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Noticias - Ciudades Inteligentes y Sostenibles (Smart Cities)

Conferencia de Luis Carvalho | University of Porto

El Dr. Luis Carvalho impartirá la conferencia "Planning knowledge locations in cities - contemporary challenges" el próximo 30 de enero a las 16h.

26 ene 2025 - 09:44 CET

El Dr. Luis Carvalho impartirá la conferencia "Planning knowledge locations in cities - contemporary challenges" el próximo 28 de enero a las 16h, en el Salón de Grados de la Facultad de Geografía e Historia, de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Acerca del profesor Luis Carvalho:

Dr. Luís Carvalho (PhD, Erasmus University Rotterdam) is Associate Professor at the  Faculty of Economics and Management (FEP) at the University of Porto. He is also Senior Researcher at the Centre of Studies in Geography and Spatial Planning (CEGOT). He is currently Scientific Director of the MSc in Innovation Economics and Management (MEGIN) and Associate Editor of the scientific journal Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions (EIST),

Luís Carvalho is interested in the long-term economic development of cities and regions. Within this broad field, his work primarily addresses i) the socio-spatial dynamics of knowledge and innovation, ii) the relations between transnational business networks and regional development and iii) the roles played by urban and regional policies on those processes. Luís has been exploring these issues through the lens of institutional-evolutionary frameworks, using comparative case study methodologies. Besides conducting scientific research and education activities, Luis Carvalho frequently engages with policymakers on local economic development issues and strategic planning affairs.

Conferencia de Luis Carvalho | University of Porto. - 1
Conferencia de Luis Carvalho | University of Porto - 1

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