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M.Vallet-Regí, first Spanish female scientist according to Stanford University and Elsevier

February 2021

19 feb 2021 - 10:23 CET

University of Stanford and Elsevier Publishers have compiled a world classification of the most relevant world scientists, based on six critical parameters from the SCOPUS database. The obtained listing includes 161,441 world scientists classified in 22 science fields and 176 sub-fields. All listed researchers belong to the top 2% of their respective fields.

The most up to date listing published is from 2019, where María Vallet-Regí is in 1,744th place out of 161,441, hence being considered the first Spanish female scientist. Moreover, taking into account the institutions where Prof. Vallet-Regí works, she is first among Complutense University professors, regardless of gender. She also holds the first position among members of the Spanish Royal Academy of Pharmacy and among researchers at IIS Hospital 12 de Octubre. She is also one of the first three scientists working for CIBER-BBN and members of the Spanish Royal Academy of Engineering.

M. Vallet-Regí, first Spanish scientist, according to PLOS Biology (Tribuna Complutense. UCM News).

- M. Vallet is considered the most relevant Spanish scientist in the world. (RAI News).

- Dr. María Vallet Regí, first Spanish scientist according to PLOS Biology (i+12 News).

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