Grupos de investigación

Capítulos de libro

Book chapters


  • Moratón, L., & Lavid, J. (en prensa 2022) Metadiscourse Markers in English and Spanish Newspaper Texts: A Contrastive Annotation Study. In Metadiscourse in non-academic contexts: A genre-based approach towards exploring rhetorical preferences signalling interaction with the audience. Rowman and Littlefield. Lexington Books.



    LAVID LÓPEZ, Julia & Mª Estefanía AVILÉS MARIÑO (2022): “Using Sketchengine for investigating the meaning of discourse markers in English and Spanish”. In Working with Corpora and Digital Tools in Language and Translation Studies: Practical Issues and Methodological Challenges, Madrid, Guillermo Escolar Editor. ISBN: 978-84-18981-62-3, pp. 97-115.


  • Zamorano-Mansilla; Juan Rafael y Julia Lavid López (2020). Yes, we "can: factores contextuales en la anotación de la posibilidad dinámica en inglés y español. En Julia Lavid (coord.) Contrastes Inglés-Español y Traducción: Estudios Basados en Corpus. Madrid: Guillermo Escolar Editor. 11-38.
  • Lavid López, Julia and Estefanía Avilés Mariño (2020). La anotación textual de los marcadores elaborativos en inglés y español: un estudio de corpus. En Julia Lavid (coord.) Contrastes Inglés-Español y Traducción: Estudios Basados en Corpus. Madrid: Guillermo Escolar Editor. 39-60.
  • Martínez Caro, Elena (2020). Discourse functions of question tags: Exploring the right periphery in English. In B. Achiri-Taboh (ed.) Exoticism in English Tag Questions (Strengthening arguments and caressing the social wheel). Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 215-235. ISBN: 1-5275-5549-6

  •  Moratón Lara y Sara Lana Serrano (2020). La anotación automática del tema mediante la creación de una capa funcional. En Julia Lavid (coord.) Contrastes Inglés-Español y Traducción: Estudios Basados en Corpus. Madrid: Guillermo Escolar Editor. 39-60.
  •  Mora López, Natalia (2020). La transferencia de género discursivo y de español a inglés en textos académico-científicos de alumnos universitarios. En Julia Lavid (coord.) Contrastes Inglés-Español y Traducción: Estudios Basados en Corpus. Madrid: Guillermo Escolar Editor. 39-60.
  • Arús Hita, Jorge and Elena Martínez Caro (2020). La construcción con verbo de apoyo dar en español y su comparación con la correspondiente con give en inglés: implicaciones para la traducción. Julia Lavid (coord.) Contrastes Inglés-Español y Traducción: Estudios Basados en Corpus. Madrid: Guillermo Escolar Editor. 131-156.



  •  Lavid López, Julia (2019). Translation Correspondences of Digressive Discourse Markers in English and Spanish: A Corpus-Based Study. In: Corpas Pastor G., Mitkov R. (eds). Computational and Corpus-Based Phraseology. EUROPHRAS 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11755. Springer, pp 239-252. Print ISBN: 978-3-030-30134-7.
  • Lavid, Julia and Moratón, Lara (2019): Generic Structures, Rhetorical Relations and Thematic Patterns in English and Spanish Journalistic Texts: A Comparative Study. In M. Kaltenbacher and Hartmut Stoöckl (eds.), Analyzing the Media - A Systemic Functional  Approach. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. pp. 49-65 Sep 2019. ISBN 9781781796269. DOI:  10.1558/equinox.32948. Sep 2019.
  • Downing, Angela and Martínez Caro, Elena (2019). Interjections and emotions: the case of gosh. In J.L. Mackenzie and L. Alba-Juez (eds.) Emotion in Discourse. Ámsterdam y Filadelfia: John Benjamins (Pragmatics and Beyond New Series 302), pp. 87-112. ISBN: 978 90 272 0239 0

  • Taboada, M. (2019) Cohesion and conjunction. In G. Thompson, W. Bowcher, L. Fontaine and J. Liang (eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Systemic Functional Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp.311-322.



  • Lavid, Julia (2017). Annotating complex linguistic features in bilingual corpora: The case of MULTINOT. En Proceedings of the Workshop on Corpora in the Digital Humanities (CDH 2017), eds. Thierry Declerck & Sandra Kübler (eds.). Bloomington, IN, USA. 
  • Lavid López, Julia, Marta Carretero & Juan Rafael Zamorano Mansilla (2017). Epistemicity in English and Spanish: an annotation proposal. In Evidentiality and Modality in European Languages: Discourse-pragmatic Perspectives, Ed. Juana I. Marín-Arrese, Julia Lavid-López, Marta Carretero, Elena Domínguez Romero, M. Victoria Martín de la Rosa & María Pérez Blanco (eds.). Bern: Peter Lang. , pp. 241-276.  ISBN:9783034324397; DOI:


  • Arús Hita, Jorge (2016). “Hybridity and Process Types”. In D. Miller and P. Bayley (eds.) Hybridity in Systemic Functional Linguistics: grammar, text and discursive context.  London: Equinox. 64-81.


    Lavid López, Julia, Marta Carretero & Juan Rafael Zamorano Mansilla (2016) Contrastive Annotation of Epistemicity in the MULTINOT Project: Preliminary Steps. LREC 2016 Proceedings.(Linguistic Resource and Evaluation Conference).  
  • Taboada, M., M. Carretero and J. Hinnell (2016) Loving and hating the movies in English, German and Spanish. In Lefer, M.A. and S. Vogeleer. Genre- and Register-related Discourse Features in Contrast. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 127–161. (Reprint of 2014 journal article).


  • Lavid, Julia, Jorge Arús, Bernard DeClerck, & Veronique Hoste (2015). Creation of a high- quality, register-diversified parallel corpus for linguistic and computational investigations’, in Current Work in Corpus Linguistics: Working with Traditionally-conceived Corpora and Beyond. Selected Papers from the 7th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics (CILC2015),Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 198, (2015), 249–256.
  • Carretero, M. and M. Taboada (2015) The annotation of Appraisal: How Attitude and Epistemic Modality overlap in English and Spanish consumer reviews. In J. R. Zamorano (ed.), Thinking Modally: English and Contrastive Studies on Modality. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars. pp. 249-270.
  • Alba Juez, Laura and Martínez Caro, Elena (2015). No wonder as a marker of epistemic modality and affective evaluation. In J.R. Zamorano-Mansilla, C. Maíz, E. Domínguez and V. Martín de la Rosa (eds.) Thinking modally: English and contrastive studies on modality. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 231-248.


  • Lavid, Julia, Jorge Arús, Marta Carretero, Lara Moratón & Juan Rafael Zamorano (2014), “Contrastive corpus annotation in the CONTRANOT project: Issues and Problems”, en María de los Ángeles Gómez González, Francisco Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, Francisco Gonzálvez García, Angela Downing (eds.), The Functional Perspective on Language and Discourse,  Amsterdam / Philadelphia, John Benjamins, 57-85.
  • Carretero, M. and M. Taboada (2014) Graduation within the scope of Attitude in English and Spanish consumer reviews of books and movies. In Thompson, Geoff & Laura Alba-Juez (eds.) Evaluation in Context. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 221-239.
  • Hannay, Mike, Martínez Caro, Elena and J. Lachlan Mackenzie (2014). Besides as a connective. In M.D.L.A. Gómez González, F. Ruiz de Mendoza-Ibáñez, F. Gonzálvez García and A. Downing (eds), The Functional Perspective on Language and Discourse: Applications and Implications. Amsterdam y Filadelfia: John Benjamins (Pragmatics and Beyond New Series 247), pp. 223-242. ISBN: 978 90 272 5652 2.
  • Martínez Caro, Elena (2014). The expression of evaluation in weekly news magazines in English. In G. Thompson and L. Alba-Juez (eds.) Evaluation in Context. Amsterdam y Filadelfia: John Benjamins (Pragmatics and Beyond New Series 242), pp. 321-343. ISBN: 9789027256478


  • Lavid, Julia, Jorge Arús & Lara Moratón (2013). Investigating thematic choices in two newspaper generes: an SFL-based study analysis. En Choice in Language: Applications in Text Analysis, eds. Gerard O' Grady, Tom Bartlett & Lise Fontaine.  London: Equinox. 187-214. DOI: 10.1558/equinox.21928.
  • Lavid, Julia, Jorge Arús & Lara Moratón (2013). Thematic variation in English and Spanish Newspaper Genres: A contrastive corpus based study. Advances in Corpus-based Contrastive Linguistics. Studies in honour of Stig Johansson. Edited by Karin Aijmer and Bengt Altenberg. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. Studies in corpus linguistics. pp. 261-286. ISBN 9789027203595.


2011 and before

  • Taboada, M. (2009) Implicit and explicit coherence relations. In J. Renkema (ed.) Discourse, of Course. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 127-140.
  • Taboada, M. (2008) Reference, centres and transitions in spoken Spanish. In J. Gundel and N. Hedberg (eds.) Reference: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 176-215.
  • Gómez-González, MLA and Taboada, M. (2005) Coherence relations in Functional (Discourse) Grammar. In J. L. Mackenzie and MLA Gómez-González. Studies in Functional Discourse Grammar. Berne: Peter Lang. 227-259.
  • Taboada, M. (2005) Anaphoric terms and focus of attention in English and Spanish. In C. Butler, MLA Gómez-González and S. Doval (eds.) The Dynamics of Language Use: Functional and Contrastive Perspectives. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 195-216.
  • Taboada, M. (2004) Rhetorical relations in dialogue: A contrastive study. In C. L. Moder and A. Martinovic-Zic (eds.) Discourse Across Languages and Cultures. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 75-97. Read a review of the book in the LINGUIST List.
  • Taboada, M. (2001) A general description for the structure of conversation: A hopeless task? In Francisco Ruiz de Mendoza (ed.) Panorama Actual de la Lingüística Aplicada: Conocimiento, Procesamiento y Uso del Lenguaje. Volumen II. Logroño: Universidad de La Rioja. 417-424.
  • Taboada, M. (2000) Cohesion as a measure in generic analysis. In Alan Melby and Arle Lommel (eds.) The 26th LACUS Forum. Chapel Hill, N.C.: The Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States. 35-49. Also on line in Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación/ Circle of Linguistics Applied to Communication/ clac, 3, September 2000. ISSN 1576-4737. Link
  • Martínez Caro, Elena (2010). Discourse functions of th-clefts in English. In M.L. Blanco Gómez and J.I. Marín Arrese (eds.) Discourse and Communication: Cognitive and Functional Perspectives. Madrid: Dykinson y Servicio Publicaciones Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, 209-224. ISBN: 978-84-9849-977-3   


  • Martínez Caro, Elena (2008). Th-clefts in English: form and function. In T. Gibert Maceda y L. Alba Juez (eds.) Estudios de Filología Inglesa: Homenaje a la Dra. Asunción Alba Pelayo. Madrid: UNED, 239-255. ISBN: 978-84-362-5553-9 


  • Hannay, Mike and Martínez Caro, Elena (2008). Thematic choice in the written English of advanced Spanish and Dutch learners. In G. Gilquin, S. Papp and B. Díez-Bedmar (eds.) Linking up contrastive and learner corpus research. [Language and Computer Series 66]. Amsterdam y Nueva York: Rodopi (Brill), pp. 227-253. ISBN: 978-90-420-2446-5 


  • Hannay, Mike and Martínez Caro, Elena (2008). Last things first: An FDG approach to clause-final focus constituents in Spanish and English. In M.A. Gómez González, J.L. Mackenzie and E. González Álvarez (eds.) Languages and Cultures in Contrast and Comparison. [Pragmatics and Beyond New Series 175]. Ámsterdam y Filadelfia: John Benjamins, pp. 33-68. ISBN: 978-90-272-5419-1


  • Martínez Caro, Elena (2006). Constituent order in Spanish: a Functional Grammar perspective. In M. Carretero, L. Hidalgo Downing, J. Lavid, E. Martínez Caro, J. Neff, S. Pérez de Ayala and E. Sánchez-Pardo (eds.) A Pleasure of Life in Words: a Festschrift for Angela Downing. Vol. I. Departamento de Filología Inglesa, Universidad Complutense, Madrid: CERSA, pp. 187-213. ISBN:84-611-3486-9  


  • Martínez Caro, Elena (2006). The verbal expression of belief and hearsay in English and Spanish: evidence from newspaper discourse. In A.M. Hornero, M.J. Luzón and S. Murillo (eds.) Corpus Linguistics: Applications for the Study of English. (Linguistic insights. Studies in Language and Communication 25). Berna: Peter Lang, 159-175. ISBN: 3-03910-675-9 


  • Martínez Caro, Elena. (2004). Evidentiality and the verbal expression of belief and hearsay. In J. Marín Arrese (ed.) Perspectives on Evidentiality and Modality in English and Spanish. Madrid: Editorial Complutense, 185-204. ISBN: 84-7491-755-7  


  • Martínez Caro, Elena. (2002). Impersonalisation and reference in English and Spanish: evidence from newspaper discourse. In J. Marín Arrese (ed.) Conceptualization of Events in Newspaper Discourse: Mystification of Agency and Degree of Implication in News Reports. Madrid: Universidad Complutense, Proyectos Complutense 2000, pp. 71-88. ISBN: 84-699-97246        


  • Martínez Caro, Elena. (1998). Adelantamiento de complementos argumentales en español: diferenciación pragmática. In Cifuentes Honrubia, J.L. (ed.) Estudios de Lingüística Cognitiva. Volume II. Alicante: Universidad de Alicante, 731-742. ISBN: 84-930403-2-0


  • Martínez Caro, Elena. (1998). Funciones pragmáticas y estructura sintáctica en español: tópicos retomados enfáticamente. In Vázquez Orta, I. and I. Guillén Galve (eds.) Perspectivas pragmáticas en Lingüística Aplicada. Zaragoza: Anubar Ediciones. 169-176.  ISBN: 84-7013-265-22.


  • Martínez Caro, Elena. (1998). Parallel Focus in English and Spanish: evidence from conversation. In Hannay, M. and M. Bolkestein (eds.) Functional Grammar and Verbal Interaction (Studies in Language Companion Series, SLCS, 44). Amsterdam y Filadelfia: John Benjamins, pp. 215-242. ISBN: 90-272-3047-1