Dissertations directed
- Bárbara Martínez Martínez,
Exploring Other Worlds: Dismantling Women’s Otherness in Selected Feminist Science
Fiction (2024)
- Rafael Vidal Sanz, La ficción paranoica: una lectura comparativa desde Ricardo Piglia (2023)
- David López Guzmán, The Gospel from Outer Space: Apocalypse, America, and Science Fiction in the novels of Kurt Vonnegut (2023)
- Alejandra García Guerrero, Reconocer lo invisible: Miradas desde lo fantástico a la violencia estructural en la literatura contemporánea anglonorteamericana (2022)
- Josef Amón-Mitrani, La poesía y la calle: una mirada a la escritura marginal en Colombia (2022)
- Alejandro de la Cruz Tapiador, El mito del self-made man en la cultura estadounidense (2019)
- Laura de la Parra Fernández, Against Love: Women, Madness and the State in Anglo-American Fiction (1939-1954) (2019)
- Pedro Antonio Galán Lozano, San Francisco as Countercultural City: A Spatial Approach through Literature and Culture (1950-1969) (2017)
- Elsa del Campo Ramírez, Paradigms of Postmodern Presentism: Towards the Chicana Decolonization of the Imaginary (2017)
- David Yagüe González, Dimensiones traumáticas en la ficción de Toni Morrison (2016)
(For a full list of dissertations directed and dissertation committees, see https://produccioncientifica.ucm.es/investigadores/144260/tesis).