Complaints and suggestions form
Please notice that complaints shall include name, surname and relevant personal data of the subject in order to keep you updated on the status of your complaint. In case you do not provide those data the complaint shall be processed as a notification or as a suggestion. When sending suggestions you may also state your personal data, if you wish to receive information about the actions taken in relation to your proposal or commentary.
Protection of Personal Data: Personal data collected through this application shall be processed just for the intended goal of the use of the application. Data are stored in one of the following files: a) "Quality evaluation" or b) "Complaints and Suggestions". a) Data stored in the "Quality evaluation" file serves the purpose of the evaluation of the quality of the activities developed in the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Transfer/cession of data is not expected except in those cases established by the Law. The body responsible for this data file is the Vice-chancellorship of Quality Assessment; b) Data stored in the "Complaints and Suggestions" file serves the purpose of the management of complaints and suggestions about the administrative functioning of the UCM. The body responsible for this file is the General Management of the UCM.
The data subjects may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and objection in the following address: Archivo General y Protección de Datos, Avda. de Séneca 2, 28040 Madrid.