Alba Gutiérrez Girón
Associate Professor at Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Dpt. of Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution. Faculty of Biological Sciences.
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
C. de José Antonio Novais, 12
28040, Madrid
Short CV:
2003. B.S. Biology, Plant Ecology Branch (UCM)
2007. M.S. Pharmaceutical Sciences: Biodiversity and Health. (UCM)
2012. Ph.D in Ecology (UCM)
Thesis: Structure and functioning of Mediterranean high-mountain plant communities in the Sistema Central (Spain). Outlook in the face of global change.
Advised by Dr. Rosario G. Gavilán García.
Research interests:
Functional plant ecology
Mediterranean plant strategies
Fine spatial patterns and species interactions in grasslands communities
Soil-plant relationships and C dynamics
Microbial ecology and its relationships with C dynamics and ecosystem functioning