Research Projects

Publications and conferences


  • Calvo Cortés, Nuria. 2024 (en prensa). "Filled-in petition forms and hand-drafted petitions to the Foundling Hospital. A comparison and the influence of letter-writing manuals". En Unlocking the History of English - Pragmatics, prescriptivism and text types, Luisella Caon, Moragh Gordon and Thijs Porck (eds.). pp. 198-224. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • Calvo Cortés, Nuria. 2024. "Politeness in Petitions Signed by Nineteenth Century British Women before being Transported to Australia". En RAEL (Revista Electrónica de Lingüística Aplicada). Volumen 22/1, pp: 44-58
  • De la Cruz Cabanillas, Isabel. 2023. “Domestic Medicine in an Early Eighteenth-Century Manuscript, GUL, Ferguson 43”, Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses, 2023, 87, 131-146.
  • De la Cruz Cabanillas, Isabel. 2023. A Collection of sundrie approved Receipts. Study and Edition of Glasgow University Library, -Ferguson MS 43. Alcalá de Henares: Editorial Universidad de Alcalá. ISBN: 978-84-18979-11-8
  • De la Cruz Cabanillas, Isabel. 2022. A Study of Therapeutic Plant Names in a Late Middle English Medical Corpus". A World of Texts. Festschrift in Honour of Professor Jeremy Smith. Las Palmas, Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 69-87. (Con I. Diego Rodríguez).

  • De la Cruz Cabanillas, Isabel. 2022. A World of Texts. Festschrift in Honour of Professor Jeremy Smith. Las Palmas, Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria. ISBN: 978-84-9042-472-8 (With M. J. Esteve Ramos).

  • De la Cruz Cabanillas, Isabel. 2022. “Foreign Ingredients in Early Modern English Recipes". Genre in English Medical Writing, 1500-1820: Sociocultural Contexts of Production and Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

  • Ruano-García, Javier. 2021. “Horae Subsecivae, ‘that remarkable glossary of West Country words’ (Bodl. MS Eng. lang. d. 66)”. International Journal of Lexicography 34.2: 235-258. [DOI:].
  • Ruano-García, Javier. 2021. “Aw’m Lancashire, owd cock, and gradely hearty: Enregistered Lancashire voices in the nineteenth-century theatre”. The Dialects of British English in Fictional Texts (eds. Donatella Montini and Irene Ranzato). London, New York: Routledge. 108-129.



  • Fernández Soriano, Blanca. May 2024 - V SEING, Universidad de Zaragoza, “Bursting like a July-the-Fourth firecracker: ANGER and HAPPINESS in Maya Angelou's I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings”
  • Calvo Cortés, Nuria. October 2023 - The Epistolary Research Network (TERN) Conference, Online, "Early nineteenth-century London undated petition forms with two dates in the body of the text"
  • Calvo Cortés, Nuria. September 2023 - Quills and Characters: Approaches to Women’s Letters 1660-1860, Chawton House, Inglaterra, "Women and letters in Late Modern English books: Salutations and Subscriptions in instruction manuals and in epistolary novels"
  • Calvo Cortés, Nuria. June 2023 - The 7th meeting of the International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE 7), Universidad de Brisbane, Australia, “Trained as a domestic servant in her girlhood”: girls’ lives in Australian female biographical discourse"
  • De la Cruz Cabanillas, Isabel. June 2023 - 7th meeting of the International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE 7), Universidad de Queensland, "Exploring the ODNB component of the FemChildLing Corpus: The case of female Glaswegian voices”.
  • Tejada Caller, Paloma and López Narváez, Julia. June 2023. - The 7th meeting of the International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE 7), Universidad de Brisbane, Australia,  “Social paths as discourse topics in the construction of 19th c British female childhoods”,
  • De la Cruz Cabanillas, Isabel. May 2023. Conference on Historical Medical Discourse, Universidad de Lancaster, “Interpersonal communication in women´s recipe collections in Late Modern English”
  • Calvo Cortés, Nuria. May 2023 - 14th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics. Universidad de Oviedo, “unfortunately for me became with child by him”: pregnant language in Late Modern British corpora"
  • Calvo Cortés, Nuria. Sept/October 2022 - The Epistolary Research Network (TERN) Conference, Online, " “What to trust in a sheet of paper”: letter-writing instruction to women in 17th century England"
  • Cortés, Nuria. July 2022 - I Inter-university online Seminar on female childhood(s), Universidad Complutense Madrid. "Challenges when analysing the conceptualisation of girlhood: the case of the Australian Dictionary of Biography"
  • López Narváez, Julia. July 2022 - I Inter-university online Seminar on female childhood(s), Universidad Complutense Madrid. "Building a corpus. English life-writing and female childhood(s)”
  • López Narváez, Julia. July 2022 - I Inter-university online Seminar on female childhood(s), Universidad Complutense Madrid. “Breaking a linguistic way into the idea of female childhood as constructed in life-narratives”.
  • Calvo Cortés, Nuria. June 2022 - HiSon (Historical Sociolinguistic Network) Conference, Universidad de Murcia, "“A Female Child of which she was delivered”: relativiser which referring to humans in Late 18th century petitions"
  • Calvo Cortés, Nuria. May 2022 - LModE-7 - 7th International Late Modern English Conference. Universidad de Catania, Ragusa-Ibla, Sicilia, Italia. "Speaking of ‘forced impurity’ in ‘pure’ language? Servants’ expressions of guilt in 18th century London petitions"
  • Ruano-García, Javier. «Crafting the Lancashire dialect on the nineteenth-century stage: Insights from enregisterment, stylisation and the sociolinguistics of performance». 44th International AEDEAN Conference (Universidad de Cantabria, Spain), 24-26 November 2021.
  • Ruano-García, Javier. «Farmer Pearse had three distinct manners of speech: Representations of dialect speech in Late Modern English dialect writing». International Workshop on Speech Representation in Late Modern English Text Types (Université de Lausanne, Switzerland), 12 November 2021.
  • Ruano-García, Javier. «My principal guide…for the dialectical words of this county: The contribution of Horae Subsecivae to James O. Halliwell’s A Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words (1847)”. 11th International Conference on Historical Lexicography and Lexicology (ICHLL-11) (Universidad de La Rioja, Spain), 16-18 June 2021.