Organised seminars and conferences
- Linguistic approaches to Jane Austen’s childhood: the early years of a “very charming young woman” and her significant others. Universidad Complutense de Madrid (5-6 May 2025).
- Keynote speakers: Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade and Kathryn Sutherland
- Webpage (link)
- IV Inter-university Seminar: What biographical discourse reveals about female childhood (1750-1900) (25 November 2024) (link)
- III Inter-university Seminar: Female childhood, conflict of interest (March 2024)
- II Inter-university Seminar: New Paradigms in Childhood studies (June 2023)
- I Inter-university Seminar: Historical vs. contemporary definitions of female childhood (July 2022)
Panels at International Conferences
“Contemporary images of a forgotten life-stage: Late Modern English female childhood as projected in biographical discourse”. 8th International Conference on Late Modern English (LModE-8). Salamanca (2-4 October 2024)
"Female childhoods. Linguistic approaches to the silent and obscure years of women in English (auto-) biographical discourse, 1750-1900". 7th Conference of International Society for the Lingusitics of English (ISLE7). University of Queensland (19-23 June 2023)
International Women's Day and Women's History Month
March 2024. Collaboration with PhD programme in English Linguistics