Páginas personales


  • At present, she is Associate Professor in Library and Information Science Department at Complutense University of Madrid.
  • At present, she is Deputy Director of Centro Complutense para la Enseñanza del Español (CCEE) -  Complutense Center for the Teaching of Spanish 
  • At present, she is Director of master’s degree in the training of sino-speaking of Spanish as a foreign language  (Complutense University of Madrid)
  • 2024 she was director of course "

    Inmersión Digital: Estrategias Tecnológicas para la Enseñanza de ELE" about Spanish Language and tecnological strategies in Escorial Summer Courses 37th edition.

  • 2020 she was Secretary of Centro Complutense para la Enseñanza del Español (CCEE) -  Complutense Center for the Teaching of Spanish 
  • 2019 she was master coordinator of program in Management of Information, Library and Archives [face-to-face course and online learning]
  • 2015 she was Assistant Profesor in Library and Information Science Department at Complutense University of Madrid.
  • 2015 she was director and professor in a eLearning Technology master degree in Bureau Veritas Formación, center attached to the Camilo José Cela University.
  • 2013- 2015 she worked as computacional linguistic research in relation to SEO and marketing online (SEM) in Jot Internet Media.
  • 2003-2013 she worked as Assistant Professor and Visiting Professor in Computer Science Department at Carlos III University. She taught in several level such as bachelor's degree, master degree and doctoral course.
  • 2007 she obtained her PhD in Libray and Information Science from the Carlos III University about knowledge organization systems and natural language processing.
  • 2001-2003 she obtained a fellowship in Library and Information Science Department in Carlos III University funded by Ministry of Science and Technology (Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología).
  • 2000 she studied Pedagogical Adaptation Course (Postgraduate course) in Complutense University of Madrid.
  • 2000 she obtained a Romance Philology Degree by Complutense University of Madrid.