Evaluation criteria
The evaluation criteria for admission to the Master's programme are as follows:
- Academic record in the entrance qualification (65%)
- Curriculum vitae (15%)
- Suitability of the candidate’s background for the Master’s objectives (5%)
Other merits (5%)
If needed, a personal interview will be held (10%)
A 5% of the places will be reserved for disabled people with ≥33% handicap and 3% for high level sportsmen and women.
The resolution of the admission process shall correspond to the Rector, or Vice Rector delegated by him/her, and shall be carried out in accordance with what results from the application of the rules, priorities and evaluation criteria established in these regulations. It will be carried out by means of a procedure in accordance with criteria of merit, equality and capacity.
In the case of students with specific educational needs derived from disability, each Center shall proceed to the study of possible curricular adaptations, itineraries or alternative studies, and shall include the appropriate support and counseling services.