Páginas personales

Teaching Subjects



  • Marked Languages / Lenguajes de Marcado
  • Automated Representation of Library, Archives and Documentary Services / Representación Automatizada de Bibliotecas, Archivos y Servicios Documentales (online y presencial)
  • Organization and Knowledge Representations / Organización y Representación del Conocimiento

Curricular internships

  • She is a tutor for external curricular internships at Documentation Science. (At the present)
  • She has been tutor for external curricular internships at CCEE (2019-2022).

TFG, TFM and Thesis Supervisor

She is also happy to provide training for students about information management, knowledge organization systems, information retrieval and information technologies. Please, get in touch with me and we can design and supervise your academic work.

Proyect in development:

  • 2024-2025. Educational quality in evaluation and certification of Spanish teaching
  • 2023-2024. Website on job offers, access to calls for entrepreneurship and work placements related to the area of library and information science

Colaborate with me.

Previous Projects:

Colaborate with me.