Curriculum (study plan)

The MA in English Linguistics: New Applications and International Communication comes from the previous master program of identical title (M105012) circumscribed in the official postgraduate program of English and American Linguistic and Literary Studies, regulated by R.D. 56/2005 .

This program comes from the old PhD program, which obtained the quality award in 2004-05 and 2005-06. The previous POP  obtained the Quality Award as well, by monitoring, during the courses 2006-07 and 2007-08 and, by renewal, during the courses 2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11 and 2011-12 (reference MCD2006-00472).

The program of the MA in English Linguistics: New Applications and International Communication maintains the fundamental structure and contents of the previous program. That is, it maintains a 60 S credits structure, distributed as follows:




(12 ECTS. Two subjects, 6 ECTS each)

Period: 1st semester

Subject 1.1.: Training for linguistic research




(36 elective ECTS. Every elective subject has a value of 6 ECTS)

Period: 1st and 2nd semester

Subject 2.1.: Analysis and description of the English language

Subject 2.2.: Applied Linguistics and Teaching-Learning of the English language

Subject 2.3.: Communication, Interculturality and Translation

Subject 2.4.: External internship




(12 ECTS)

Period: 2nd semester


 Subject 3.1.: Final dissertation paper


 The student will undertake 60 ECTS credits distributed as follows:

  • Module 1 (1st semester) ................................... 12 ECTS
  • Module 2 (1st y 2nd semester) ....................... 36 ECTS
  • Module 3 (2nd semester) ................................ 12 ECTS
  • TOTAL .................................................................. 60 ECTS


In Module 1 (Fundamental Training), Subject 1.1 (Training for linguistic research) has a value of 12 compulsory credits. Module 2 (Specific Training) is composed by 4 Subjects (Subject 2.1. Analysis and description of the English language; Subject 2.2.: Applied Linguistics and Teaching-Learning of the English language; Subject 2.3.: Communication, Interculturality and Translation; and Subject 2.4: External internship).

This module is configured as a module of compulsory value, which consists of 36 elective credits within which any subject offered in Module 2 can be chosen. Every subject has a value of 6 credits (both, subjects from the compulsory Module 1 and the elective Module 2). The annual teaching programming will offer at least 6 subjects with a value of 6 credits within the different courses of study in Module 2, so that it is assured that the student is able to take the corresponding 36 ECTS of this module. The choice of the elective subjects will be made according to the annual offer of the department. Finally, Module 3 (Subject 3.1.: Final dissertation paper) is compulsory and has a value of 12 credits.

The credits of the MAELNAIC program follow the ECTS system (European Credit Transfer System), which represents the work volume required from each student to pass each subject. The subjects have a value of 6 ECTS credits, which equals 150 hours of student work. The aforementioned work includes a wide range of teaching-learning methods, as well as class attendance, and personal student work: master lectures, theoretical and practical lessons, seminars, tutorials, exams, field and research work, personal work in the library, the language laboratory or others. Within the on-campus activity we will distinguish: Lectures, seminars, and tutorials. As well and with the aim of fostering autonomous learning, students will be provided with additional resources such as specialized bibliography, virtual campus use, access to audiovisual means, as well as course and congress attendance which enable them to develop a critical and reasoned view on a diverse range of aspects of the studied discipline.