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The purpose of this project is to constitute an innovative mythocritical method which would allow a satisfactory study of myths in contemporary culture, characterized by features that haven’t been systematically considered by the critic up until now. Among the factors of high social impact that affect the generation and modification of myths, the project focuses on three major factors: globalization, immanence and consumerism.


Contemporary culture has experienced two fundamental changes in relation to myths:

1) It has considerably modified the reception and diffusion of ancient, medieval and modern myths.

2) It has promoted the creation of a new mythology relatively different that coexists with the former.

As a consequence of these changes, the methodology of traditional myth criticism has become ineffective and insufficient. Consequently, what is needed is a new methodology in myth criticism that, without excluding the achievements of traditional myth criticism, would give an account of myth at the present time and explain society through myth.






This myth criticism involves, among others, the following requirements:

1) It has to be interdisciplinary, combining the contributions of literary theory, history of literature, fine arts and new methods of diffusion of the communication era.

2) It has to approach the object of the study from its interrelation with other human and social sciences, in particular sociology, anthropology and economy.


The project team includes:

1) Researchers experienced in former projects of myth criticism, who will use the methodologies developed up until now for the study of myth in different arts.

2) Specialists in communication, anthropology, sociology and economy, who will bring the knowledge relating to their science to the study of myths.


The expected result is the creation, non-existent in the present international scene, of a new methodology that will allow us to understand the complexity of the myth and its manifestations in contemporary time.