Master's Coordination

Master's Coordinator:

 MA in English Linguistics: New Applications and International Communication Coordination Commission’s tasks:

  •  Coordination Commission’s gatherings with the students.
  •  Evaluation Commission’s gatherings.
  •  Personalized attention via email ( or in-person tutorships.
  •  Masters’ web page (both in English and Spanish), included in the Faculty’s website devoted to all Master’s Studies.
  •  Ordinary Master’s coordination: tribunals, teaching staff, administrative management, academic management, etc.
  •  Constant monitoring of the Evaluation Surveys of the Faculty (both, UCM’s official surveys, Docentia, and the Master’s own surveys).
  •  MA in English Linguistics Coordination Space via UCM’s Campus Virtual (Seminar), with full access to the Coordination Commission, the Master’s Teaching Staff and the registered students.
Normativa Reguladora de la figura de Coordinador/a de Titulación (Grado, Máster, Doctorado) de la UCM