Isabel de la Cruz Cabanillas
Contact information
ORCID; Research gate; Academia; Website
Universidad de Alcalá, Departamento Filología Moderna
Isabel de la Cruz Cabanillas is Professor of English at the University of Alcalá, where she teaches several courses on English Language and Linguistics at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Her research interests are chiefly in the field of lexicology and semantics from a synchronic and diachronic perspective.
Most recent publications:
“De Héroes y Villanos: Calques from English into Spanish”, Atlantis, 2023, 45/2, 67-94 (With C. Tejedor Martínez y E. Cerdá Redondo). .
“Domestic Medicine in an Early Eighteenth-Century Manuscript, GUL, Ferguson 43”, Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses, 2023, 87, 131-146.
“Chocolate, or an Indian Drinke: The first English Translation of a Spanish Chocolate Treatise”, Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny, 2022, LXIX/3, 331-346.
“Revival of classic Affixes in Spanish through English”, Moderna Sprak, 2022, 116, 266-293. (With Cristina Tejedor Martínez)
“The Capsula eburnea in several Middle English witnesses”, Token, 2021, 13, 5-26. (With I. Diego Rodríguez)
“Verbal magic and healing charms in Glasgow University Library MS Ferguson 147”, SELIM, 2021, 26, 109-128.
“Chemical Vocabulary in Middle English Medical Manuscripts”, RLFE, 2021, 27/1. 23-36.
“The Secrets of Alexis in Glasgow University Library MS Ferguson 7”, Sederi, 2020, 30, 29-46.
“Early Modern English Recipes as a Mirror of the Time Period”, Neophilological Studies, 2020, 16, 47-60.
“La enfermedad celiaca a través de dos tratados inéditos del siglo XVII”, Panacea, 2019, 20, 165-172.
“Abbreviations in Medieval Medical Manuscripts”, Selim, 2018, 23, 163-184. (With Diego Rodríguez).
“For þe goute a good medicyne / Otra recepta para la gota: análisis contrastivo de recetas inglesas y castellanas bajomedievales”, Memorabilia, 2017, 19, 1-16. (With Serrano Larráyoz).
“Genre and Text-Type Conventions in Early Modern English Women´s Recipe Books”, Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas, 2017, 12, 13-21.
“Variance and Invariance in Rolle’s Textual Transmission”, Studia Neophilologica, 2017, 89/1, 1-13. Doi: 1080/00393274.2016.1209085.
“Is Punctuation comparable? The Case of London, Westminster School MS 3 and Paris, Bibliothèque Sainte Geneviève MS 3390”, Revista de Filología Inglesa, 2016, 37/1, 11-31.
“Mary Harrison’s Book of Recipes. Women and Household Medicine in late 17th Century”, Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses, 2016, 72/1, 79-95.
“A Medicine for the Vanity in the Head”, SELIM, 2015-16, 21, 157-166.
Book chapters
“A Study of Therapeutic Plant Names in a Late Middle English Medical Corpus". A World of Texts. Festschrift in Honour of Professor Jeremy Smith. Las Palmas, Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2022, 69-87. (Con I. Diego Rodríguez).
A Collection of sundrie approved Receipts. Study and Edition of Glasgow University Library, -Ferguson MS 43. Alcalá de Henares: Editorial Universidad de Alcalá, 2023. ISBN: 978-84-18979-11-8
A World of Texts. Festschrift in Honour of Professor Jeremy Smith. Las Palmas, Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2022. ISBN: 978-84-9042-472-8 (With M. J. Esteve Ramos).
“Foreign Ingredients in Early Modern English Recipes". Genre in English Medical Writing, 1500-1820: Sociocultural Contexts of Production and Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. (Forthcoming).
“The Circulation and Transmission of Hippocratic Lunaries in Middle English". Current Explorations in Middle English. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2019, 65-81. (With I. Diego Rodríguez)
“Medical Astrology in Middle English: The Case of Þe Booke of Ypocras". Textual Reception and Cultural Debate in Medieval English Studies. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, 2018, 79-99. (With I. Diego Rodríguez)
“Mapping the Language of Glasgow University Library Manuscript Ferguson 147”. Textual Reception and Cultural Debate in Medieval English Studies. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, 2018, 51-78.
“Medical Recipes in Glasgow University Library Manuscript Ferguson 147”. Essays and Studies in Middle English. Peter Lang, 2017,77-94.
“Corpus Linguistics and the History of English: When the Past Meets the Future”. Input a Word, Analyse the World. Selected Approaches to Corpus Linguistics. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, 2016, 49-75. (With B. Crespo García).
- “Wow” Il linguaggio giovanile e anglofilia”. University of Turin. 2023. IP: Luca Bellone.
- “Los mecanismos interpersonales en los textos instructivos especializados, domésticos y no domésticos, escritos por mujeres en inglés moderno (MINTEXTIM)”. Entidad financiadora: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PID2021-125928NB-I00). 2022-25. IP: Francisco J. Alonso Almeida.
- “Conceptualización y percepción histórica de la niñez de la mujer en el ámbito anglófono. Aplicación de modelos lingüístico-culturales al discurso biográfico: 1750-1900”. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (REF. PID2020-113720GB-I0). IP: Paloma Tejada Caller.
- “Semántica léxica del inglés antiguo. Clases verbales, alternancias y construcciones”. Entidad financiadora: Secretaría de Estado de Universidades e Investigación. Secretaría General de Política Científica y Tecnológica. (FFI2014- 59110-P). 2015-17. IP: F. Javier Martín Arista.
Recent papers at conferences
- “Los anglicismos en las versiones españolas de Heartstopper”, en el Congreso “WOW! Linguaggio giovanile e anglofilia”, Universidad de Turín, noviembre de 2023.
- “Exploring the ODNB component of the FemChildLing Corpus: The case of female Glaswegian voices”, 7th meeting of the International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE 7), Universidad de Queensland, junio 2023.
- “Interpersonal communication in women´s recipe collections in Late Modern English”, Conference on Historical Medical Discourse, Universidad de Lancaster, mayo 2023.
- "Healing Plants in Middle English Medical Manuscripts”, Conference on Bodily and Spiritual Food, Health and Well-Being in the Germanic Middle Ages. University of Genoa, May 2021.
- “New Wine in Old Bottles? Early Modern English Recipes as a Reflection of the Time Period”, II Conference on Historical Medical Discourse, University of Helsinki, June 2019.
- “On the Use of Mineral and Chemical Terms in Late Middle English Medical Manuscripts”, 11th International Conference on Middle English, University of Florence, February 2019.
- “Treatises on life and death and their afterlives: Hippocratic prognostic texts in Middle English”, 30th International Conference of the Spanish Society for Medieval English Language and Literature (SELIM), University of Oviedo, September 2018.
- “Therapeutic Plant Names: Neologising, Borrowing and Compounding in a Late Middle English Medical Corpus”, 20th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics (ICEHL). Edinburgh University, August 2018.
- “Verbal magic and healing charms in GUL MS Ferguson 147”, Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Study of Healing Charms and Medicine, Harvard University, April 2018.
- “The Circulation and Transmission of Hippocratic Lunaries in Middle English”, 10th International Conference on Middle English (ICOME). Stavanger University, May-June 2017.
- “Medical Recipes in Glasgow University Library Manuscript Ferguson 147: Evidence for Linguistic Provenance”, Angus McIntosh Centre Symposium, Edinburgh University, June 2016.
Recent plenary talks at conferences, workshops and seminars
- “English recipes overtime”, en 45th International Conference of AEDEAN, Universidad de Extremadura, noviembre 2022.
- “The Language of Tourism and Sports in ANGLICOR”, en VI International LEXESP Seminar: The Language of Tourism, Sports and Outdoor Leisure Activities, Universidad de Alicante, mayo 2021.
- “Editing Old Texts in the 21st Century”, 16th Annual Conference of the European Society for Textual Scholarphip, University of Málaga, November 2019.
- “The Art of Healing in Late Middle English Manuscripts”, International Conference Traductio et Traditio Medievales, University Jaume I, March 2019.
- “Two Languages, Two Cultures”, "Research Seminar", School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Glasgow, January 2016.