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Noticias - Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Call for Papers –The Role of Cities Matters: How Local Policies Face Internal Borders, Session RC46 Migration and Citizenship – IPSA-AISP 2020 World Congress, Lisbon, Portugal.

23 sep 2019 - 23:17 CET


Nowadays, under the late neoliberal paradigm, chauvinist populisms are characterized by anti-minority positions and isolationist ideologies. In this context, how states regulate access to citizenship and welfare is deeply influenced by scarcity and racist assumptions, causing the emergence of what are called ‘hostile environments’, namely, a condition of fear and uncertainty that increasingly permeates different aspects of migrants’ daily lives. Facing this scenario, progressive policy alternatives emerge at local and city levels, seeking to protect and diminish the impact of everyday internal bordering practices. These political processes can change our understanding of democracy, who does politics and the scale of politics. In this vein, the constitution of Sanctuary, Fearless, and Welcome cities has to do precisely with the defence of people’s rights on the grounds of policies that promote proximity, inclusiveness, and social equity. This panel is open to contributions exploring how far cities and local governance serve to protect and expand the rights of migrants and refugees. Some of the questions motivating the discussion are as follows: What powers cities have in migration policy? What possibilities local administrations have to guarantee migrants’ access to welfare and social services? Is it possible to ensure social and political rights regardless of migration status? What options cities have to broaden citizenship beyond the constrictions of national immigration law? What does the non-enforcement of national immigration law imply? How local policies can make flexible and achieve changes in the way state bordering practices are enforced? Concluding, this panel aims to discuss the possibilities and limits cities have in governing the cracks of national immigration control systems.

To read the call and submit paper proposals, please visit:


To submit paper proposals, please visit:



Keina Espiñeira, Postdoctoral Fellow, ESOMI - University of A Corunna (Spain) Belén Fernández Suárez, Senior Lecturer in Sociology, ESOMI-University of A Corunna (Spain)

Each author will be responsible for uploading his or her proposal through the IPSA website before THURSDAY OCTOBER 10, 2020(no more 350 words).


For questions, do not hesitate to contact us at keina.espineira@udc.es / belen.fernandez.suarez@udc.es


Call for Papers –The Role of Cities Matters: How Local Policies Face Internal Borders, Session RC46 Migration and Citizenship – IPSA-AISP 2020 World Congress, Lisbon, Portugal. - 1

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