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Capítulos de libro
Book chapters
MORATÓN-GUTIÉRREZ, Lara; LAVID, Julia y SÁNCHEZ-PARDO, Esther. (2023) “Exploring how readers react to poetry in ESL through eye–tracking: novice and expert reading practices in comparison”. II Congreso Internacional de Innovación Docente, Educación y Transferencia del Conocimiento. CIINECO. Sevilla (Spain) https://youtu.be/SUSlNTHSbZs, published in book:
Innovación en la enseñanza de lengua: mejoras docentes para el aprendizaje del siglo XXI / coord. por María Valero Redondo, Francisco José Rodríguez Mesa, 2023, ISBN 978-84-1170-296-6, págs. 468-491
- Moratón, L., & Lavid, J. (en prensa 2022) Metadiscourse Markers in English and Spanish Newspaper Texts: A Contrastive Annotation Study. In Metadiscourse in non-academic contexts: A genre-based approach towards exploring rhetorical preferences signalling interaction with the audience. Rowman and Littlefield. Lexington Books.
LAVID LÓPEZ, Julia & Mª Estefanía AVILÉS MARIÑO (2022): “Using Sketchengine for investigating the meaning of discourse markers in English and Spanish”. In Working with Corpora and Digital Tools in Language and Translation Studies: Practical Issues and Methodological Challenges, Madrid, Guillermo Escolar Editor. ISBN: 978-84-18981-62-3, pp. 97-115.
- Zamorano-Mansilla; Juan Rafael y Julia Lavid López (2020). Yes, we "can: factores contextuales en la anotación de la posibilidad dinámica en inglés y español. En Julia Lavid (coord.) Contrastes Inglés-Español y Traducción: Estudios Basados en Corpus. Madrid: Guillermo Escolar Editor. 11-38.
- Lavid López, Julia and Estefanía Avilés Mariño (2020). La anotación textual de los marcadores elaborativos en inglés y español: un estudio de corpus. En Julia Lavid (coord.) Contrastes Inglés-Español y Traducción: Estudios Basados en Corpus. Madrid: Guillermo Escolar Editor. 39-60.
Martínez Caro, Elena (2020). Discourse functions of question tags: Exploring the right periphery in English. In B. Achiri-Taboh (ed.) Exoticism in English Tag Questions (Strengthening arguments and caressing the social wheel). Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 215-235. ISBN: 1-5275-5549-6
- Moratón Lara y Sara Lana Serrano (2020). La anotación automática del tema mediante la creación de una capa funcional. En Julia Lavid (coord.) Contrastes Inglés-Español y Traducción: Estudios Basados en Corpus. Madrid: Guillermo Escolar Editor. 39-60.
- Mora López, Natalia (2020). La transferencia de género discursivo y de español a inglés en textos académico-científicos de alumnos universitarios. En Julia Lavid (coord.) Contrastes Inglés-Español y Traducción: Estudios Basados en Corpus. Madrid: Guillermo Escolar Editor. 39-60.
- Arús Hita, Jorge and Elena Martínez Caro (2020). La construcción con verbo de apoyo dar en español y su comparación con la correspondiente con give en inglés: implicaciones para la traducción. Julia Lavid (coord.) Contrastes Inglés-Español y Traducción: Estudios Basados en Corpus. Madrid: Guillermo Escolar Editor. 131-156.
- Lavid López, Julia (2019). Translation Correspondences of Digressive Discourse Markers in English and Spanish: A Corpus-Based Study. In: Corpas Pastor G., Mitkov R. (eds). Computational and Corpus-Based Phraseology. EUROPHRAS 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11755. Springer, pp 239-252. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-30135-4_18. Print ISBN: 978-3-030-30134-7.
- Lavid, Julia and Moratón, Lara (2019): Generic Structures, Rhetorical Relations and Thematic Patterns in English and Spanish Journalistic Texts: A Comparative Study. In M. Kaltenbacher and Hartmut Stoöckl (eds.), Analyzing the Media - A Systemic Functional Approach. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. pp. 49-65 Sep 2019. ISBN 9781781796269. DOI: 10.1558/equinox.32948. Sep 2019.
Downing, Angela and Martínez Caro, Elena (2019). Interjections and emotions: the case of gosh. In J.L. Mackenzie and L. Alba-Juez (eds.) Emotion in Discourse. Ámsterdam y Filadelfia: John Benjamins (Pragmatics and Beyond New Series 302), pp. 87-112. ISBN: 978 90 272 0239 0
- Taboada, M. (2019) Cohesion and conjunction. In G. Thompson, W. Bowcher, L. Fontaine and J. Liang (eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Systemic Functional Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp.311-322.
Arús Hita, Jorge (2018). A contrastive description of projection in English and Spanisk across ranks: from the clause nexus to the group. En Akila Sellami-Baklouti & Lise Fontaine, eds. Perspectives from Systemic Functional Linguistics. London Routledge. 163-181.
Lavid, Julia and Moratón, Lara (2018): Contrastive analysis of interactional discourse markers in English and Spanish newspaper texts. In the Construction of Discourse as Verbal Interaction, María de los Ángeles Gómez González and J. Lachlan Mackenzie, (eds.) Amsterdam, John Benjamins. pp. 75-108. ISBN: 9789027263568. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1075/pbns.296 - Lavid, Julia (2018): Discourse annotation in the Multinot corpus: issues and challenges. In S. Doval Reija & M.T Sánchez Nieto (eds.). Parallel corpora for contrastive and translation studies: new resources and applications. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 159-182. ISBN: 9789027262844.
- Mora, N. and J. Lavid-López (2018): Building an annotated dataset of app store reviews with Appraisal features in English and Spanish. In Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Computational Modeling of People’s Opinions, Personality, and Emotions in Social Media.Association for Computational Linguistics, pp. 16–24. https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W18-1103, DOI: 10.18653/v1/W18-1103
- Lavid, Julia (2017). Annotating complex linguistic features in bilingual corpora: The case of MULTINOT. En Proceedings of the Workshop on Corpora in the Digital Humanities (CDH 2017), eds. Thierry Declerck & Sandra Kübler (eds.). Bloomington, IN, USA.
- Lavid López, Julia, Marta Carretero & Juan Rafael Zamorano Mansilla (2017). Epistemicity in English and Spanish: an annotation proposal. In Evidentiality and Modality in European Languages: Discourse-pragmatic Perspectives, Ed. Juana I. Marín-Arrese, Julia Lavid-López, Marta Carretero, Elena Domínguez Romero, M. Victoria Martín de la Rosa & María Pérez Blanco (eds.). Bern: Peter Lang. , pp. 241-276. ISBN:9783034324397; DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3726/b11226.
Arús Hita, Jorge (2016). “Hybridity and Process Types”. In D. Miller and P. Bayley (eds.) Hybridity in Systemic Functional Linguistics: grammar, text and discursive context. London: Equinox. 64-81.
- Taboada, M., M. Carretero and J. Hinnell (2016) Loving and hating the movies in English, German and Spanish. In Lefer, M.A. and S. Vogeleer. Genre- and Register-related Discourse Features in Contrast. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 127–161. (Reprint of 2014 journal article).
- Lavid, Julia, Jorge Arús, Bernard DeClerck, & Veronique Hoste (2015). Creation of a high- quality, register-diversified parallel corpus for linguistic and computational investigations’, in Current Work in Corpus Linguistics: Working with Traditionally-conceived Corpora and Beyond. Selected Papers from the 7th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics (CILC2015),Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 198, (2015), 249–256.
- Carretero, M. and M. Taboada (2015) The annotation of Appraisal: How Attitude and Epistemic Modality overlap in English and Spanish consumer reviews. In J. R. Zamorano (ed.), Thinking Modally: English and Contrastive Studies on Modality. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars. pp. 249-270.
Alba Juez, Laura and Martínez Caro, Elena (2015). No wonder as a marker of epistemic modality and affective evaluation. In J.R. Zamorano-Mansilla, C. Maíz, E. Domínguez and V. Martín de la Rosa (eds.) Thinking modally: English and contrastive studies on modality. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 231-248.
- Lavid, Julia, Jorge Arús, Marta Carretero, Lara Moratón & Juan Rafael Zamorano (2014), “Contrastive corpus annotation in the CONTRANOT project: Issues and Problems”, en María de los Ángeles Gómez González, Francisco Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, Francisco Gonzálvez García, Angela Downing (eds.), The Functional Perspective on Language and Discourse, Amsterdam / Philadelphia, John Benjamins, 57-85.
- Carretero, M. and M. Taboada (2014) Graduation within the scope of Attitude in English and Spanish consumer reviews of books and movies. In Thompson, Geoff & Laura Alba-Juez (eds.) Evaluation in Context. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 221-239.
- Hannay, Mike, Martínez Caro, Elena and J. Lachlan Mackenzie (2014). Besides as a connective. In M.D.L.A. Gómez González, F. Ruiz de Mendoza-Ibáñez, F. Gonzálvez García and A. Downing (eds), The Functional Perspective on Language and Discourse: Applications and Implications. Amsterdam y Filadelfia: John Benjamins (Pragmatics and Beyond New Series 247), pp. 223-242. ISBN: 978 90 272 5652 2.
Martínez Caro, Elena (2014). The expression of evaluation in weekly news magazines in English. In G. Thompson and L. Alba-Juez (eds.) Evaluation in Context. Amsterdam y Filadelfia: John Benjamins (Pragmatics and Beyond New Series 242), pp. 321-343. ISBN: 9789027256478
- Lavid, Julia, Jorge Arús & Lara Moratón (2013). Investigating thematic choices in two newspaper generes: an SFL-based study analysis. En Choice in Language: Applications in Text Analysis, eds. Gerard O' Grady, Tom Bartlett & Lise Fontaine. London: Equinox. 187-214. DOI: 10.1558/equinox.21928.
- Lavid, Julia, Jorge Arús & Lara Moratón (2013). Thematic variation in English and Spanish Newspaper Genres: A contrastive corpus based study. Advances in Corpus-based Contrastive Linguistics. Studies in honour of Stig Johansson. Edited by Karin Aijmer and Bengt Altenberg. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. Studies in corpus linguistics. pp. 261-286. ISBN 9789027203595.
- Lavid, Julia (2012). Corpus Annotation in CONTRANOT: Linguistic and Methodological Challenges. In Encoding the Past: Decoding the Future: Corpora in the 21st Century, eds. Isabel Moskowitz and Begoña Crespo (eds.). Cambridge Scholars, 205-220.
- Das, D. and M. Taboada (to appear) Signalling subject matter and presentational coherence relations in discourse: A corpus study. In LACUS Forum 40. The Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States.
- Taboada, M. (2012) Los géneros discursivos: una perspectiva sistémica funcional. In Martha Shiro, Patrick Charaudeau and Luisa Granato (eds.) Los géneros discursivos desde múltiples perspectivas: teorías y análisis. Madrid: Iberoamericana. 45-67.
2011 and before
- Taboada, M. (2009) Implicit and explicit coherence relations. In J. Renkema (ed.) Discourse, of Course. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 127-140.
- Taboada, M. (2008) Reference, centres and transitions in spoken Spanish. In J. Gundel and N. Hedberg (eds.) Reference: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 176-215.
- Gómez-González, MLA and Taboada, M. (2005) Coherence relations in Functional (Discourse) Grammar. In J. L. Mackenzie and MLA Gómez-González. Studies in Functional Discourse Grammar. Berne: Peter Lang. 227-259.
- Taboada, M. (2005) Anaphoric terms and focus of attention in English and Spanish. In C. Butler, MLA Gómez-González and S. Doval (eds.) The Dynamics of Language Use: Functional and Contrastive Perspectives. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 195-216.
- Taboada, M. (2004) Rhetorical relations in dialogue: A contrastive study. In C. L. Moder and A. Martinovic-Zic (eds.) Discourse Across Languages and Cultures. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 75-97. Read a review of the book in the LINGUIST List.
- Taboada, M. (2001) A general description for the structure of conversation: A hopeless task? In Francisco Ruiz de Mendoza (ed.) Panorama Actual de la Lingüística Aplicada: Conocimiento, Procesamiento y Uso del Lenguaje. Volumen II. Logroño: Universidad de La Rioja. 417-424.
- Taboada, M. (2000) Cohesion as a measure in generic analysis. In Alan Melby and Arle Lommel (eds.) The 26th LACUS Forum. Chapel Hill, N.C.: The Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States. 35-49. Also on line in Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación/ Circle of Linguistics Applied to Communication/ clac, 3, September 2000. ISSN 1576-4737. Link
Martínez Caro, Elena (2010). Discourse functions of th-clefts in English. In M.L. Blanco Gómez and J.I. Marín Arrese (eds.) Discourse and Communication: Cognitive and Functional Perspectives. Madrid: Dykinson y Servicio Publicaciones Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, 209-224. ISBN: 978-84-9849-977-3
Martínez Caro, Elena (2008). Th-clefts in English: form and function. In T. Gibert Maceda y L. Alba Juez (eds.) Estudios de Filología Inglesa: Homenaje a la Dra. Asunción Alba Pelayo. Madrid: UNED, 239-255. ISBN: 978-84-362-5553-9
Hannay, Mike and Martínez Caro, Elena (2008). Thematic choice in the written English of advanced Spanish and Dutch learners. In G. Gilquin, S. Papp and B. Díez-Bedmar (eds.) Linking up contrastive and learner corpus research. [Language and Computer Series 66]. Amsterdam y Nueva York: Rodopi (Brill), pp. 227-253. ISBN: 978-90-420-2446-5
Hannay, Mike and Martínez Caro, Elena (2008). Last things first: An FDG approach to clause-final focus constituents in Spanish and English. In M.A. Gómez González, J.L. Mackenzie and E. González Álvarez (eds.) Languages and Cultures in Contrast and Comparison. [Pragmatics and Beyond New Series 175]. Ámsterdam y Filadelfia: John Benjamins, pp. 33-68. ISBN: 978-90-272-5419-1
Martínez Caro, Elena (2006). Constituent order in Spanish: a Functional Grammar perspective. In M. Carretero, L. Hidalgo Downing, J. Lavid, E. Martínez Caro, J. Neff, S. Pérez de Ayala and E. Sánchez-Pardo (eds.) A Pleasure of Life in Words: a Festschrift for Angela Downing. Vol. I. Departamento de Filología Inglesa, Universidad Complutense, Madrid: CERSA, pp. 187-213. ISBN:84-611-3486-9
Martínez Caro, Elena (2006). The verbal expression of belief and hearsay in English and Spanish: evidence from newspaper discourse. In A.M. Hornero, M.J. Luzón and S. Murillo (eds.) Corpus Linguistics: Applications for the Study of English. (Linguistic insights. Studies in Language and Communication 25). Berna: Peter Lang, 159-175. ISBN: 3-03910-675-9
Martínez Caro, Elena. (2004). Evidentiality and the verbal expression of belief and hearsay. In J. Marín Arrese (ed.) Perspectives on Evidentiality and Modality in English and Spanish. Madrid: Editorial Complutense, 185-204. ISBN: 84-7491-755-7
Martínez Caro, Elena. (2002). Impersonalisation and reference in English and Spanish: evidence from newspaper discourse. In J. Marín Arrese (ed.) Conceptualization of Events in Newspaper Discourse: Mystification of Agency and Degree of Implication in News Reports. Madrid: Universidad Complutense, Proyectos Complutense 2000, pp. 71-88. ISBN: 84-699-97246
Martínez Caro, Elena. (1998). Adelantamiento de complementos argumentales en español: diferenciación pragmática. In Cifuentes Honrubia, J.L. (ed.) Estudios de Lingüística Cognitiva. Volume II. Alicante: Universidad de Alicante, 731-742. ISBN: 84-930403-2-0
Martínez Caro, Elena. (1998). Funciones pragmáticas y estructura sintáctica en español: tópicos retomados enfáticamente. In Vázquez Orta, I. and I. Guillén Galve (eds.) Perspectivas pragmáticas en Lingüística Aplicada. Zaragoza: Anubar Ediciones. 169-176. ISBN: 84-7013-265-22.
Martínez Caro, Elena. (1998). Parallel Focus in English and Spanish: evidence from conversation. In Hannay, M. and M. Bolkestein (eds.) Functional Grammar and Verbal Interaction (Studies in Language Companion Series, SLCS, 44). Amsterdam y Filadelfia: John Benjamins, pp. 215-242. ISBN: 90-272-3047-1