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WORK EXPERIENTIAL ENGAGEMENT MODEL (WEE) is a model with a solid theoretical foundation that thoroughly analyzes who, why and what for people are committed to their organization and is designed to be transferable to the business environment.

WEE relies on three basic principles: (I) Work is a multidimensional experience that is lived daily in an intense way. (II) Work experience can be a source of commitment. (III) Affective commitment acts as an engine of performance that in turn helps companies obtain better results for the organization.

The approach of the model implies an important breakthrough in the understanding of the labor experience and the management of its persons as a source of competitive advantages. WEE incorporates into the model a wide group of variables that have not yet been studied as a whole. In short: the experience of work applied to the workplace globally.

Work Experimental Engagement scheme.

Work Experimental Engagement scheme.

Why commitment? Commitment is the engine of long-term competitiveness. In the last two decades, the importance of the employee-organization relationship has been constantly increasing. A committed workforce is, along with the brand, one of the great intangible assets of 21st century organizations.

Based on these premises, WEE is the result of a long process of purification and scientific validation based on academic sources and professional studies.

How does it work

The operation of WEE is simple and in turn makes it possible to obtain conclusions of high value for the company and that are useful for the making of solid decisions on the management of its teams of people.

The WEE model consists of 18 dimensions or categories: 11 dimensions measure the different facets of work experience; 3 dimensions measure the strength of the workers commitment although only the affective commitment is included in the final model. Normative and pragmatic type of commitments is used as referents for comparisons; and 4 dimensions related to possible resulting behaviors. The information is collected through a questionnaire designed for this purpose.

The application consists of 3 moments:

1. Before administering the questionnaire: The questionnaire will consist of items selected from a general list of items. At this point the classification variables required by the organization will be specified in addition to those that the default model considers.

2. Administering the questionnaire: The data of each person are collected through an online questionnaire.

3. After administering the questionnaire: Reports with results, conclusions and recommendations are presented to the management team.

As a result, 9 global reports are offered:

- Report 0: Results vs. Expectations (only for managers). This report compares the expectations that the management team has on the scores that its organization will get with the real results obtained by its workers.

- Report 1: Descriptive statistics of each dimension. It offers an aggregated score of each dimension with its corresponding information on the dispersion of the scores.

- Report 2: Descriptive statistics of the dimensions by segmentation variable. It offers an aggregated score of each dimension by gender, generation, seniority in the organization, professional category and department. At the request of the client as many additional variables as required can be incorporated.

- Report 3: Analysis of the dimensions that contribute to building commitment. It provides information on which variables of the work experience are responsible for generating affective commitment.

- Report 4: Analysis of the interaction between the dimensions of work experience. This report completes the previous one by providing information on the related variables of experience. Acting on them as a whole would achieve a substantial improvement of affective commitment.

- Report 5: Relationship between affective commitment and behavioral results. It provides information on which behaviors are best explained by the level of commitment obtained.

- Report 6: Typologies of employees. It provides information on the profile of subjects by grouping them into "Lovemarks", very committed, "Convertibles", subjects that are debated between the commitment and the disengagement and "Disengaged" of the organization.

- Report 7: Profiles of typologies. Thanks to this report the managers can tell how people in theirs organization are from the point of view of the previous typologies identified. This analysis is performed for all the segmentation variables requested.

- Report 8: Maps of typologies. Graphical representation of the typologies.


Work Experiential Engagement (WEE) has innumerable advantages over other tools used by companies to get to know their people.

WEE is more than a climate survey: A climate survey only describes the situation of the organization at a specific point in time. WEE also provides information on how people live their daily work experience, their level of commitment to the organization and their behaviors or intentions of work behavior.

WEE is more than a satisfaction survey:Job satisfaction measures a transient mood.

WEE is more than a survey on motivation: Motivation depends on each person and the incentives they receive. When these fail, motivation falls

WEE measures the commitment of individuals as a result of the work experience. The commitment, however, stands out for its permanent character and for being enduring over time. The organization can design the experience they want their workers to experience.

Where has it been developed

The WEE Model reflects the results of more than four years of research carried out by members of the research group and professors of the Business Organization and Marketing Department, D. Gavilán, M. Avello and S. Fernández Lores, whose academic careers addresses experiential marketing and the study of people's commitment to employers' brands. They also have numerous academic publications and extensive professional experience in the field of national and international consulting.

And also

2016. II Prize of Transfer of Technology and Knowledge of the UCM in the modality of Social Sciences and Humanities.



© Office for the Transfer of Research Results – UCM
Faculty of Medicine. Edificio Entrepabellones 7 y 8.
C/ Doctor Severo Ochoa, 7. 28040 Madrid.

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Social Sciences and Law

Information Science

Political Science and Sociology

Responsible Researcher

Diana Gavilán Bouzas: dgavilan@ccinf.ucm.es
Department: Business Organization and Marketing
Faculty: Information Science