- Martínez Caro, Elena (2022). And that is what she did: demonstrative clefts in English writing. Gragoatá 27.58: 291-326. Special issue: Língua, Gramática e Discurso na interface pragmática-sintaxe. Paulo P. Correa, Manuel Leonetti (editors).
Martínez Caro, Elena and Alba-Juez, Laura (2021). The Expressive Function of the ni que Insubordinate Construction in Spanish. Languages 6.4: 161-177. Special issue: Key aspects of 21st century informal interactions. Renata Enghels, Fien De Latte and Linde Roels (editors).
- Matthiessen, Christian, Arús Hita, Jorge and Kazuhiro Teruya (2021). Translations of Representations of Moving and Saying from English into Spanish. Word 67.2: 188-207.
- Elorza, Izaskun, Jorge Arús Hita y Tom Bartlett (2021). SFL approaches to language dynamics and contrast. Special Issue of Lingua 261.
- Arús Hita, Jorge (2020). Pushing SFL out of its comfort zone: The role of SPCA structure in English and Spanish. Special Issue of Lingua 261.
- Arús Hita, Jorge and Nora Kaplan (2020) Introducción a la sección monográfica: Estudios de Lingüística Sistémico-Funcional en/del español. Revista SIGNOS 54(105):141-147.
Martínez Caro, Elena and Jorge Arús Hita (2020) Give as a light verb. Functions of Language 27.3.
- Goddard, C., M. Taboada and R. Trnavac (2019) The semantics of evaluational adjectives: Perspectives from Natural Semantic Metalanguage and Appraisal. Functions of Language26(3): 308-342.
- Das, D. and M. Taboada (2019) Multiple signals of coherence relations. Discours 24: 3-38.
- Asr, F. T. and M. Taboada (2019) Big data and quality data for fake news and misinformation detection. Big Data & Society. January-June 2019: 1-14.
Navarro Gil, Noelia and Martínez Caro, Elena (2019). Lexical bundles in learner and expert academic writing. Bellaterra Journal of Teaching and Learning Language and Literature 12.1: 65-90.
- Taboada, M. (2019) The space of coherence relations and their signalling in discourse. Language, Context and Text 1(2): 205-233.
- Pappas, P., M. Taboada and K. Alexander (2019) Teaching linguistic argumentation through a writing-intensive approach. Language (Teaching Linguistics Section) 95(3): e339
- Benamara, F., D. Inkpen and M. Taboada (2018) Introduction to the Special Issue on Language in Social Media: Exploiting discourse and other contextual information.Computational Linguistics 44 (4): 663-681.
- Das, D. and M. Taboada (2018) Signalling of coherence relations in discourse. Discourse Processes 55(8): 743-770.
- Das, D. and M. Taboada (2018) RST Signalling Corpus: A corpus of signals of coherence relations. Language Resources and Evaluation 52(1): 149-184.
Arús Hita, Jorge, Kazuhiro Teruya, Mohamed Ali Bardi, Abhishek Kumar Kashyap, and Isaac N. Mwinlaaru (2018). Quoting and reporting across languages: A system-based and text-based typology. Word 64.2. DOI: 10.1080/00437956.2018.1463001
- Carretero, M. , Marín, J. and J. Lavid (2017): “Adverbs as evidentials: an English-Spanish contrastive analysis of twelve adverbs in spoken and newspaper discourse.” Kalbotyra2017, number 70: 32-59.
- Moratón, Lara and Julia Lavid (2017): Stance and Engagement in English and Spanish journalistic texts: Towards a reliable annotation schemefor linguistic and computational purposes. Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis 135 (2018): 29–45. doi:10.4467/20834624SL.18.003.8163
- Thompson, J., B. Leung, M. Blair and M. Taboada (2017) Sentiment analysis of video game chat messaging: Detecting sentiment and toxicity in StarCraft2. Knowledge-Based Systems137: 149-162.
- Aloy Mayo, M. and M. Taboada (2017) Evaluation in political discourse addressed to women: Appraisal analysis of Cosmopolitan's coverage of the 2014 US midterm elections. Discourse, Context and Media 18: 40-48.
- Taboada, M., R. Trnavac and C. Goddard (2017) On being negative. Corpus Pragmatics 1(1): 57-76.
- Benamara, F., M. Taboada and Y. Mathieu (2017) Evaluative language beyond bags of words: Linguistic insights and computational applications. Computational Linguistics 43(1): 201-264.
- Cardoso, P., M. Taboada and T. Pardo (2017) Subtopic annotation and topic segmentation for news texts. Corpora 12(1): 23–54.
- Lavid López, Julia, Marta Carretero & Juan Rafael Zamorano Mansilla (2016). A linguistically-motivated annotation model of modality in English and Spanish: insights from MULTINOT. Linguistic Issues in Language Technology 14.4, 1-33.
Clarke, B. and Jorge Arús Hita (2016). The Dynamicity of Communication below, around and above the Clause: Introduction. In Ben Clarke and Jorge Arús Hita, eds. (2016). The Dynamicity of Communication below, around and above the Clause. English Text Construction (special issue). Amsterdam: John Benjamins: 1-8.
- Cruz, N, M. Taboada and R. Mitkov (2016) A machine learning approach to negation and speculation detection for sentiment analysis. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 67(9): 2118-2136.
- Trnavac, R., D. Das and M. Taboada (2016) Discourse relations and evaluation. Corpora11(2): 169-190.
- Taboada, M. (2016) Sentiment analysis: An overview from linguistics. Annual Review of Linguistics. 2: 325-347.
- Trnavac, R. and M. Taboada (2016) Cataphora, backgrounding and accessibility in discourse. Journal of Pragmatics. 93: 68-84
- Lavid, Julia & Lara Moratón Gutiérrez (2015). Intersubjective positioning and thematisation in English and Spanish: a contrastive analysis of letters to the editor. Nordic Journal of English Studies. 14, 289-319.
- Iruskieta, M., I. da Cunha and M. Taboada (2015) Principles of a qualitative method for rhetorical analysis evaluation: A contrastive analysis English-Spanish-Basque. Language Resources and Evaluation 49 (2): 263-309.
- Taboada, M., M. Carretero and J. Hinnell (2014) Loving and hating the movies in English, German and Spanish. Languages in Contrast 14 (1): 127-161.
Martínez Caro, Elena (2014). El párrafo como unidad discursiva: consideraciones de forma y contenido relativas a su demarcación y estructuración. Estudios de Lingüística del Español (ELiEs) 35: 191-215. (Volumen monográfico: Unidades de segmentación en el discurso. Coordinador: Luis Cortés Rodríguez)
- Acartürk, C., M. Taboada and C. Habel (2013) Cohesion in multimodal documents: Effects of cross-referencing. Information Design. 20 (2): 98-110.
Moratón, L., & Lavid, J. (2013) Thematic Progression Patterns in English and Spanish Newspaper Genres. COLDOC La question des genres a l'ecrit et a l'oral. Université de Paris-Ouest (France). Texto disponible en:
- Taboada, M. and C. Habel (2013) Rhetorical relations in multimodal documents. Discourse Studies 15 (1): 59-85.
- Taboada, M., S. Doval Suárez and E. González Álvarez (2012) Functional and corpus perspectives in contrastive discourse analysis (Introduction to the special issue). Linguistics and the Human Sciences 6 (1-3): 1-17.
- Lavid, Julia, Jorge Arús & Lara Moratón (2012). Signalling genre through Theme: The case of news reports and commentaries. Discours, 10. Special Issue on Multidisciplinary Approaches to Signalling Text Organisation. 1-45.
- Arús, Jorge, Julia Lavid & Lara Moratón (2012). Annotating thematic features in English and Spanish: a contrastive corpus-based study. Linguistics and the Human Sciences 6, 173-192.
- Ehret, K. and M. Taboada (to appear) Are online news comments like face-to-face conversation? A multi-dimensional analysis of an emerging register. Register Studies.
- Kolhatkar, V.,H. Wu, L. Cavasso, E. Francis, K. Shukla and M. Taboada (to appear) The SFU Opinion and Comments Corpus: A corpus for the analysis of online news comments. Corpus Pragmatics.
- Taboada, M. and MLA Gómez-González (2012) Discourse markers and coherence relations: Comparison across markers, languages and modalities. Linguistics and the Human Sciences 6 (1-3): 17-41.
- Taboada, M. and M. Carretero (2012) Contrastive analyses of evaluation in text: Key issues in the design of an annotation system for Attitude applicable to consumer reviews in English and Spanish. Linguistics and the Human Sciences 6 (1-3): 275-295.
- Trnavac, R. and M. Taboada (2012) The contribution of nonveridical rhetorical relations to evaluation in discourse. Language Sciences 34 (3): 301-318.
- Taboada, M., J. Brooke, M. Tofiloski, K. Voll and M. Stede (2011) Lexicon-Based Methods for Sentiment Analysis. Computational Linguistics 37 (2): 267-307. Most-cited paper for the journal Computational Linguistics, according to Google Scholar and to CrossRef.
- Taboada, M. (2011) Stages in an online review genre. Text and Talk 31 (2): 247-269.
Alba-Juez, Laura and Martínez Caro, Elena (2011) No wonder you’re in trouble! The evaluative function as part of the hidden pragmatic meaning of certain expressions in English and Spanish. The Rocky Mountain Review 65: 188-207.
- Taboada, M. and L. Wiesemann (2010) Subjects and topics in conversation. Journal of Pragmatics 42 (7): 1816-1828.
- Taboada, M. and L. Hadic Zabala (2008) Deciding on units of analysis within Centering Theory. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 4 (1): 63-108.
- Taboada, M. (2006) Spontaneous and non-spontaneous turn-taking. Pragmatics 16(2-3): 329-360.
- Taboada, M. and W.C. Mann (2006) Applications of Rhetorical Structure Theory. Discourse Studies 8 (4): 567-588.
- Taboada, M. and W.C. Mann (2006) Rhetorical Structure Theory: Looking back and moving ahead. Discourse Studies 8(3): 423-459.
- Taboada, M. (2006) Discourse markers as signals (or not) of rhetorical relations. Journal of Pragmatics 38(4): 567-592.
- Taboada, M. (2004) The genre structure of bulletin board messages. Text Technology 13 (2): 55-82.
- Lavid, J. and M. Taboada (2004) Stylistic differences in document design across languages in Europe: A cross-linguistic characterization. Journal of Technical Writing and Communication. 34 (1-2): 43-65.
- Taboada, M. and J. Lavid (2003) Rhetorical and thematic patterns in scheduling dialogues: A generic characterization. Functions of Language. 10 (2): 147-179.
- Taboada, M. (2003) Modeling task-oriented dialogue. Computers and the Humanities. 37 (4): 431-454.
- Taboada, M. (2002) Foco y pronominalización en la lengua hablada: Una primera aproximación. Documentos de Español Actual 3-4: 173-200.
- Martínez Caro, Elena (2007). Pragmatic frames, the thetic-categorical distinction and Spanish constituent order. Alfa: Revista de Lingüística 51.2: 119-142. (Special issue Advances in Functional Discourse Grammar)
2000 and before
- Downing, A., J. Neff, M. Carretero, E. Martínez-Caro, S. Pérez de Ayala, J. Marín y J. Simón (1998). Structuring and signalling topic management. LACUS Forum 24: 267-278. S. Embleton (ed.) The Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States.
- Juana Marín-Arrese, Elena Martínez-Caro and Soledad Pérez de Ayala Becerril (2001). A corpus study of impersonalisation strategies in newspaper discourse in English and Spanish. University Centre for Computer Corpus Research on Language. Technical Papers Volume 13: 369-377. P. Rayson, A. Wilson, T. McEnery, A. Hardie y S. Khoja (eds.).
- Martínez Caro, Elena (1995). Variación sintáctica en español como expresión pragmática de foco. Estudios de Lingüística Aplicada 21/22: 91-109. (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México). ISSN 0185-2647
- Martínez Caro, Elena (1993). Non-SVO Constructions in English: Some Pragmatic and Functional Considerations. Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses 6: 115-130.