Vice-Rector for Quality

Vicerrector de Calidad
- Vicerrectorado de Calidad
- Miguel Ángel Sastre Castillo
- Edificio de Estudiantes. Avda. Complutense, s/n. Ciudad Universitaria. 28040 Madrid
- 91 394 7257
Miguel Ángel Sastre, Vice-rector of Quality
Professor of Business Organisation. He took a degree and a doctor's degree in Economics and Business Studies at the Complutense University of Madrid. He has carried out specialisation studies at the University of California-Berkeley, the Real Colegio Complutense at Harvard University and attended the Executive Development Programme at INSEAD-EUROFORUM.
He has been Director of the Teaching and Institutional Assessment Division of the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA), where he has been Chairman of the Undergraduate and Master's Degree Accreditation and Doctoral Accreditation Commissions, Chairman of the Commission for the Issuing of Verification Reports, President of the Technical Commission of the International Quality Seals SIC, Member of the Joint Commissions of the International Quality Seals SIC EUR-ACE, ENAEE, EUROINF, EQANIE and Eurolabels, ECTN and Member of the Institutional Accreditation Commission.
He has also held the following positions in the field of quality in Higher Education: Coordinator of the project for the Evaluation of Education Programmes in the Dominican Republic, carried out by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology MESCYT, OEI and ANECA, Member of the Joint Commission of the CEA-APQ Seal of Quality in Academic Publishing, promoted by the Union of Spanish University Publishers (UNE) and endorsed by ANECA and FECYT, and Member of the working groups of the General Secretariat of Universities on Evaluation of On-Line Teaching and on Reform of the evaluation model and RD 1393/2007.
He is currently a member of the Academic Committee of the Ibero-American Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education RIACES and Director in Spain of the journal ACREDITAS on Quality in Higher Education in Latin America.
At the Complutense University of Madrid he has held the following management positions: Vice-Rector for Economic Policy, Dean of the Faculty of Commerce and Tourism, Director of the University School of Business Studies, Deputy Director of Educational Innovation of the University School of Business Studies and Director and Academic Secretary of the Department of Business Organisation.
Also at the Complutense University, he has been Director of the Journal Cuadernos de Estudios Empresariales, and is Director of the Human Resources Management research group and Director of the UCM-COFARES Extraordinary Chair on Health Promotion in Business and Social Responsibility.
He has been a visiting professor at the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México ITAM, has participated in 7 competitive research projects, in 6 ERASMUS+ projects, and is the author of more than 40 academic articles in journals such as Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, International Journal of Emerging Markets, Employee Relations, Sustainability, Nonprofit Management & Leadership o Journal of Business Research.
1. The Office of the Vice-Rector for Quality Assurance shall be responsible for all matters relating to the internal and external processes for assessing the quality of teaching, research and management.
2. Within the functional scope described in the previous section, the Vice-Rector's Office for Quality shall draw up proposals for strategic lines that define, in particular, the quality model to be implemented at the University.
3. The Vice-Rector's Office for Quality shall carry out the following activities and shall exercise, by delegation, the specific competences detailed below:
a) The Presidency of the committees linked to the area of quality.
b) The supervision of the accreditation processes for teaching, qualifications, centres, and research and management activities.
c) The management of university policy in matters of educational innovation and assessment of the quality of teaching, research and management.
d) The management and resolution of the call for Teaching Innovation and Quality Management Projects.
e) The design, coordination and monitoring of the degree quality assessment processes and the institutional accreditation of UCM centres, carried out by the Madri+d Knowledge Foundation, the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation and the European Union accreditation agencies.
f) The design of positioning strategies in rankings, as well as obtaining and supplying the data required by them.
g) The design of indicators and survey processes relating to the University's area of quality, and their implementation.
h) Carrying out and disseminating studies related to the University's area of quality.
i) The resolution of administrative appeals, in matters within its competence.
j) The resolution that puts an end to the procedures of patrimonial responsibility in the matters within its competence.
k) The decision to terminate ex officio review proceedings in matters within its competence.
l) Any other powers attributed to the Rector that are delegated within the functional scope of this Vice-Rectorate.