Vice-Rector for Economic

Vicerrectora de Economía
- Vicerrectorado de Economía
- María Begoña García Greciano
- Rectorado de la Universidad Complutense. Avda. de Séneca, 2, 2ª Planta. 28040 - MADRID
- 91 394 3554
Vice Rector for Economic
Begoña García Greciano holds a degree and PhD in Economics and Business Administration (specialising in Economic Analysis and Quantitative Economics) from the Complutense University of Madrid. She is a full professor in the Department of Economic Analysis and Quantitative Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration.
Her research areas are macroeconomics, economic growth, regional economics, labour market and education. He has participated in the Quantitative Economics and Regional Economics research programmes of the FIES Foundation (now FUNCAS).
His teaching activity has been in the field of macroeconomics. He has participated in 20 educational innovation projects, of which he has been responsible for 9 projects. He has obtained the Excellent evaluation in the DOCENTIA programme in the period 2015-2018.
She has held various management positions: secretary and director of the Department of Fundamentals of Economic Analysis I and dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Studies at the Complutense University of Madrid (2011-2019). She has been a member of the board of directors of the Spanish Economics Olympiad (2017-2021). Elected member of the Faculty Board, University Senate and Governing Council. He has directed the degree of Expert in Financial Analysis.
She has led the development and implementation of joint degrees and programmes of the One Europe Alliance in the framework of the European University Alliances funded by the European Commission and has been the chair of the Academic Committee of the joint Bachelor of European Studies degree.
1. The Vice Rectorate for Economics shall be responsible for matters relating to the planning, coordination and management of the economic policies and maintenance of the infrastructures of the Complutense University of Madrid.
2. Within the functional scope described in the previous section, this Vice-Rector's Office shall prepare the proposals for strategic lines.
3. The Vice-Rectorate for Economics shall carry out the following activities and shall exercise, by delegation, the specific competencies detailed below:
(a) The presidency of the Economic Commission of the Governing Council.
b) The search for sources of financing for the University, which shall include, among other activities, the organization of the necessary structures for the raising of external funds from patronage.
c) The supervision of the economic area and the elaboration of proposals for the economic improvement of the University, in coordination with the Management.
d) The study, evaluation and monitoring of the financing and investment agreements to be signed with the Community of Madrid.
e) The direction of the design of the accounting system of the University in coordination with the Management.
f) The control and approval of expenditures, the authorization of the corresponding commitment and settlement and the ordering of payments, in concurrence with the Management.
g) The proposal to the Governing Council of the guidelines to be followed in the preparation of the preliminary draft budget in concurrence with the Management.
h) The approval of the budgetary modifications in those matters that are the responsibility of the Rector.
i) The monitoring of the processing and execution of major works in coordination with the Management.
j) The management of the residences for faculty and other members of the University community.
k) The economic management of the social action policy, in coordination with the Management.
l) The definition of the economic management model of the University Clinics and the Veterinary Hospital, in coordination with the Vice-Rectorate for Centers and Departments and with the Management.
m) The resolution of administrative appeals, in matters within its competence.
n) The resolution that puts an end to the procedures of patrimonial responsibility in the matters within its competence.
o) The resolution that puts an end to the ex officio review procedures in the matters within its competence.
p) Any other powers attributed to the Rector that are delegated within the functional scope of this Vice-Rectorate, unless they correspond to the Management.