Grupos de investigación

Data request

Our goal here at ENVIROVEG_Lab is to provide easy access to all relevant data.

Data from any of our data loggers or stations can be requested by filling out the form (Spanish and English versions available) and sending it to 



NOTE: Please make sure to fill out all the mandatory fields in the request form. Requests that fail to comply with this information will be disregarded. 

Data access may be granted by the ENVIROVEG_Lab to interested parties at the lab's discretion.


Formulario desactivado temporalmente

Terms of use

Any applicant and data request agrees to ethicaly and responsibly handle the data provided by ENVIROVEG_Lab, as well as establish potential co-authorship arrangements.

Any negotiations about the terms of data use, possible restrictions or co-authorship will be conducted directly between the applicant and the ENVIROVEG data custodians.