Formación Permanente


 Organized by Universidad Complutense de Madrid School of Medicine. DIRECTOR: Prof. Dr. Manuel Giner Nogueras (Professor of Surgery - Universidad Complutense de Madrid School of Medicine:). ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: Dr. Emilce Insua Nipoti (Doctor of Medicine and Medical Aesthetics; Department Head, Department of Aesthetic Medicine, Clínica Barragán). COORDINATOR: Dr. Luis de Sola Semería (Field Clinical Specialist, Spain)


Format and Method: Theoretical and practical e-learning classes designed to provide the student all audiovisual means necessary for a complete understanding of the material. Students are additionally provided with other learning tools, such as notes and presentations of the instructors. Additional activities will be offered with the aim to affording the student a dynamic, practical and fulfilling learning experience. Forums, online tutorials and other kinds of educational follow-up methodology will be placed at the student’s disposition.
While overall content of the online distance learning course is entirely equivalent to that of the Masters Course in Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Medicine imparted through traditional classroom learning, the online course offers the student the conveniences of flexible study and easy incorporation of continuing professional education into the realm of those responsibilities required of the practicing physician.



Post-graduate programs in Aesthetic Medicine are designed for individuals who have successfully completed a university degree in Medicine.
Pre-registration is required for admittance to the programs, as well as the fulfillment of certain requirements as established by the Complutense University of Madrid and Director of Studies. The candidate must finalize any eventual acceptance into the program with a formal registration within the dates established by the Complutense University of Madrid.


Final Projects and Assessment

All examinations throughout the course (3 partials) must be completed with a grade of pass, without exception. If the student should fail an exam a recuperation is possible.Participants must also present a final project, whose completion will qualitatively contribute to the final assessment of the candidate.


Distance Classes

Such classes are designed to afford participants the opportunity to complete the program in as convenient a manner as possible with regard to place and time of study.
Instruction afforded by distance classes is supplemented by blended learning (on-site classes), specifically designed learning materials and audiovisual productions. Such self-instruction is reinforced by academic counseling provided by faculty and advisers, the development of assessment procedures and on-line guidance.
Online platforms are constructed for maximum flexibility and accessibility, integrating wireless and computer applications in order to ensure a quality learning experience.
Classes are imparted on a weekly basis in the learning space of the UCM Virtual Campus online platform and post-graduate video channel. Information as relates to weekly classes is complied in a Program, which serves as a reference document for the Masters Course. (Class content within MODULES is presented on predetermined dates and remains online until the end of the course.)
Notes, complementary materials and videos are indicated for each topic in the program. All questions and consultations will be addressed by academic coordinators and administrators, utilizing the various means of communication afforded by the UCM Virtual Campus e-learning platform.


Eligibility and Requirements

Eligible candidates for the course are those possessing the degree of M.D. or equivalent.

Candidates must complete a PRE-REGISTRATION process which entails a fee of 40 euros, submission of all requisite documentation and application form containing relevant personal information. Click on the PRE-REGISTRATION tab for more information.

Candidates must subsequently complete the Reservation and Final Registration phases if formally admitted to the course by the Academic Director.


Course Duration and Description

The UCM Masters Program in Aesthetic& Anti Aging Medicineis a 10-month long course (distance-course format). The course begins in October 2023 and ends in July 2024. Class instruction is through the e-learning online platform of the UCM Virtual Campus, which contains learning tools and resources such as notes and audiovisual aids, as well as procedural information regarding assessment, participation in forums, etc.  



Participants will be assessed on 3 compulsory facets of the course:

- Active participation in the online training platform of the UCM Virtual Campus. Online access -- including access to course content, information and notifications -- on the average of 8 days/month is a requisite.  Description of all training activities can be found in the STUDENT HANDBOOK.

Passing grades on all Partial Examinations. Participants will be required to sit for 3 partial examinations. Participants must receive a PASSING GRADE on all examinations in order to earn the Masters qualification. RECUPERATION exams will be made available to those students who either had failed or missed the previous examination. All students will have two opportunities to achieve a passing grade on each of the 3 partial exams..

-Research Project. All participants will be required to prepare and submit a literature review on a particular subject, or a research project involving clinical cases.

All research will be performed following GUIDELINES for publication in biomedical journals, which will be made available to all participants.


Reservation and Registration

All applicants once admitted to the program must submit a formal RESERVATION and formal REGISTRATION within the time period specified by the UCM School of Medicine.

-       RESERVATION: All applicants ADMITTED DEFINITIVELY will receive an ADMISSION LETTER from the Course Administrator, which will outline payment procedures for making the reservation.

UCM  Masters Program in Aesthetic& Anti Aging Medicine PAYMENT:

  • Pre-registration: 40.-€
  • Places available ( online): 100
  • Reservation fee: 1,000 .-€
  • Cost of Masters Program: 6.000.-€ (minus reservation fee)
  • Payment methods (2): 1 or 2 installments 



All applicants to the postgraduate Masters Program must complete the pre-registration procedure:

1. Fill in personal information on the APPLICATION FORM: Form in spanish Form in English 

2. Payment of 40 Euros: Upon completion of the application form, all applicants must use the appropriate link to make an online pre-registration fee credit card payment of 40 euros 

3. Submission of application materials. Required documentation for applicants with no Spanish educational credentials:

  • M.D. degree with proper validation and legalization (Hague Apostille if nationality is covered under the agreement, OR legalization through the Spanish embassy or consulate in applicant’s place of residence).
  • M.D. Academic Record (subjects and grades obtained during the applicant’s medical school studies)   with proper validation and legalization (Hague Apostille for nationalities covered under the agreement, or legalization through the Spanish embassy or consulate in applicant’s place of residence).


IMPORTANT: both documents MUST be submitted in a LEGALLY CERTIFIED translation (“traduccion jurada”) to Spanish.

Please send all documentation to the following address:


Important considerations regarding the applicant’s documentation:

All submitted documentation must be official and issued by the competent authorities.

1. All documentation must further be legalized via appropriate diplomatic channels, in Spanish Embassies or Consulates in the country of origin. All documentation must subsequently gain the approval (“visto bueno”) of the Spanish Foreign Ministry (Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de España). ADDRESS: General de Asuntos y Asistencia Consulares, c/ Juan de Mena, 4 – 28071 Madrid. Telephone: (main switchboard) 913 791 700, (General Information) 913 791 605 y 07, (Legalization Division): 913 791 606/08/09.

Documentation bearing an APOSTILLE (Hague Apostille Convention, 5 October 1961) requires NO further diplomatic or consular legalization.


2. All documentation issued outside Spain by the competent authorities MUST be accompanied by a legally certified translation to Spanish. Such translation may be realized through any of the following:

-       Any Spanish diplomatic or consular representative outside Spain

-       Any diplomatic or consular representative of the applicant’s country – and of the respective documentation --in Spain

-       Any translator legally certified (“traductor jurado”) in Spain


Admission Process

Once pre-registration is completed, the Academic Board will proceed with the applicant’s admission process. Upon completion of the process, the applicant will receive (via email) a notification containing all necessary details regarding the manner and speed with which the final reservation and registration procedures will occur.



E-mail: /


Reservation fee: 1.000 Euros (to be subsequently deducted from total tuition fee upon the applicant being formally accepted into the program)

Tuition fee: 6.000 Euros

Payment methods: 1 or 2 payments

Candidates: the course is designed for all professionals currently holding the M.D. degree

Pre-inscription: Click to open the Pre-Inscription Form