Vice-Rector for Research and Transfer

Vicerrectora de Investigación y Transferencia
- Vicerrectorado de Investigación y Transferencia
- Lucía de Juan Ferré
- Facultad de Medicina. Edificio Entrepabellones 7 y 8. Calle del Doctor Severo Ochoa, 7, 3ª planta. Ciudad Universitaria. 28040 Madrid.
- 91 394 3544
Vice-Rector for Research and Transfer
Lucía de Juan holds a degree in Veterinary Medicine from the Complutense University of Madrid. She is a full professor in the Department of Animal Health at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Her research area has focused on animal tuberculosis and she is the director of the European Reference Laboratory for Bovine Tuberculosis. She has actively participated in European and national projects, publishing more than 100 research articles in indexed journals. She currently holds 4 sexenios of research, 1 sexenio of transfer and 3 quinquenios. In addition, she has obtained the triennial excellent evaluation in the academic years 2017-2020. She has been head of the Mycobacteria Service and Director of the Veterinary Health Surveillance Centre (VISAVET).
1. The Vice-Rectorate for Research and Transfer shall be responsible for matters relating to research and the promotion of relations between the University and society in order to better fulfil the objectives set out in Title XI of the Statutes of the Complutense University of Madrid.
2. Within the functional scope identified in the previous section, the Vice-Rectorate for Research and Transfer shall draw up proposals for strategic lines of action and shall monitor the implementation of the research and transfer policy.
3. The Vice-Rector's Office for Research and Transfer shall carry out the following activities and shall exercise, by delegation, the specific competences detailed below:
a) The presidency of the Research Commission of the Governing Council, under the terms of the provisions of the UCM Statutes.
b) The proposal of UCM's own annual or multi-annual research plans, including matters relating to their financing.
c) The management of its own programmes of grants, travel grants and other personal aid for the training of researchers, stays and travel of teaching staff and grant holders in other centres.
d) Monitoring the research and transfer activities of the research institutes and centres.
e) The exercise of the powers regarding the authorisation of contracts contained in Article 60 of Organic Law 2/2023, of 22 March, on the University System, and in the University Statutes.
f) The authorisation and application for registration of patents, prototypes and other forms of industrial property.
g) The authorisation and application for registration of original literary, artistic or scientific works in the Intellectual Property Register or similar body.
h) Signing, on behalf of the Complutense University, the deeds of incorporation of University Knowledge Transfer Companies in whose share capital the University has a stake, in accordance with current regulations, as well as the deeds of capital increase and other corporate acts that require the signature or presence of the University's representative; as well as intervening in other acts related to University Knowledge Transfer Companies, such as attending general meetings or boards of directors, among others.
i) The acquisition, alienation, encumbrance or defence of intellectual or industrial property rights.
j) The adoption of decisions on infrastructure, endowments or research in relation to the Office for the Transfer of Research Results and any other research support initiative.
k) The signing of research contracts with the European Union within the successive European Union framework programmes and other acts necessary for their achievement.
l) The signing of confidentiality agreements and material transfer agreements.
m) The signing of research agreements, as well as the submission of bids and the signing of contracts with other Public Administrations, whatever their scope, in which the University is awarded the contract, in accordance with the legislation on public sector contracts.
n) Relations with the Madrid Science Park Foundation.
o) The development of the policy of relations with companies and other public and private institutions that favour the visibility and transfer of the University's research work, without detriment to the competences delegated to other Vice-Rectors' Departments.
p) The supervision of the policy developed by the General Foundation of the Complutense University of Madrid in matters of research management and transfer.
q) The direction of library policy and the improvement of library services.
r) The resolution of administrative appeals, in matters within its competence.
s) The resolution that puts an end to the procedures of patrimonial responsibility in the matters within its competence.
t) The decision ending ex officio review proceedings in matters within its competence.
u) Any other powers attributed to the Rector that are delegated within the functional scope of this Vice-Rectorate.