Proyectos de Innovación


Degree to which the identity of a good corresponds to the one attributed to it. The concept of authenticity should not be confused with the concept of originality. (UNE-EN 15898)

Respect for cultural diversity requires the recognition of the legitimacy of cultural values ​​of all parties. It is not possible to make value judgments or authenticity assessments with a fixed criterion; on the contrary, the due respect for all cultures requires that cultural heritage be considered and evaluated within the cultural context to which they belong. It is of the utmost urgency and importance that within each culture, recognition aligns with the specific nature of the values ​​of its heritage and with the credibility and truthfulness of the related sources of information. (Nara Document on Authenticity, 1994, UNESCO)

By Herbert Behrens / Anefo -, CC0,

By Sailko - CC BY 3.0,

How to cite this definition?

Teaching Innovation Project (See last update) Authenticity. Glossary of terms. Cabinet: Cybernetic File for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage. Complutense University of Madrid. https://www.



Spanish Association for Standardization. (2020). UNE-EN 15898: Conservation of cultural heritage. Main general terms and definitions.

Nara, C. (1994). Nara Document on Authenticity.

Calvo Manuel, A. M., García Fernández-Villa, S., García Fernández, I. M., Miguel, M., María, A., Valle Gutiérrez, A. D., ... & Cardeira, L. (2018). Basic terminology of conservation and restoration of cultural heritage 3. Spanish-English-French-French-Italian-German-Portuguese.



Last update: May 2023