Formación Permanente


Aesthetic & Anti Aging Medicine Training

On Line Distance Learning

UCM University Postgraduate Course


The UCM Masters Program in Aesthetic& Anti Aging Medicinegrants an internationally recognized professional postgraduate qualification in continuing medical education. Candidates are awarded the UCM Masters in Aesthetic& Anti Aging Medicine, with official issue by the Chancellor, upon successful completion of all coursework and assessments.

Instruction for the Masters Program follows a standard e-learning format with 60 ECTS credits.

While Aesthetic Medicine is a discipline well recognized both in Europe and worldwide, it is not studied as an official specialization in Europe. Accordingly, the Complutense University of Madrid and other institutions have included Aesthetic Medicine in their postgraduate study programs with the specific goal of providing education and training in the teaching of the various techniques and procedures that are pertinent to the field, and in keeping with strict criteria and sound scientific foundations within a university setting of excellence.

The physician who intends to practice Aesthetic Medicine needs to receive university training within a well designed and complete program covering all aspects and requirements inherent in this type of medicine, one which assures ample practical training in preparation for its efficient and safe practice.

The Postgraduate Program in Aesthetic & Anti Aging Medical Training has been in existence for a total of 17 years

A teaching program with techniques and procedures of aesthetic medicine such as: Botulinum Toxin A & Skin Fillers, Mesotherapy, Aesthetic Phlebolymphology, Treatments with Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), Rinoplasty, Advanced Medical and Bio-Technologies for Anti Aging Medicine, Gynaecological Cosmetic and its Application in Medical Aesthetics, Hyperbaric Oxigen Therapy, Chemical Peels, Microdermabrasion, Sustentation Threads, Hair Transplant Microsurgery Techniques, Body Contouring and Treatment of Cellulite, Nutrition, Laser and IPL, Etc. All the theoretical and practical classes are with Video Demonstration.

This experience has led to the latest innovation to the course, namely the first Postgraduate Degree in Aesthetic Medicine & Anti Aging with instruction entirely in English at the Complutense University of Madrid. It is a program of 60 ECTS credits designed to offer an international outreach of training within an International Campus of Excellence; it is the first edition of the Aesthetic & Anti Aging Medicine Master Course.