Madrid Healthcare System

Healthcare centres are manned by the Primary Healthcare Team, which mainly consists of family and paediatric doctor/s, nursing staff and administrative staff. There may also be other support staff, such as social workers, midwives and physiotherapists.
You should visit your closest healthcare centre for any health-related problem or query. As a general rule, they are open Monday to Friday from 08:00 until 21:00.
Specialist healthcare centres (Centro de Especialidades) are places where you can arrange appointments with specialist physicians, including gynaecologists, trauma surgeons, cardiologists, ophthalmologists, etc. Your specialist healthcare centre will depend on where you live. Please visit your local healthcare centre (Centro de Salud) for further information.

European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)
European residents who are covered by a social security scheme in their country of residence are entitled to a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). The card simplifies the procedure when receiving unforeseen medical assistance during their visit to a member state. It should be carried when travelling within the European Economic Area, (i.e. the European Union, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) and Switzerland. Each person travelling should have their own card.
The EHIC entitles the holder to the same treatment at the same cost as a national of that country. For example, if medical care is provided free of charge in the member state where treatment is required, the claimant will be entitled to free medical care on presentation of the card or an equivalent document.
Presentation of the EHIC guarantees reimbursement of the medical costs on the spot, or soon after returning home.

Billateral Agreements
There are specific bilateral agreements with the following countries: Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Brasil, Canadá, Chile, Colombia, República Dominicana, Ecuador, Estados Unidos, Filipinas, Marruecos, México, Paraguay, Perú, Rusia, Túnez, Ucrania, Uruguay and Venezuela). For further information visit the following website.
School Insurance Benefits
This insurance cover Spanish and foreign students residing in Spain under the same conditions as Spanish students under the age of 28, from the 3rd year of compulsory education (ESO) to the third cycle at university for school-related injury, illness or family misfortune, providing them with medical and pharmaceutical services and economic compensation as needed.