• Español

Innovation Projects

Fabiola Espinosa García

I graduated from the National University of Distance Education in 2017. Subsequently, I completed a Master's Degree in Clinical, Legal and Forensic Psychology and in General Health Psychology at the Complutense University of Madrid. It was at the UCM where my interest in research emerged and I am currently developing my PhD project in the Department of Personality, Assessment and Psychological Treatments in conjunction with the Department of Educational Sciences at the University of Alcalá.
My work is focused on the analysis of the cognitive and emotional processes involved in bullying and the use of new technologies as early detection tools. The aim of my work is the reduction of peer violence and school victimization processes, through the understanding of the psychological mechanisms involved in the appearance and development of affective symptomatology within a context of peer violence.

You can contact me at: fabespin@ucm.es