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Transfer portal


What we do

The OTRI arranges the transfer of Knowledge generated at UCM Faculties, Research Groups and Institutes, and invites industries and businesses to get to know us in person. We work to identify specific areas of interest and to connect them with company needs. We have over 300 patents available for licensing and more than 100 offers from various areas of knowledge. Please contact us if you have any specialised requirements.

How we do it

Our team at the OTRI offers a full range of services to ensure the effective transfer of technology:


We have a catalogue of knowledge transfer that includes patents, utility models and different capabilities and results from the various research groups at the UCM. [See more]

Industrial and Intellectual Property

We provide guidance for planning a patent, utility model, industrial secret, effective registration of software or any intellectual property, as well as management of all implementation details during the protection stage.  [See more]

Technology Start-Ups

Technology Start-Ups are business initiatives promoted by members of the university community, which base their activity on the use of new processes, products or services related to the knowledge generated by UCM Research Groups and the results obtained at this University. At the OTRI we provide assistance for the creation of UCM-Start-Ups, as well as information and advice on regulations, and their follow-up. [See more]
