Research Projects


PhD Dissertations

  • Julia López Narváez (2024): Subjective multi-voiced perception: the fallen woman stereotype through the analysis of conceptual similes in Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the d’Urbervilles. Supervisor: Paloma Tejada and Rebeca Gualberto
  • Gemma Plaza: A corpus-based study on the language of school logbooks in East Anglia at the turn of the 20th century (1862-1914). Supervisor: Nuria Calvo
  • Manuel Ruiz Quesada: Biographical discourse and the childhood of black women in the British context from 1750 to 1900. Supervisor: Paloma Tejada
  • Blanca Fernández Soriano Tesis: The emotional component in the conceptualisation of home. A cultural linguistics analysis of 19th century English discourse by migrant young women. Supervisor: Paloma Tejada
  • Aleksandra Kovolanova: Shaping girlhood in fairy tale retelling. A linguo-cultural analysis of English texts. Supervisor: Paloma Tejada


  • Elena Pozo García. Junio 2022. Conceptualisation of Canadian eighteenth century female childhood in biographical discourse. Supervisor: Paloma Tejada
  • Rebeca Doñoro. 2023 Death in English Fiction and Non-Fiction Books for Children: Beyond the Conventional Semantic Frame. Supervisor: Paloma Tejada
  • Blanca Fernández Soriano. 2023. Linguistic construction of the domain of FEAR in Black female childhood: A case study of Maya Angelou’s I know why the caged bird sings. Supervisor: Paloma Tejada
  • Sara Holgado Díaz. 2024. Mom types in search for a label. A study on the translation of English premodified noun-phrases denoting types of momsSupervisor: Paloma Tejada
  • Chiara Di Floriano (MA in Intercultural Studies in Languages and Literatures). 2024. Stereotipi dell’infanzia nei testi del Late Modern English: il caso di Jacob Abbott e Carolyn Wells (Depicting childhood through stereotypes and bias in Late Modern Times: The case of Jacob Abbott and Carolyn Wells) Supervisor: Marina Dossena 


  • Marta Portillo. The Power of Native Languages in Mazin' Grace by Dylan Coleman. A Literary Account of her Mother's Childhood (tentative). Supervisor: Paloma Tejada