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- Article 60 (contracts with companies)
Article 60 (contracts with companies)
Organic Law of Universities
Article 83 of the Organic Law of Universities (LOU) regulates collaborations between universities and businesses.
The types of services which the University may provide under these Regulations can be grouped into the following categories:
- Experimental research and development work.
- Professional work aimed at introducing new technologies.
- Artistic work.
- Consulting activities.
- Repetitive technical services.
- Teaching activities related to specialisation, training and advanced courses.
The procedure to enter into contracts or agreements under Article 83 of the Organic Law of Universities (LOU) is the following:
- Agreement on the draft contract.
- Submission of necessary documents to the OTRI (contract and annexes).
- Approval of contract by the Transfer Committee.
- Signature of contract by both parties (University, Company).
- Doing the contracted work.
- Presentation of final report, upon completion of the work.
Certificate request
Sample Contracts
- Sample Research Contract (updated 15.11.21)
- Sample Consulting Contract (updated 15.11.21)
- Sample contract for samples (updated 15.11.21)
- Annexes:
- Annex I (updated 01.11.21)
- Anenx II (A) (updated 01.11.21)
- Annex II (B) (updated 01.11.21)
- Annex II (C) (updated 02.16.21)
- Annex III + Final Report (updated 01.11.21)
- Annex IV (updated 04.13.21)
- Annex V (updated 02.16.21)
- Explanatory note
Documentation of interest
Specific Research Funds
- Regulation for the constitution of Specific Research Funds (BOUCM of 11/26/15)
- Explanatory note to the procedure to set up Specific Research Funds
- Application form to set up a Specific Research Fund (updated 05.03.2017)
- Addition of new surpluses to Specific Research Funds (updated 05.03.2017)
- Final Report template (updated 01.13.2021)