Formación Permanente


Aesthetic & Anti Aging Medicine


Pre-registration is the compulsory first step in the ADMISSION PROCESS for applicants to the Masters Program in Aesthetic & Anti Aging Medicine. Pre-registration is currently closed to student admissions.

Regarding Reservations for the program, applicants will be advised (via email) by the Bursar’s Office of the date by which fees must be paid. The approximate date is 20 days from that at which the Admission Process is completed and the applicant is formally accepted by the Academic Board. The reservation fee will be discounted from the total cost of the program.  

Please send all documentation to the following address:

Facultad de Medicina UCM. Secretaría de alumnos - Sección de Títulos Propios. Plaza de Ramón y Cajal s/n. 28040 Madrid (España)

If you don't know spanish CLICK HERE to complete the pre-registration procedure in english. 

To pre-register for the Masters Program in Aesthetic & Anti aging Medicine, please click here:  ONLINE PRE-REGISTRATION