Research Projects



- Film series I: "Doctor/ Patient Relations in Transatlantic Films: A Conversation on Medical Humanities: My Life without Me (2003) and All about My Mother (1999)" Real Colegio Complutense at Harvard, 4-5 April 2024

- Film series I: "Doctor/ Patient Relations in Transatlantic Films: A Conversation on Medical Humanities: Still Alice (2014)” Facultad de Filología, Complutense University of Madrid, 11 April 2024.


  • Cortés Vieco, Francisco José. “A New ‘Stockholm Syndrome: Physical Impairment and Hospital Confinement as Post-Holocaust Sequelae in Ilona Karmel’s Stephania.” The European Journal of Life Writing, 2024 (In press).
  • Cortés Vieco, Francisco José. “The Anatomist of Love and Disease in Jeanette Winterson’s Written on the Body." Anglia: Journal of English Philology-De Gruyter, vol. 140, no. 3-4, 2022, pp. 481-498. DOI: 10.1515/ang-2022-0048
  • Cortés Vieco, Francisco José. “‘You’: A Girl amidst Images and Sounds of Adult Violence in Joyce Carol Oates’s Rape: A Love Story." Atlantis: Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies, vol. 43, no. 2, December 2021, pp. 149-167. ISNN: 1989-6840. DOI: 10.28914/Atlantis-2021-43.2.08 
  • Durán Giménez-Rico, Isabel. “The Violent ‘Trojan Horse’: a Comparative, Transnational Reading of Two Paralysis Narratives.” The European Journal of Life Writing, 2024 (In press).
  • Durán Giménez-Rico, Isabel. “Hemos ido a redimir al redentor’: the Old ‘Paleto’ as Mentor in Miguel Delibes’ El disputado voto del Señor Cayo”. Bulletin of Spanish Studies: Hispanic Studies and Researches on Spain, Portugal and Latin America. vol 99, n.4, 2022, pp. 1-20. DOI: 10.1080/14753820.2022.2096283
  • Durán Giménez-Rico, Isabel. "Del feminismo y sus versiones en el ámbito angloamericano." Tropelías: Revista de Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada, no. 36, 2021, pp. 69-85. DOI: 10.26754/ojs_tropelias/tropelias.2021365307
  • Gualberto Valverde, Rebeca. "Reading Illness from 'The Dead Cold Light of Tomorrow': Katherine Anne Porter's Pale Horse, Pale Rider in the Times of COVID-19." Miscelanea, vol. 66, 2022, pp. 171-190. DOI: 10.26754/ojs_misc/mj.20227360
  • Hernando Real, Noelia. “Women Bleed in Private / Miscarriage Goes Public: a Postcolonial Response to Social Silence over Miscarriage in Sarah Ruhl’s Writings.” The European Journal of Life Writing, 2024 (In press).
  • Hernando Real, Noelia. "Vulnerable pero empoderada: Sarah Ruhl y la depresión postparto". Mujeres y poéticas de la salud. Colección Literatura y Mujer. Madrid: UNED. Book chapter, forthcoming 2024.
  • Hernando Real, Noelia"Lauren Gunderson: Feminism and the Medical Humanities". Lauren Gunderson [Working title]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Book chapter for a book under contract, forthcoming 2024.
  • Hernando Real, Noelia. “Suicide Across the Waves: On the Feminist Possibilities of Dramatic Suicide in Plays by Susan Glaspell, Marsha Norman and Naomi Wallace.”  Suicide In Modern Literature Social Causes, Existential Reasons, And Prevention Strategies. Ed. Josefa Ros. Springer, 2021. 35-44. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-69392-3_3
  • Marqués López, Isabel. “Unlearning this Desire to Vanish: Rape, Illness, and the Politics of Testimony in Lucia Osborne-Crowley’s I Choose Elena and Amy Berkowitz’s Tender Points.” The European Journal of Life Writing, 2024 (In press).
  • Marqués López, Isabel. "Sexual Violence in the Dark Room: Reading Whisper Networks as Collective Narratives." Moving beyond the pandemic: English and American Studies in Spain, edited by Francisco Gallardo del Puerto, María del Carmen Camus Camus and Jesús Ángel González López, Editorial de la Universidad de Cantabria, 2022, pp. 201-206. DOI: 10.22429/Euc2022.034
  • Méndez-García, Carmen M. Culture Wars and Horror Movies: Gender Debates in post-2010's US Horror Cinema. Palgrave Macmillan, 2024. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-53278-8.
  • Parra Fernández, Laura de la"Post-Postfeminist Witnessing: Sexual Violence and 9/11 in Claire Vaye Watkins’s “Rondine Al Nido”" Anglia, vol. 141, no. 4, 2023, pp. 639-652. DOI: 10.1515/ang-2023-0037. DOI: 10.1515/ang-2023-0037
  • Parra Fernández, Laura de la“Representaciones de la subjetividad nómade en Memorias de abajo de Leonora Carrington.” Autoescrituras de mujer. Reconstrucción inclusiva de la historia literaria en primera persona, editado por María Isabel García Pérez y Juan Manuel Martín Martín, Peter Lang, 2023, pp. 39–50. DOI: 10.3726/b20449. DOI: 10.3726/b20449 
  • Parra Fernández, Laura de la. “Loneliness, Grief and the (Un)Caring State: Collective Ailments in Claudia Rankine’s Don’t Let Me Be Lonely: An American Lyric.” JamIt! Journal of American Studies in Italy, vol. 7, 2022, pp. 14–36. DOI: 10.13135/2612-5641/6801 
  • Parra Fernández, Laura de la. “‘The body’s unruly event of illness’: (Re)Orienting the Cancer Memoir in Anne Boyer’s The Undying.” Prose Studies: History, Theory, Criticism, vol. 42, no. 1, 2021, pp. 34–52. DOI: 10.1080/01440357.2021.1995292
  • Parra Fernández, Laura de la. “Mapping the Self: Leonora Carrington’s Journey Through the Mad Mind in Down Below (1944).” Atlantis: Journal of the Spanish Association for Anglo-American Studies, vol. 43, no. 2, 2021, pp. 110-129. ISSN: 0210-6124. DOI: 10.28914/Atlantis-2021-43.2.06 
  • Rodríguez Arnaiz, Laura. "'One Nightmare Replaces Another': Trauma and Mourning in the Age of Terror through Paul Auster's 'Travels in the Scriptorium' and 'Man in the Dark'." Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos, vol. 27, 2023, pp. 19-40. DOI: 10.12795/REN.2023.i27.2
  • Rodríguez Arnaiz, Laura. "Dosis de tinta y color: Migración, salud y Medicina Gráfica antes y después de la Pandemia de la Covid-19". CuCo, Cuadernos de cómic, vol. 19, 2022, pp. 41-72. DOI: 10.37536/cuco.2022.19.2031
  • Yagüe González, David. "Transatlantic Views on Trans Identities in Media: A Transhistorical Approach." The European Journal of Life Writing, 2024 (In press).


  • International Conference Susan Glaspell: Past and Present (December 7th-8th 2023, University of Toulouse-Jean Jaures, France). 
    Noelia Hernando-Real: "Susan Glaspell and the Medical Humanities"
  • IABA Europe Conference 2023  "Life-Writing in Times of Crisis" (July 5th-8th 2023, University of Warsaw). 
    PANEL "Bodily and emotional crisis: a reflection on illness and disability narratives" 
    Francisco José Cortés Vieco "Post-Holocaust Sequelae: Physical Disability and Hospital Confinement in Ilona Karmel’s Stephania"
    Franziska Gygax (University of Basel) "Life Writing Palliative Praxis and Autotheory"
    Isabel Duran Gimenez-Rico "Beyond a Time of Crisis: A Comparative Reading of Two Paralysis Narratives"
  • V International Conference in Transatlantic Studies "Topographies of Medicine" (April 28th-29th 2023, Real Colegio Complutense at Harvard University),
    KEYNOTE LECTURE:  Carmen M. Méndez-García "Haunted, Lonely, Privileged: Spaces in COVID fiction"
    PANEL 1 "Gender and Pathography from a Transnational Perspective" 
    Laura de la Parra Fernández “Writing in Precarious Times: Economies of Care and Writing in Kate Zambreno’s To Write As If Already Dead” 
    David Yagüe Gonzalez “Transatlantic Views on Trans Identities in Media" 
    Isabel Durán Giménez-Rico “Ovarian Cancer as Seen Through Literature and Film”
  • 16th International Conference of the Spanish Association of American Studies (SAAS) "A Return to (What Never Was) Normal: Discourses of (Ab)normalcy in US Culture, Literature, Arts and Politics, Past, Present and Future" (March 28th-30th 2023, Universidad de Granada).
    PANEL 10 S1 "Illness, Recovery, and the American (Im)Possibility of Normative Bodies/Minds": Isabel Marqués López “Through the pain and against the cure: Writing the chronically ill, abused body in contemporary feminist memoirs”.
    PANEL 10 S2 "Illness, Recovery, and the American (Im)Possibility of Normative Bodies/Minds" [Chair: Isabel Marqués López]. 
    PANEL 10 S3 "Illness, Recovery, and the American (Im)Possibility of Normative Bodies/Minds" [Chair: Laura Rodríguez Arnaiz]. Laura Rodríguez Arnaiz "'At One Time There Had Been a Normal.' Illness and the Return to Normalcy in the Post-9/11 Context"
  • XI Coloquio Internacional Mujer y Poéticas de la Salud (March 16th 2023, UNED). 
    Noelia Hernando-Real presented “Vulnerable pero re-empoderada: Sarah Ruhl y la depresión postparto”
  • School of Creative Arts Research Forum (SCARF) (Feb. 27th 2023,Trinity College Dublin, Ireland).
    KEYNOTE LECTURE: Noelia Hernando Real
    "Rebuilding the Ill Body on the Stage: Lauren Gunderson's I and You and the Medical Humanities"
  • SANAS Biennial Conference 2022. “Who Tells Your Story?” (November 18-19 2022, Fribourg, Switzerland).
  • American Studies Association (ASA) Annual Meeting 2022 "The Room Is on Fire" (November 3rd-6th, New Orleans, Louisiana).
    TALKSHOP "International Committee Talkshop: International Perspectives on Teaching Health Humanities" [Chair: Isabel Durán].
    Participants: Isabel Durán, Carmen M. Méndez García, David Yagüe González, Ron Schleifer
  • "Ciencia y Caridad" Conference (Oct. 7th 2022, Duke Kunshan University Humanities Research Center, Barcelona).
    KEYNOTE LECTURE: Isabel Durán: “Medical Conditions Revisited: Reading and 'Viewing' Susanna Kaysen and Philip Roth with Gendered, Spanish Eyes” 
  • 6th International Conference on American Drama and Theater "'Game Over!': U.S. Drama and Theater and the End(s) of an American Idea(l)" (May 31st-June 3rd 2022, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid). 
    PANEL “Facing the Final Game Changers: American Drama and the Ill Body” [Chair: Noelia Hernando-Real]. 
    Isabel Durán Giménez-Rico: “Towards the End of a Life: An Intermedia  Study of Ovarian Cancer (Memoir, Drama, Film)” 
    Claudia Alonso-Recarte: “Animal Imagery, Extinction and Disease in Tony Kushner’s Angels in America” 
    Francisco José Cortés Vieco: “Ending of the Feminized Ill Body, Beginning of the Healthy Female Body: Eve Ensler’s The Vagina Monologues
  • British Association for American Studies (BAAS) Conference 2022 (April 21st-23rd, University of Hull). 
    PANEL: “Bodies as Boundaries: Affecting Illness in Contemporary US Literature.” 
    Rebeca Gualberto Valverde, “‘The dead cold light of tomorrow’: Reading Illness and Affect in Katherine Anne Porter’s Pale Horse, Pale Rider” 
    Laura de la Parra Fernández, “Illness as Otherness: Collectivizing Depression in Claudia Rankine’s Don’t Let Me Be Lonely: An American Lyric”
  • 34th International European Association for American Studies (EAAS) Conference 2022 "Wastelands" (April 6th-8th, UNED, Madrid). 
    PANEL 1: “Human Wastelands: Representations of Illness in (American) Literature I” [Chair: Laura de la Parra Fernández]. 
    Rebeca Gualberto Valverde: “Sick Men Now: One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and the Sexual Politics of Mental Illness in the Waste Land” 
    Carmen M. Méndez García: “Brian Platzer’s The Body Politic: Illness and Trauma in Contemporary America”, 
    Isabel Marqués López: “The Body Writes Back (and Forth): Reckoning with Sexual Trauma in Siri Hustvedt’s The Blindfold” 
    PANEL 2: “Human Wastelands: Representations of Illness in (American) Literature II” [Chair: Isabel Durán Giménez-Rico]. 
    Noelia Hernando-Real: “Women Bleed in Private: Revisiting Miscarriage as Waste in Sarah Ruhl’s Poetry” 
    Laura de la Parra Fernández: “The Language of Grief: Witnessing Illness in Amy Hempel’s ‘The Cemetery Where Al Jolson Is Buried’ and Lorrie Moore’s ‘People Like That Are the Only People Here: Canonical Babbling in Peed Oink’” 
    Isabel Durán Giménez-Rico: “Multiple Bodily Wastelands: a Comparative, Transnational Reading of Two Paralysis Narratives”
  • 3rd Hellenic Association for American Studies (HELAAS) Young Scholar Symposium "Sharing Critical Testimonies of Wellness in Times of Crisis" (February 26th 2022). 
    PANEL: "Lives Worth Living”: Recoveries of Agency, Identity, and Culture.” 
    Isabel Marqués López: “Writing Rape after the #MeToo Movement: Resilience, Resistance and Community in Post-2017 Rape Memoirs”
  •  Congreso Internacional “Autoescrituras de mujer” (November 11th-12th 2021, Universidad de Salamanca).  
    Laura de la Parra Fernández: “‘I am armed with madness for a long voyage’: La escritura autobiográfica de Leonora Carrington como respuesta a la psiquiatría franquista.” 
  • 15th International Spanish Association for American Studies (SAAS) Conference “‘Fear Narratives’ and Their Role/Use in the United States” (March 24th-26th 2021, University of Deusto, Bilbao). 
    PANEL 1: “Fear of Illness, Hope in Recovery: Visions and Spaces of Malady in North American Lit and Culture” [Chair: Isabel Durán Giménez-Rico
    Laura de la Parra Fernández: “Not for the Well and the Intact: Fear, Health and Inequality in Anne Boyer’s The Undying (2019)” 
    Claudia Alonso-Recarte: “Cephalopodic Tumours in Steven Rowley’s Lily and the Octopus” 
    Noelia Hernando-Real: “‘I shall be good health to you’: Lauren Gunderson’s Whitmanesque Ode to Organ Transplantation” 
    PANEL 2: “Fear of Illness, Hope in Recovery: Visions and Spaces of Malady in North American Literature and Culture” [Chair: Isabel Durán Giménez-Rico
    Rebeca Gualberto Valverde: “Memories of a Pandemic: Revising Katherine Ann Porter’s Pale Horse, Pale Rider in the times of COVID-19”. 
    David Yagüe González: “Where The Nerd and Sick Collide. Codifying Non-Normative Masculinities”. 
    Isabel Durán Giménez-Rico: “Wit against fear: Cancer as portrayed by Audre Lorde, Susan Gubar and Margaret Edson”.

Seminars and courses

Teaching Innovation Project