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- Jesús Sanz
- Jesus Sanz (English)
Jesus Sanz (English)
Prof. Jesús Sanz Fernández
Full Professor of Personality Psychology
Department of Personality, Assessment and Clinical Psychology
Faculty of Psychology, Complutense University of Madrid
PhD in Psychology
(Complutense University of Madrid, 1993; Doctoral Dissertation: Cognitive processes in anxiety and depression −in Spanish−)
UCM Scientific Production Portal
Work address
Office: Office 1224.O, Wing Building I ("José Luis Pinillos" Building), Faculty of Psychology
Phone: +34 91 394 3040
Fax: +34 91 394 3189
Postal Address: Departamento de Personalidad, Evaluación y Psicología Clínica, Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Campus de Somosaguas, 28223 Madrid, Spain
E-mail: jsanz@psi.ucm.es
Teaching during the 2024-2025 academic year
- Personality Psychology (3rd year of the Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology): groups A and D (theory and practice)
- Master's Thesis (End-of-Master Project) (2nd year of the Master's Degree in General Health Psychology)
- Tutorial hours:
- 1º four-month period: Monday (12:00-14:00 hours) and Wednesday (14:00-16:00 hours)
- 2º four-month period: Monday and Wednesday (12:00-14:00 hours)
Research areas
- Psychopathological consequences of terrorist attacks and their treatment: Prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder, depressive disorders and anxiety disorders in victims of terrorism, their treatment by cognitive-behavioral therapy programs, and role of cognitive factors in the vulnerability to those disorders.
- Factorial models and structure of personality: Theoretical developments and assessment of the five-factor model or Big Five model in the study of personality structure.
- Psychopathy and personality: To identify the defining or core personality traits of psychopathy, to analyze the relationship of psychopathy to the Big Five model, to examine the prevalence of psychopathy in the general population, and to analyze the relationship of psychopathy to different factors such as, for example, gender or type of profession.
Recent publications (last 5 years)
- Sanz-García, A., García-Vera, M. P., y Sanz, J. (2024). Normative data, reliability, and validity of the NEO PI-R personality disorder scales. Behavioral Psychology-Psicología Conductual, 32(1), 41-63. https://doi.org/10.51668/bp.8324102n. Texto completo
- Sanz-García, A., García-Vera, M. P., y Sanz, J. (2024). Datos normativos, fiabilidad y validez de las escalas de trastornos de la personalidad del NEO PI-R [Normative data, reliability, and validity of the NEO PI-R personality disorder scales]. Behavioral Psychology-Psicología Conductual, 32(1), 41-63. https://doi.org/10.51668/bp.8324102s. Texto completo
- Marqueses, J. M. S., Fausor, R., Sanz-García, A., García-Vera, M. P., & Sanz, J. (2024). Validity evidence for the Self-Absorption Scale (SAS) in Spanish population, Psicothema, 36(1), 64-71. https://doi.org/10.7334/psicothema2022.524 Full text
- Sanz, J., Hernández-Martínez, T., Castillo-Burgos, P., Sanz-García, A., & García-Vera, M. P. (2023). Prevalence of increased alcohol use and alcohol use disorders in adult victims of terrorist attacks: a systematic and meta-analytic review, The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. https://doi.org/10.1080/00952990.2023.2275526 Full text
- Jiménez-Prensa, A., Sanz, J., García de Marina, A., Soriano, A., Marqueses, J. M. S., & García-Vera, M. P. (2023). ¿Existe el duelo complicado traumático? Diferencias sintomatológicas entre el duelo complicado tras una muerte traumática y una no traumática [Is there such a thing as complicated traumatic grief? Symptomatological differences between complicated grief after traumatic and non-traumatic death]. Psicooncología, 20(2), 373-389. https://dx.doi.org/10.5209/psic.91522 Full text
- Sanz-García, A., García-Vera, M. P., & Sanz, J. (2023). Is it time to replace the Big Five personality model? Factorial structure of the NEO PI-R in a community sample of Spanish adults. The Journal of General Psychology, https://doi.org/10.1080/00221309.2023.2261136 Full text
- Altungy, P., Liébana, S., Sánchez-Marqueses, J. M., Sanz-García, A., García-Vera, M. P., & Sanz, J. (2023). Psychometric Properties of the Anxiety Sensitivity Index-3 (ASI-3) in Spanish Population. Psicothema, 35(3), 300-309. https://doi.org/10.7334/psicothema2022.237. Full text
- Marqueses, J. M. S., Sanz, J., García-Vera, M. P., Morán, N., & Eisma, M. C. (2023). Posttraumatic stress disorder, anxiety, and depression symptoms after potentially traumatic events. Latent classes and cognitive correlates. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 211(2), 141-149. http://doi.org/10.1097/NMD.0000000000001580. Full text
- Fausor, R., García-Vera, M. P., Morán, N., Cobos, B., Navarro, R., Sánchez-Marqueses, J. M., Gesteira, C., Liébana, S., & Sanz, J. (2023). Depressive dysfunctional attitudes and post-traumatic stress in victims of terrorist attacks, Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 32(3), 430-448. https://doi.org/10.1080/10926771.2022.2112341. Full text
Other publications
- Gesteira, C., García-Vera, M. P., & Sanz, J. (2018). Porque el tiempo no lo cura todo: eficacia de la terapia cognitivo-conductual centrada en el trauma para el estrés postraumático a muy largo plazo en víctimas de terrorismo [Because time does not heal all wounds: Efficacy of trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy for very long-term posttraumatic stress in victims of terrorism]. Clínica y Salud, 29, 9-13. Full text
- Escudero, S., Navarro, R., Reguera, B., Gesteira, C., Morán, N., García-Vera, M. P., & Sanz, J. (2018). Tratamiento psicológico por videoconferencia de una víctima de terrorismo con trastorno por estrés postraumático y otros trastornos emocionales comórbidos 30 años después del atentado [Videoconference-delivered psychological treatment for a victim of terrorism with posttraumatic stress disorder and other comorbid emotional disorders 30 years after the terrorist attack]. Clínica y Salud, 29, 21-26. Full text
- Sanz, J., & García-Vera, M. P. (2017). Misconceptions about depression and its treatment (I). Papeles del Psicólogo. Full text
- Sanz, J., & García-Vera, M. P. (2017). Misconceptions about depression and its treatment (II). Papeles del Psicólogo. Full text
- García-Vera, M. P., & Sanz, J. (2017). Psychopathological consequences of terrorism: the prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder in victims of terrorist attacks. En J. A. del Real Alcalá (Ed.), Current and future devolepments in Law, vol. 1. Human rights issues and vulnerable groups (pp. 346-362). Sharjah, UAE: Bentham Science Publishers. Abstract
- García-Vera, M. P., Sanz, J., Navarro, R., Reguera, B., & Altungy, P. (2017). La atención psicológica a las víctimas de atentados terroristas [Psychological care for victims of terrorist attacks]. In F. Vacas Fernández (Dir.), Cuadernos Cultura de Paz, nº 4. Desarrollo, derechos humanos y víctimas: triángulo virtuoso para la paz (pp. 41-50). Madrid: Instituto de Estudios Internacionales y Europeos Francisco de Vitoria. Full text