Estudios Ingleses. (Plan a extinguir)
Undergraduate Programme. Academic Year 2024/2025.
Curso Académico 2024-25
Datos Generales
- Plan de estudios: 0835 - GRADO EN ESTUDIOS INGLESES (2009-10)
- Carácter: Obligatoria
- ECTS: 6.0
CG 2 - Conocimiento de las disciplinas del campo de la lengua inglesa.
CG 2 - Knowledge of the disciplines in the field of English Studies.
CG 7- Capacidad de orientar interdisciplinarmente las competencias ya mencionadas, con el objeto de que resulten extrapolables a una variedad de ámbitos profesionales en los que éstas son cada vez más valoradas (véase la relación de las profesiones para las que capacita el título).
CG 7- Ability to guide the aforementioned skills (CG6) in interdisciplinary contexts, transferring them to a variety of professional domains in which they are increasingly valued (cf, list of Degree professional openings and career opportunities)
CG 10 - Desarrollo de una actitud reflexiva y crítica sobre la lengua inglesa, su cultura y sus literaturas.
CG 10 - Development of a reflexive and critical attitude towards the English language, its cultures, and its literatures.
CE 12- The student will have general knowledge of the different fields of applied English linguistics, and be sufficiently skilled in those areas.
Clases teóricas
Theoretical classes:
21-24 hours
Clases prácticas
Practical classes
21-24 hours
Otras actividades
Exams and specific tests: 3-6 hours
Actividades no presenciales: 100-102 horas (entre 66,7% y 68 % = entre 4 y 4,08 ECTS), dedicadas a las siguientes tareas:
Preparación de ejercicios, trabajos y / o exposiciones orales
Lectura de la bibliografía obligatoria
Preparación de exámenes
Consulta de dudas sobre los temas teóricos y las tareas prácticas
Self-study and online activities: 100-102 hours (between 66,7% and 68 % = between 4 and 4.08 ECTS), devoted to the following tasks:
Preparation of exercises, research papers and /or oral presentations
Work on the required reading articles
Preparation of exams
Consultation of doubts on both theoretical issues and practical tasks
6 ECTS - 150 hours
No presenciales
Breve descriptor:
This course offers an introduction to the field of Applied Linguistics. The theories and approaches covered in the programme range from the more traditional areas of Applied Linguistics, such as language acquisition /learning of first and second/foreign languages, to other areas that were later incorporated into the field. In this regard, it provides students with an overview of the main approaches to discourse analysis and the practical applications of corpus linguistics to language and pedagogy research.
There are no specific requirements.
Throughout this course, students will become familiar with the primary lines of research in the field of Applied Linguistics. By the end of the course students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the different Applied Linguistics areas regarding both their main theoretical aspects and practical applications. As well as showing ability to perform relatively well in these areas, students will be expected to critically evaluate the relevance of the theories and research methods studied in the course.
Se estudiarán diversas ramas de la lingüística aplicada a la lengua inglesa. Se incluirá referencia a la contribución de dichas áreas a la enseñanza del inglés, una de las salidas más asociadas con este grado, ya sea general o especializado.
In this course, several subfields of Applied Linguistics will be studied. Reference will be made to their contribution to the area of English Language Teaching, one of the most popular professional degree options, either in general terms or in connection with more specialised training.
Given the balance between theoretical and practical competences in some courses belonging to this core subject, the evaluation will be based on theoretical and practical tests (between 60%-70% of the final grade) as well as class attendance and participation in tutorial meetings, and completion of practical tasks; in the latter case, attention will be paid to issues of accuracy and effectiveness; further, whenever applicable, the evaluation will also consider oral presentations and a final paper (all these components would represent between 30%-40% of the final grade).
Brown, H.D. 2000. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, 4th edition. Prentice Hall.
Cook, G. 2003. Applied Linguistics. OUP.
Cook, V. 1996. Second Language Learning and Language Teaching. 2nd ed. Arnold.
Davies, A. 1999. An Introduction to Applied Linguistics. From Practice to Theory. Edinburgh UP.
Davies, A. and C. Elder. 2006. The Handbook of Applied Linguistics. Malden, et al.: Blackwell.
Doughty, C. and J. Williams, eds. 1998. Focus on Form in Classroom Second Language Acquisition. CUP
Ellis, R. 1997. SLA Research and Language Teaching. OUP
Gass, S. and Selinker, L. 2001. Second Language Acquisition: An Introductory Course. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Larsen-Freeman, D. and M. Long. 1991. An Introduction to Second Language Acquisition Research. Longman.
Granger, S. 1998. Learner English on Computer. Longman.
Littlewood, W. 1986. Foreign and Second Language Learning: Language Acquisition Research and its Implications for the classroom. CUP.
Mitchell, R. and F. Myles. 1998. Second Language Learning Theories. Arnold.
McCarthy, M. 2001. Issues in Applied Linguistics. CUP.
O¿ Grady, W. 2005. How Children Learn Language. CUP.
O¿Grady, W., M. Dobrovolsky and F. Katamba eds. 1998. Contemporary Linguistic Analysis: An introduction. Longman.
Schmitt, N. ed. 2002. An Introduction to Applied Linguistics. Arnold.
Tribble, C. and G. Jones. 1997. Concordances in the Classroom. Athelstan.
Wallace, M. 1991. Training Foreign Language Teachers: CUP.
White, L. 2000. Second Language Acquisition: From Initial to Final State. In J. Archibald (ed.) Second Language Acquisition and Linguistic Theory. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
Recursos electrónicos:
Centro de Lingüística Aplicada:
Asociación Americana de Lingüística Aplicada:
Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada:
Módulos | Materias |
Clases teóricas y/o prácticas | ||||
Grupo | Periodos | Horarios | Aula | Profesor |
Grupo A | 27/01/2025 - 09/05/2025 | MARTES 10:30 - 12:30 | A-405 | EMMA DAFOUZ MILNE |
MIÉRCOLES 10:30 - 12:30 | A-405 | EMMA DAFOUZ MILNE | ||
Grupo B | 27/01/2025 - 09/05/2025 | MARTES 08:30 - 10:30 | A-12 | MARIA DAVINIA SANCHEZ GARCIA |
Grupo C | 27/01/2025 - 09/05/2025 | MARTES 08:30 - 10:30 | A-47 | LARA MORATON GUTIERREZ |
MIÉRCOLES 08:30 - 10:30 | A-47 | LARA MORATON GUTIERREZ | ||
Grupo T1 | 27/01/2025 - 09/05/2025 | JUEVES 19:00 - 21:00 | A-210 | IGNACIO CALLE RUBIO |
VIERNES 19:00 - 21:00 | A-210 | IGNACIO CALLE RUBIO | ||
Grupo T2 | 27/01/2025 - 09/05/2025 | JUEVES 19:00 - 21:00 | A-200 | LARA MORATON GUTIERREZ |
VIERNES 19:00 - 21:00 | A-200 | LARA MORATON GUTIERREZ |