvan C. Anales de Química. 2017.
- A full martian year of line-of-sight extinction within Gale Crater, Mars as acquired by the MSL Navcam through sol 900, Moore C.; Moores J.; Lemmon M.; Rafkin S.; Francis R.; PLA-GARCIA J.; Haberle R.; Zorzano M.; Martín-Torres F.; Burton J.,Icarus. 264, pp. 102 - 108. 2016. ISSN 00191035. DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2015.09.001
- Mars mesoscale meteorology. Física de la Tierra. 28, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, PLA GARCIA J.; Rafkin, Scot C. R. 2016. ISSN 0214-4557. DOI: 10.5209/rev_FITE.2016.v28.53901
- The meteorology of Gale Crater as determined from Rover Environmental Monitoring Station observations and numerical modeling. Part II: Interpretation., Rafkin S.; PLA-GARCIA J.; Kahre M.; Gomez-Elvira J.; Hamilton V.; Marín M.; Navarro S.; Torres J.; Vasavada A. Icarus. 280, pp. 114 - 138. 2016. ISSN 00191035. DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2016.01.031
- The meteorology of Gale crater as determined from rover environmental monitoring station observations and numerical modeling. Part I: Comparison of model simulations with observations. PLA GARCIA J.; Rafkin S.; Kahre M.; Gomez-Elvira J.; Hamilton V.; Navarro S.; Torres J.; Marín M.; R. Vasavada A. Icarus. 280, pp. 103 - 113. 2016. ISSN 00191035. DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2016.03.013
"New techniques for an optimal cosmological exploitation of galaxy surveys" /
"Nuevas técnicas para explotar cosmológicamente cartografiados de galaxias de forma óptima".
Julio Jonás Chaves Montero

- The effect of photometric redshift uncertainties on galaxy clustering and baryonic acoustic oscillations Jonas, Chaves-Montero, Carlos Hernández-Monteagudo, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 477(3):3892-3909 · July 2018
- Towards an ALHAMBRA quasar catalogue Chaves-Montero, J.; Bonoli, S., 2015hsa8.conf..365C
- ELDAR, a new method to identify AGN in multi-filter surveys: the ALHAMBRA test casChaves-Montero, Jonás; Bonoli, Silvia; Salvato, Mara and 18 more, 2017MNRAS.472.2085C
"The cycle of matter in the interstellar medium. Energetic processing of dust and ice" /
"El ciclo de la materia en el medio interestelar. Procesado energético del polvo y el hielo."
Rafael Martín Doménech

· Thermal desorption of circumstellar and cometary ice analogs. Martíın-Doménech, R., Muñoz Caro, G.M., Bueno, J., and Goesmann, F. 2014, A&A, 564, A8.
· UV photoprocessing of CO2 ice: A complete quantification of photochemistry and photon-induced desorption processes, Martíın-Doménech, R., Manzano-Santamaría, J.,Muñoz Caro, G.M., Cruz-Díaz, G.A., Chen, Y.-J., Herrero, V.J., & Tanarro, I. 2015, A&A, 584, A14
· Study of the photon-induced formation and subsequent desorption of CH3OH and H2CO in interstellar ice analogs, Martın-Doménech, R., Muñoz Caro, G.M., & Cruz-
Díaz, G.A. 2016, A&A 589, A107
· UV photoprocessing of NH3 ice: Photon-induced desorption mechanisms
R. Martín-Doménech,1 G. A. Cruz-Diaz,2,3 G. M. Muñoz Caro,4
MNRAS, 2017
"Química en las regiones de formación estelar galácticas y extragalácticas"
David Ginar Pariente

· Chemical footprint of star formation feedback in M 82 on scales of ∼100pc
Ginard, D.; Fuente, A.; Garc´ıa-Burillo, S.; Alonso-Albi, T.; Krips, M.; Gerin, M.; Neri, R.; Pilleri, P.; Usero, A.; Trevi˜no-Morales, S. P.
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 578, id. A49, 19 pp.
· Deuteration around the ultracompact Hii region Monoceros R2
Treviño-Morales, S. P.; Pilleri, P.; Fuente, A.; Kramer, C.; Roueff, E.; Gonz´alez-Garc´ıa, M.; Cernicharo, J.; Gerin, M.; Goicoechea, J. R.; Pety, J.; Bern´e, O.; Ossenkopf, V.; Ginard, D.; Garc´ıa-Burillo, S.; Rizzo, J. R.; Viti, S.
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 569, id.A19, 30 pp.
· Spectral line survey of the ultracompact Hii region Monoceros R2
Ginard, D.; Gonz´alez-Garc´ıa, M.; Fuente, A.; Cernicharo, J.; Alonso-Albi, T.; Pilleri, P.; Gerin, M.; Garc´ıa-Burillo, S.; Ossenkopf, V.; Rizzo, J. R.; Kramer, C.; Goicoechea, J.
R.; Pety, J.; Bern´e, O.; Joblin, C.
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 543, id.A27, 31 pp.
· Massive young disks around Herbig Ae stars
Boissier, J.; Alonso-Albi, T.; Fuente, A.; Bern´e, O.; Bachiller, R.; Neri, R.; Ginard, D.
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 531, id.A50, 12 pp.
Datos en VizieR Online
R.; Pety, J.; Bern´e, O.; Joblin, C.
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 543, id.A27, 31 pp.
Miriam Cortés Contreras

- CARMENES input catalogue of M dwarfs II. High-resolution imaging with FastCam, M. Cortés-Contreras, V. J. S. Béjar, J. A. Caballero et al. 2017, A&A, 597, A47
- Reaching the boundary between stellar kinematic groups and very wide binaries III. Sixteen new stars and eight new wide systems in the β Pictoris moving group, F. J. Alonso-Floriano, J. A. Caballero, M. Cortés-Contreras, et al. 2015, A&A, 583, A85
- CARMENES input catalogue of M dwarfs. I. Low-resolution spectroscopy with CAFOS, F. J. Alonso-Floriano, D. Montes, J. A. Caballero, A.Klutsch, R. Mundt, M. Cortés-Contreras, et al. 2015, A&A, 577, A128
- Cool dwarfs in wide systems. Paper 5: New astrometry of 54 wide pairs with M dwarfs, M. Cortés-contreras, J. A. Caballero & D. Montes 2014, The Observatory, 134, 348
Prieto Alfonso, Hector
PRIETO ALFONSO, Hector; MORALES DE LOS RÍOS PAPPA, José Alberto; SÁEZ CANO, Guadalupe; PERAL GOCHICOA, Luis del; RODRÍGUEZ FRÍAS, M. Dolores; CASOLINO , Marco; EBISUZAKI , Toshikatsu; TSUNO , Katsuhiko; "FPGA Reliability Analysis for the JEM-EUSO Space Mission ". Proc. Workshop on Reliability Analysis in Science (ISBN: 84-616-2226-X ). Spain+" ed.". . 2011.
PRIETO ALFONSO, Hector; SÁEZ CANO, Guadalupe; MORALES DE LOS RÍOS PAPPA, José Alberto; PERAL GOCHICOA, Luis del; RODRÍGUEZ FRÍAS, M. Dolores; CASOLINO , Marco; EBISUZAKI , Toshikatsu; TSUNO , Katsuhiko; "Multi-Anode Photomultiplier Tube reliability analysis and radiation hardness assurance for the JEM-EUSO Space mission". 33nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, Rio de Janeiro 2013. The Astroparticle Physics Conference "(Brasil)". 2013.
Saez Cano, Guadalupe
Observation of extensive air showers in cloudy conditions by the JEM-EUSO Space Mission
Advances in Space Research Volume 53, Issue 10, 15 May 2014, Pages 1536-1543
G.Sáez-CanoaK.Shinozakiab1L.del Perala, M.Bertainac M.D.Rodríguez Fríasa, for the JEM-EUSO Collaboration
Implementation of the JEM-EUSO Space MissionInfrared Camera Simulation and Reconstruction Code in the Offline Framework". 34th INTERNATIONAL COSMIC RAY CONFERENCE, 2015Nueva York "(Estados Unidos)". 2015. , vol POS(ICRC2015). p. 683 - 683 .
"Cloud Optical Depth obtained from the InfraredCamera data and the UV Flashers mounted on ahelicopter flying under the EUSO-Balloon during itsflight". 34th INTERNATIONAL COSMIC RAY CONFERENCE, 2015Nueva York "(Estados Unidos)". 2015. , vol POS(ICRC2015). p. 658 - 658.
Moreno Raya Emilio
· Elemental gas-phase abundances of intermediate redshift type Ia supernova star-forming host galaxies
M.E. Moreno-Raya1 , L. Galbany2? , A.R. L´opez-S´anchez ´ 3,4 , M. Moll´a5 , S. Gonz´alez-Gait´an6 , J.M. V´ılchez7 , A. Carnero8,9January 2018 MNRAS, 476, 307
· Using the local gas-phase oxygen abundances to explore a metallicity-dependence in SNe Ia luminosities
M. E. Moreno-Raya, Á. R. López-Sánchez, M. Mollá, L. Galbany, J. M. Vílchez, A. Carnero
July 2016, MNRAS 462(2) 1706
· On the dependence of the type Ia SNe luminosities on the metallicity of their host galaxies
Manuel Emilio Moreno-Raya, Mercedes Mollá , Angel R. Lopez-Sanchez, Inma Domínguez
· Broad and narrow band imaging and spectroscopic follow up of SN2014J in M82
Manuel Emilio Moreno-Raya, Lluís Galbany, Angel R. Lopz- Sanchez.
Mercedes Mollá
· The impact of the elemental abundances of the galaxies hosting SNIa over the Hubble diagram
Manuel Emilio Moreno-Raya, Mercedes Mollá, Angel R. Lopez-Sanchez, Jose M Vilchez