• Español

Bachelor of European Studies (BAES). Grado conjunto otorgado por UCM, KUL, UNIBO y JU (Alianza Una Europa)

Undergraduate Programme. Academic Year 2024/2025.


Curso Académico 2024-25

Datos Generales



The main general developed competences are the following:
GC1. Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
GC2. Organizational and planning skills
GC6. Problem solving and decision making skills GC7.
GC7. Interdisciplinary teamwork
GC9. Critical reasoning, ethical commitment and vocation for public service.
GC10. Adaptation to new situations, creativity and leadership
LO1 understand the different disciplinary approaches to European Studies, including the way in which the different disciplines interact and enrich each other, so that they can grasp the richness of disciplinary perspectives on Europe and reflect on the added-value of multidisciplinary knowledge to understand Europe.

LO2 have multidisciplinary knowledge on the fundamental aspects and values of the European Union and European integration as well as of European states and societies, which allows students to grasp the multi-dimensional issues, interests and ideas that are necessary to understand Europe as a political, economic, cultural and societal process in past and present times.

LO3 be able to reflect on the role of Europe in the world, not the least by being equipped to grasp the complex multi-dimensional historical and contemporary relations between Europe and other countries, societies and regions and/or continents.

LO7 have acquired analytical skills to conduct research under supervision, as well as present and report, clearly and comprehensively, both orally and in written form knowledge concerning questions of European Studies so that overall, students are able to formulate research questions, understand academic literature, collect and analyse data, critically reflect on research findings and weave this into the scientific-academic presentation of their own research results.

LO8 have insight in European Studies as a multi-disciplinary field of scholarship and education, so that students are aware:
o of the importance of the academic knowledge development of various disciplines that feed into the understanding and explanation of Europe;
o of utilizing the knowledge provided by these various disciplines, including their diverse conceptual, theoretical and methodological perspectives, in their own academic careers and/or professional work environments.


Clases teóricas
All weeks are divided into lectures and group work. Lectures provide a theoretical approach to the understanding of European political systems. Through a comparative politics approach, they aim at providing the students with the necessary understanding of the ways political systems and their internal dynamics work in Europe.
Clases prácticas
Group works are carried out once a week. They provide specific case studies and focus on the application and relation of the theoretical grounds studied. Work is carried out in groups and uploaded to the Campus Virtual. All exercises are discussed in class and complemented with theoretical notions by the teacher. Its content is mandatory and will be subject to be asked in the final exam.
Otras actividades
Students are expected to attend every session regularly and participate in class debates. Absences require a formal justification.
More than five unexcused absences will result in the loss of access to the group work and individual essay assessment.
Active participation is encouraged during the course. For group work sessions, students are required to do the mandatory readings to participate in critical discussions and activities.





Breve descriptor:

European Political Systems is an elective course of the Major in European Politics and Foreing Policy of the EU. The aim of this course is to understand the functioning of political systems in Europe. It contributes to the understanding of the behavior of political actors and the dynamics of political processes, with special emphasis on the relationships between institutions, democratic values, and human rights.

European Political Systems is a 6 ECTS course. It will be developed across 14 weeks (27 sessions). Every week will dedicate a session to lectures and a second session to work group. While lectures provide the theoretical knowledge and are presented by the professor, work group sessions focus on the understanding of case studies and specific exercises carried out by the students and discussed in class under the supervision of the professor.


There are no specific requirements. The course on "European Political Systems" is a 2nd year course and it draws from the content learnt in the first years.


1.     Understand the structure and functioning of political systems and political institutions.

2.     Understand the behavior of political actors and the dynamics of political processes, with special emphasis on citizen behavior, values democracy and human rights.


The course is divided into 6 blocks:

Block 1: The study of political systems in Europe

Block 2: Parliamentary Systems in Europe

Block 3: Semi-presidentialism in Europe

Block 4: Territorial organization, federalism, and regionalism in Europe

Block 5: Party and electoral systems in Europe

Block 6. Illiberalism and democracy flaws


The assessment will be carried out according to the following criteria:
a) Attendance and active participation in face-to-face activities during the group work sessions: 15%.
b) Submission of 1 individual evaluable essay: 15%.
c) Evaluation of a group presentation: 20%.
d) Final evaluation exam: 50%.


The main content of the course will be given in class. Additional readings will be presented to complement the group work activities. In addition, two books are recommended:
Bale, Tim (2017). European Politics. A comparative introduction. Red Globe Press
Magone, José M. (2015). Routledge Handbook of European Politics. Nueva York: Routledge
Complementary readings:
Andersen, Esping (1990). The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism. Princeton University Press
Katz, R. y P. Mair (1994). How Parties Organize: Change and Adaptation in Party Organizations in Western Democracies. Londres: Sage.
Levitsky, Steven and Ziblatt, Daniel (2018). How Democracies Die?. Penguin Random House
Lijphart, Arend (2012). Patterns of Democracy. Yale University Press. Available at: http://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt32bg23
Loughlin, J., Kincaid, J. and Swenden, W. (eds) (2013) Routledge handbook of regionalism and federalism. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group (Routledge handbooks). [In library online]
Morlino, Leonardo (2004). “What is a ‘good’ democracy?”, Democratization, 11:5, 10-32, DOI: 10.1080/13510340412331304589
Mudde, Cas (2019). The Far Right Today. Cambridge: Polity Press
Sartori, Giovanni (2005). Party and party systems. ECPR Press
Sánchez Medero, Gema (2021) Sistemas Políticos en Europa. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch


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Clases teóricas y/o prácticas