General Secretary

Secretaria General
- Secretaría General
- Raquel Aguilera Izquierdo
- Avenida de Séneca, 2 . 3ª planta . 28040 - Madrid
Raquel Aguilera Izquierdo is Professor of Labour and Social Security Law with four six-year research periods. She holds a PhD in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid, outstanding cum laude by unanimous decision. Extraordinary Doctorate Award. Lawyer at the Constitutional Court from 2011 to 2022. Corresponding member of the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation, Labour and Social Security Law Section. Secretary of the Spanish Journal of Labour Law. Member of numerous competitive research projects and Teaching Innovation projects. Member of the Research Group "Future of Labour Law" of the UCM. Author of numerous publications in the form of monographs, scientific articles and book chapters. Her lines of research include the reconciliation of work and family life, social protection, the impact of new technologies in the field of employment, vocational training for employment and collective bargaining.
In addition to the powers attributed to it by the Statutes, the General Secretary's Office shall draw up proposals for the strategic lines of action of the functional area in which it operates and shall exercise, by delegation, the following powers:
a) The representation of the University in any acts, legal business and contracts before any administration or public or private entity or before any natural person, without prejudice to the provisions for specific representation recognised in this same Decree.
b) The request for legal opinions from natural or legal persons.
c) The instruction of administrative procedures that are not expressly attributed to other University bodies and, among them, especially those of ex officio review, declaration of detriment and claims for patrimonial responsibility.
d) The chair of the Regulations Committee of the Governing Council.
e) The management of the University Historical Archive.
f) Management of the personal data protection policy.
g) Management of the transparency policy, compliance with the obligation of active publicity, maintenance of the Transparency Portal and guarantee of the right of access to public information at UCM. To this end, it will have the collaboration and cooperation of the rest of the Board of Directors, as well as of the Deans and heads of the Centres.
h) The promotion and coordination of the rules and procedures regarding digitalisation at the Complutense University of Madrid, in coordination with the Vice-Rectorate for Technology and Sustainability.
i) Representation of the University before the courts in all types of proceedings, as well as the exercise of the appropriate actions in this area.
j) Coordination of electoral processes in which the electoral administration corresponds to the Central Electoral Board of the Complutense University of Madrid.
k) Any other powers delegated to it from time to time by the Rector in matters he/she deems appropriate.