• Español

Traineeship Students


The Complutense University of Madrid has the possibility to accept students as interns through the Erasmus Traineeship programme. The internship will be unpaid by Complutense, and must be carried out within the university itself (internships in other institutions or companies will not be arranged). It is important to have an adequate level of the Spanish language.

How to apply for Erasmus Traineeship in Complutense?

1. The students must first identify the Faculty where they want to do the internship.

2. After identifying the center of their interest, they should directly contact that Faculty.

 Students must find a potential tutor available to supervise the proposed internship. To do so, you must send an email with your CV and a letter of application of the indicated person. We recommend to include your language levels, the dates of the stay (if possible) and a brief summary of the activities to be carried out.

  •  Contact information of the Faculties (remember that not all Faculties offer the possibilities for an internship)
  • If you want to do your internship at UCM International Relations Office, please contact erasmuspracticas@ucm.es

3. Students accepted by a tutor must send to the mentor their Learning Agreement for Traineeships. Once this document is completed and signed by all parties, the internship is approved. The home university will provide their students with the Learning Agreement template.

Before mobility:

Please send the final Learning Agreement for Traineeships with the accident insurance and the liability insurance (both insurances are compulsory) to the International Relations Office: erasmuspracticas@ucm.es.
The student must also have medical insurance, either as the European Health Insurance Card or as private insurance.
Permits for international travel or stay in Spain (e.g. possible visas) will be the responsibility of each student.

Start mobility:

The students must contact their mentor about the date and place of the start of the internship. They will join the faculty, department or group in which they do the internship and the certificate of arrival will be signed (if needed).



  • Erasmus Internship trainees do not enroll as students, so they cannot follow courses at UCM. Neither will they have a UCM student card or UCM email account.
  •  It will be possible to use the library with a letter from your Faculty or Department that can certify your status as an Erasmus intern.
  •  To use the Wi-Fi, you can use your own email address from your home university, with the corresponding password.
  • More information about EDUROAM: https://ssii.ucm.es/eduroam

More information:

International Relations Office. Students Building. Avda. Complutense, s/n - Ciudad Universitaria, 28040. Madrid
Tel - +34 913946923 / erasmuspracticas@ucm.es.