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Complutense Museums and Collections

The Complutense University of Madrid has a rich cultural heritage. Over the course of its long history, significant historical, artistic and scientific collections have been assembled and distributed among its Museums at various Complutense Faculties and Centres.

The university’s artistic, historical, paleontological, archaeological, ethnographic, scientific and technical inventory is considered the cultural heritage of the Complutense and enjoys the protection of the UCM Museums Regulation.

The Cultural Heritage Management Unit reports to the Vice-Rector for Extra-Curricular Activities and is responsible for the following : managing and preserving the Complutense cultural heritage property,  fostering the  development of inventories and catalogs and subsequent research activities, restoration and facilities improvements, advising on museological issues, organizing exhibitions, and promoting cultural activities related to Complutense cultural heritage.

The diverse museums and collections that comprise the cultural heritage of the Complutense University have been created throughout its history as a result of teaching and research. These include the important artistic legacy gathered by the university since its founding by Cisneros in 1499, such as scientific and technical instruments and a wide-ranging collection of ethnographic materials.